[1] Iames the fourth maried Margaret daughter to king Henry the ſeuenth of England,Iames the fourth. and be|got on hyr Iames the fifth, who marying firſte the Lady Magdalene daughter to Frauncis the French king, had no iſſue by hyr for that ſhe died in the yeare next after hyr comming into Scot|land, and then ſhortely after the ſayde Iames the fifth maried the lady Mary de Lorrain, Du|ches of Longuile a widow, and by hyr had he iſ|ſue Marie queene of Scotland, that tooke to huſ|bande Henry Steward lord Dernly, by whom ſhe had iſſue Charles Iames, nowe king of Scotland. But to returne vnto Makbeth, in cõ|tinuyng the hiſtory, and to beginne where I left, ye ſhal vnderſtãd, that after the cõtriued ſlaugh|ter of Bãquho, nothing proſpered with the fore|ſayde Makbeth: for in maner euery man began to doubt his owne life, and durſt vnneth appeare in the kings preſence, & euen as there were ma|ny that ſtoode in feare of him,Makbethes dread. ſo likewiſe ſtoode he in feare of many, in ſuch ſorte that he began to make thoſe away by one ſurmiſed cauillation or other,His crueltie cauſed through feare. whom he thought moſt able to worke him any diſpleaſure.