[1] AFter the deceaſe of this Edgar, ſuccreded his brother Alexander the fierce, ſo called for his rigorous valiancie in purſuing of theeues and robbers.Alex|ander. In the beginning of his raigne, the in|habitants of Murrey lande and Roſſe, beholding him to bee moſte an ende in the Church at his prayers, and diuine ſeruice, after the maner of his parents, ſuppoſed he would proue no great quick iuſticier in puniſhing offenders, & therupon moſt preſumptuouſly they began to rob and reaue on eche ſide,Theues of Murrey land and Roſſe. not ſparing to kill and ſlea all ſuche as came in their handes without reſpect to age or ſexe, in ſomuche that the yong infants ſmyling vpon the murtherers, beeing aboute to execute their deteſtable crueltie,The crueltie of theeues. paſſed by the Sworde as well as the reſyſters: ſuche rooted malice remayned in theyr beaſtly heartes, which vp|on renuing theyr olde grudges they now accor|dingly ſhewed.