[1] Whyleſt things paſſed thus in Scotlande, great and marueylous chaunces came to paſſe within the Realme of Englande. For after the death of king Edward ſurnamed the Confeſſor,See more here of in England. Harold the ſonne of Earle Eoodwin tooke vpon him the kingdome. But William baſtard Duke of Normandie, pretending tytle to the crowne of Englande, at length inuaded the land, & [...]ea|ing Harold in fielde, made a full conqueſt of the realme, and was crowned king at London by Eldred Archbiſhop of Yorke. Here ye haue to vnderſtand, that king Edwarde in his life time had ſent for his nephew Edwarde, the ſonne of his brother Edmonde Ironſide, to come home forth of Hungarie, whither after his fathers de|ceaſſe, he and his brother Edwin had beene ſent away, as in the Hyſtorie of Englande it ap|peareth more at large.