[1] Not long after by ſuch meanes atteyning to the degree of high reputation,Walter ſent with an army to dau [...]at re|belles. he was ſent with a great power of men into the Weſterne Iſles, in|to Galloway, and other partes of the realme, to deliuer the ſame of the tirannie and iniurious op|preſſion there exerciſed by diuers miſgouerned perſons: which enterpryſe according to his com|miſſion, he atchieued with ſuch prudent policie & manhoode, that immediatly vpon his returne to the court,Walter made Lorde Steward of Scotland. he was made lord Steward of Scot|land, with aſſignemẽt to receyue the kings rents & dueties out of all the partes of the realme.