[1] Malcolme hearing Makduffes words which he vttred in right lamentable ſort, for pure com|paſſion and very ruth that pearced his ſorowfull hart,Malcolme figheth. bewayling the miſerable ſtate of his coũtry, he fetched a deepe ſigh, which Makduffe percey|uing, began to fall moſt earneſtly in hande wyth him, to enterpriſe the deliuering of the Scottiſhe people out of the hands of ſo cruell and bloudie a tyraunt, as Makbeth by too many plaine experi|ments did ſhew himſelfe to be, which was an ea|ſie matter for him to bring to paſſe, conſidering not only the good tytle he had, but alſo the earneſt deſire of the people to haue ſome occaſion mini|ſtred, wherby they might be reuenged of thoſe no|table iniuries, which they dayly ſuſteyned by the outragious crueltie of Makbeths miſgouernãce.