Snippet: 15 of 15 (1577, Volume 2, p. 22) 1.15. The number of Biſhoppes in Scot|land. Chap. 15.
The number of Biſhoppes in Scot|land. Chap. 15.
[1] - THe Archbiſhoprijc of S. Andrewes.
- Glaſque.
- Dunfalden.
- Dunblanen.
- Aberden.
- Breche [...].
- Mora [...]y.
- Ros.
- Whitherne.
- Cathnes.
- Argadie.
- Orkeney.
- Ymor one of the Iles whiche are exempt and pertayne vnto the
There are three Vniuerſities.
[1] - SAint Andrewes.
- Aberden.
- Glaſquo.
[1] - CA [...]nes.
- Sotherland.
- Roſſe.
- Morauy.
- Buchquhan.
- Garuiach.
- Garmoran.
- Mar.
- Mernis.
- Angus.
- Gowri.
- Fiffe.
- Marche.
- Athole.
- Stratherne.
- Menteth.
- Leuenor.
- Wigton.
- Duglaſſe.
- Carryke.
- Crawford.
- Annandale.
- Durmonth.
- Huntley.
[1] - BErw [...]ic, alias North Berwi [...].
- Roxborow.
- Selkyrk.
- Twedale.
- Dunfriſe.
- Niddiſdale.
- Wigton.
- A [...]e.
- Lanarke.
- Dumbritten.
- Ste [...]uelin.
- Lowthian.
- Clakmanan.
- Kymos.
- Fiffe.
- Perth.
- Angus.
- Marnis.
- Aberden.
- Bamph.
- Fores.
- Inuernes.
FINIS. [page 297]