[1] The ſonnes of king Malcolm Cammore.Malcolme had by his wife Queene Margaret (otherwiſe called for hir holineſſe of life S. Mar|garet) vj. ſonnes, Edward (as is ſaid) was ſlain: Etheldred, which died in his tender age, and was buried in Dunfermling: and Edmond which re|nounced the world, & liued an holy life in Eng|land: the other three were named Edgar, Alex|ander and Dauid. There be that write how Ed|mond was taken, and put to death in priſon by his vncle Donalde Bane,Donald Bane. when he inuaded the kingdome, and vſurped the crowne, after the de|ceaſſe of his brother king Malcolme, and ſo then was Edgar next inheritour to the crowne.