[1] King Mal|colm through exhortation of his wife, gy|ueth himſelfe to deuotion.All ciuill trouble and commotion being thus quieted, king Malcolm (ſpecially by the good ad|moniſhment & exhortation of his wife Queene Margaret, a woman of great zeale vnto the re|ligion of that time) gaue himſelfe in maner alto|gither vnto much deuotion, and workes of mer|cie, as in doing of almes deedes, by prouiding for the poore, and ſuch like godly exerciſes, ſo that in true vertue hee was thought to excell all other Princes of his time. To be briefe herein,A godly ſtrife. there ſeemed to be in maner a certaine ſtrife betwixt [page 257] him, and that vertuous Queene his wife, which of them ſhould be moſt [...] of god, ſo that man ye people by [...] of them were brought vnto better [...] and hir daughter Chriſtine alſo [...] example of theſe two holy liuers,Agatha and Chriſtine re|nounce the worlde. [...], and got them to a priuate [...], wherein they gaue thẽſelues wholy [...].