[1] [page 256] Agaynſt theſe rebelles was ſent by king Mal|colme,Walter the ſonne of Fleance. Walter the ſonne of Fleance (of whome there is mention made before) with a conueni|ent armie, who at his comming into Galloway, firſt gaue the people of that Countrey an ouer|throw,Makglaue. and ſlue their chiefe captaine Makglaue: Then afterwards fighting with them of the Iles, he ſubdued them in ſuch wiſe, that al things were pacified euen at commaundement. For whoſe high prowes and diligence in this peece of ſeruice ſhewed,Walter crea|ted high Ste|ward of Scot|lande. he was created by Malcolm high Steward of the realme, ſo that afterwardes both he and his poſteritie euer ſithence haue borne that ſurname, euen vnto theſe our dayes.