[1] Then ſayde Malcolme againe, I am fur|thermore inclined to diſſimulation, telling of lea|ſings and all other kinds of deceyt, ſo that I na|turally reioyce in nothing ſo muche as to betray and deceyue ſuche,Diſsimulation and deliting in lyes. as put any truſt or confi|dence in my wordes. Then ſith there is nothing that more becommeth a prince than conſtancie, veritie, truth, and iuſtice, with the other laudable felowſhip of thoſe faire and noble vertues which are comprehended onely in ſoothfaſtneſſe, & that lying vtterly ouerthroweth ye ſame, you ſee how vnable I am to gouerne any prouince or region: and therfore ſith you haue remedies to cloke and hide al the reſt of my other vices, I pray you find ſhift to cloke this vice amongſt the reſidue.