[1] Finally when he vnderſtood their eſtate, hee brought thẽ home with him to his palace, ſhew|ing them all the loue and friendſhip he could de|uiſes and in the end cõſidering the excellent beau|tie, wiſdome, & noble qualities of the lady Mar|garet, eldeſt ſiſter vnto the ſame Edgar,Malcolm Cam+more marieth Margaret ſi|ſter to Edgar Atheling. he re|quired of Agatha hir mother to haue hir in ma|riage, wherevnto Agatha gladly condiſcended. Shortly after with an aſſemble of all the nobles of Scotland this mariage was made & ſolemni|ſed after the Octaues of Paſch, in the yeare 1067.1067. H. B. with al ioy and triumph that might be deuiſed.