[1] [2] After that Donalde had receyued the crowne at the Abbay of Scone, he perceyued that ſome of the nobles grudged at his prefermẽt, ſhewing by ſome tokens that they had more affection vn|to king Malcolmes children, than vnto him, and therfore he caſt out a worde amongſt his famili|ers,Donald threat|neth. that ere ought long the nobles ſhoulde repent them of their doings, if they applyed not themſel|ues the more to his opinion. Which wordes be|ing marked, & deepely imprinted in ſome of their harts, turned afterwards to his great diſpleaſure.Duncan Mal|colmes baſtard ſonne. For ſhortly after came Duncan, the baſtard ſon of king Malcolme out of Englande into Scot|lande, ſupported with an armie of men appointed by king William the Red, to place him in the Kingdome, & to expulſe Donald out of the ſame by force of armes, if he attempted any reſiſtance.