[1] Malcolme Cammore his anſwere.I am truly right ſorie for the miſerie chaun|ced to my Countrey of Scotlande, but though I haue neuer ſo great affection to relieue ye ſame, yet by reaſon of certaine incurable vyces, whiche raigne in me, I am nothing meete thereto: Firſt ſuche immoderate luſt and voluptuous ſenſua|litie (the abhominable fountaine of all vyces) fo|loweth me, that if I were made king of Scots, I ſhoulde ſeeke to deflower your Maydes and matrones in ſuch wiſe, that mine intemperancie ſhoulde bee more importable vnto you, than the bloudie tyrannie of Makbeth now is.