[1] [page 262] Whileſt he was thus buſie about the furthe|rance of that worke, diuerſe of thoſe theeues that were acuſtomed to liue by robberies in thoſe parts, perceiuing that this caſtell which the king was about to build, ſhoulde turne vnto their de|ſtruction,Treaſon of conſpirators to haue ſlaine the king. they conſpired his death, & winning by rewards & promiſes, the help of the kings cham|berlain to the accõpliſhing of their traiterous and moſt diueliſhe practiſes, they entered one night through a priuie into his lodging, in purpoſe to haue ſlaine him as he had ſlept in his bed chãber: but he by Gods prouidence hauing knowledge of their cõming, ſtarted out of his bed, & caught a ſword which hung neare at hand, wherewith he ſlue firſt his chamberlain that had brought them in,The kings manhood. and then diſpatched a ſix of the other traitors, (which were alreadie entred his chamber) with ſingular force & manhood: the other fearing leaſt with the noyſe, his ſeruants that lodged within the houſe, ſhould haue bin raiſed, & ſo haue haſted to aſſaile thẽ on the backs, fled in all haſt poſſible.