[1] Herevpon landing with an armie in the Realme, he founde ſmall reſiſtance, and ſo with little a doe receyued the crowne, for many of the people abhorring the riotous maners and ſuper|fluous gurmandice brought in amongſt them by the Engliſh men,The reſpect that the people had to receyue Donald Bane for their king. were willing inough to receiue this Donalde for their king, truſting bycauſe hee had beene brought vp in the Iles with the olde cuſtomes and maners of their auncient Nation, without taſt of the Engliſh lykerous delicacies, they ſhoulde by his ſeuere order in gouernment, recouer againe the former temperancie of theyr olde progenitors.