[1] It chaunced yet, by the benefite of the darke night, that though the father were ſlaine,Banquho is ſlayne, but his ſonne eſcapeth the ſon yet by the helpe of almightie God reſeruing him to better fortune, eſcaped that daunger, & after|wardes hauing ſome inckling by the admoni|tion of ſome frendes which he had in the courte, howe his life was ſought no leſſe then his fa|thers, who was ſlayne not by chaunce medley (as by the hãdling of the mater Makbeth would haue had it to appeare,Fleaunce Ban|quhoes ſonne fleeth into Wales.) but euen vpon a prepen|ſed deuiſe, wherevpon to auoyde further perill he fledde into Wales.