[1] After the quieting of this buſineſſe, there ſprang a newe tumult more daungerous than the for|mer, for the Murrey lande men procuring them of Roſſe and Cathnes,A new rebel|lion in Mur|rey lande. with diuerſe other to ioine with them in confederacie, did not onely ſlea the kings ſeruants, and thoſe that were appoynted vnder him to ſee iuſtice miniſtred, but through ſupport of one Makduncane, whom they choſe to be their captaine, they alſo waſted and deſtroyed the kings poſſeſſions, with more crueltie than e|uer had beene heard of before. Wherefore to pu|niſh theſe trayterous attempts,Makduffe. Makduffe was ſent with an armie into Mar.