[1] The woordes alſo of the three weird ſiſters, wold not out of his mind, which as they promi|ſed him the kingdome, ſo lykewiſe did they pro|miſe it at the ſame time, vnto the poſteritie of Banquho. He willed therefore the ſame Ban|quho with his ſonne named Fleaunce,Makbethes de|uiſe to ſlea Banquho and his ſonne. to come to a ſupper that he had prepared for them, which was in deede, as he had deuiſed, preſent death at the handes of certaine murtherers, whome he hy|red to execute that deede, appoynting them to meete with the ſame Banquho and his ſonne without the palayce as they returned to theyr lodgings, and there to ſlea thẽ, ſo that he woulde not haue his houſe ſlaundered, but that in time to come he might cleare himſelfe, if any thing were layde to his charge vpon any ſuſpition that might ariſe.