[1] Fleaunce therfore (as before is ſayd) fled into Wales, where ſhortly after by his curteous and amiable behauiour, he grew into ſuch fauour and eſtimation with the prince of that countrey, that he might vnneath haue wiſſhed any greater: at length alſo he came into ſuch familiar acquain|tance with the ſayd princes daughter,Fleaunce de|floureth the prince of Wales his daughter. that ſhe of courteſie in the ende ſuffred him to get hir with childe: whiche being once vnderſtood, hyr father the prince conceyued ſuch hatefull diſpleaſure to|wardes Fleaunce,Fleaunce is ſlayne. that he finally ſlewe him, and helde his daughter in moſte vile eſtate of ſerui|tude, for that ſhe had conſented to be on this wiſe defloured by a ſtraunger.