[1] Iohannes Maior wryteth in his Chronicle,Iohannes Maior. that the thirde priuiledge which Malcolme graunted vnto this Makduffe and his poſteritie, was this, that for euery Gentleman that any of thẽ ſhould hap to kill by chaunce medley, and not vpon pre|tenſed malice, for the ſumme of .xxiiij. markes, he [page 253] ſhould redeeme his puniſhment due for the ſame: & for the caſuall ſlaughter of a meaner perſon, he ſhould be fined at .xij. Markes, ſo that murthe|rers were wont to ſay, that if they were able to pay that ſumme vnto the Kynboc, then ought to be releaſed of further punitian by Makduffes pri|uiledge. But this third priuiledge, togither with the other two former grauntes, the ſayde Maior ſore reproueth, and not without cauſe, as maye appeare, conſidering the naturall inclination of that people vnto murther, which by this meanes nouriſhing ſecrete hatred and malice in theyr heartes, might vnder the clokẽ of caſuall falling out, ſlea whom they luſted.