[1] This Walter ſolicited Robert duke of Al|bany, to ſlea Dauid Steward duke of Rothſay. [page 248] And after that Iames the firſte was returned home foorth of England,Iames the firſt. he did what he could to moue him to ſlea likewiſe all the lynage of the ſame Duke, ſtill beyng in hope after the diſpatch of his kinſmen to come to the crowne himſelfe, whiche hope moued him to procure his Nephew Robert Steward,Grayme or Graham. & Robert Grahã his daugh|ters ſon to ſlea king Iames the firſt alſo, for the which crime the ſame Walter was after conui|cted and deſtroyed with all his ſonnes.