[1] After this, the realme continued in peace cer|taine yeares,A bande of theeues. till it chaunced a great number of theeues and robbers aſſembling themſelues togi|ther at Cocbourne pethes, did much hurt by rob|bing and ſpoyling the people in the countreys of Mers:Patrike Dun|bar vanqui|ſheth the thee|ues and rob|bers of the countrey. and Louthian howbeit at length one Pa|tryke Dunbar of Dunbar, by commaundement of the king fought with them, ſlue their captaine, with ſix hundred of his companie, and tooke four|ſcore priſoners, the which he cauſed to be hanged. And thus hauing deliuered the countrey of thoſe pyllers, with loſſe of fortie of his owne men, hee returned to the king, with the head of the captain of that route,Patrike Dun|bar Earle of March. ſo that for his manhood herein ſhe|wed, he was made by the king Earle of March, and for the maintenaunce of his eſtate, had the landes of Cocbourne pethes, giuen to him and his heyres for euer, vpon this condition, that in tymes comming, the Earles of March ſhoulde purge Mers and Lonthian of all theeues and robbers. In memorie whereof,The heade of a theefe or fel|lon giuen in armes. hee was com|maunded to beare in his armes a fellons heade ſprinckled with bloud.