[1] Shortly after he got knowledge, howe there were certaine Gentlemen that had conſpired to a ſlea him,conſpiracie. and therefore taking occaſion to goe a hunting where this act ſhould haue bene execu|ted, he calleth the chiefe authour of the conſpiracie apart into a certaine valley, which was cloſed on euery ſide with thick woods, and there brake the matter vnto him, in reprouing him right ſharply, for that hee had ſo trayterouſly conſpired hys death, whoſe preſeruation hee ought chieflye to haue wiſhed, conſidering the manifolde benefites he had receyued at his handes.The manly courage of K. Malcolme. And herewith lea|ping from his horſe, drew his ſword, commaun|ding the other likewiſe to draw his, that [...] ha|uing conuenient time and place thereto, they might trie the matter betwixt them, who ſhould be thought moſt worthie of life, by ope [...] force of knightly prowes.