[1] Amongeſt them as one of the chiefe, Robert Duke of Normandie went,Robert duke of Normãdie. and ſhould haue bin created king of Ieruſalem, had he not at the ſame time heard howe his brother William Rufus king of England was ſlain by chaunce through glauncing of an arrow, ſhot at a Deare in ye new Foreſt, & then hoping to ſucceed him in the king|dome of England, he preferred that honor to the other, wherein he ſawe to be more trauaile than gaine.Henrie Beau|clerke king of Englande. But at his comming home he found that his yongſt brother Henrie ſurnamed Beauclerke was placed in the kingdome of England, and ſo was Duke Robert his hope fruſtrate of both the kingdomes, and that worthily (as moſte men thought,) for that he refuſed ſo neceſſarie a digni|tie, wherein he might haue ſerued the common cauſe of the chriſtian common wealth.