[1] Nowe, when Donald approched with his pu|iſſance in purpoſe to haue giuen battaile, the moſt part of his people did forſake him, and drewe vn|to Dũcanes ſide, ſo that Donald thus abãdoned of thẽ that ſhuld haue ayded him, was cõſtrained for his refuge to flee again into ye weſterne Iles: & ſo Duncan then cõming vnto Scone receyued [page 260] the crowne of Scotlande, but for that he had bin trayned the moſte part of his life in the warres both in England and France,Duncane is crowned king of Scotlande. he had ſmall ſkill in ciuill gouernment, iudging that thing onely to ſtande with iuſtice, wich was decided with ſpeare and ſhielde.Duncane lac|ked skill in ci|uil gouern|ment. By reaſon whereof Scotland was ſhortly filled with newe troubles and ſedi|cious deuiſions.