[1] As ſoone as Edgar Adeling brother to Queen Margaret was aduertiſed that Donalde Bane had thus vſurped the crowne of Scotland,K. Malcolmes ſonnes ſent for into Englande by Edgar their vncle. he ſent ſecretly for his thre nephews, Edgar, Alexander, and Dauid, with two ſiſters which they had, to come vnto him into England, where he had not kept thẽ any long while, but that a knight whoſe name was Organ, or Orgar,Orgarus, or one Organ ac|cuſeth Edgar Atheling of treaſon. accuſed him of treaſon, alledging howe he nouriſhed his ſiſters ſonnes and daughters within the realme, in hope to make them inheritors to the crowne: but the malice of this falſe ſurmiſe remayned not vnpu|niſhed, for one of Edgars friends, taking in hand to Darraine battaile with Organ, in defence of Edgars innocencie, ſlue him within lyſtes.Organ is ſlain within lyſtes.