[1] Duke Murdo himſelfe with his twoo firſte ſonnes were ſlayne at Stryueling by king Iames the firſt, and the third brother Iames in reuenge therof brent Dunbertane, and was after chaſed into Ireland, where he deceaſſed without iſſue.King Robert the thirde. Robert the .iij. of that name maried An|nabill Drommound, daughter to ſir Iohn Drõ|mound of Stobhall knight,Dauid and Iames, ſonnes [...] Ro|bert the third. & got on hyr Dauid & Iames. The firſte died in Falkeland, and the other atteyned the crowne, & was called Iames the firſte, and maried the lady Iane daughter to Iohn Beauford earle of Somerſet in England.Iohn Beauford earle of So|merſet. He had by hir .ij. ſonnes burne at one birth, Alex|ander & Iames. The firſt died yong. The ſecõd atteyned the crowne, named Iames the ſecond.