Snippet: 1 of 1 (1577, Volume 2, p. 284) [page 284] THE DESCRIPTION OF Scotlande, written at the firſt by Hector Boethus in
Latin, and afterwarde tranſlated into the Scottish ſpeech by Iohn Bellendon
Archdeacon of Murrey, and now finally into Engliſh, for the benefite of ſuch as
are ſtudious in the Hi|ſtories, by W.H.
The Contents of the Chapters conteyned in this Booke.
[1] - 1 OF the boundes of Albion, with the ſundrie commodities thereof, and of
the great infirmities that fall vnto the people there for their
intemperancie: and finally of the religion vſed there in olde tyme.
- 2 The deſcription of the Eaſt, VVeſt, and middle borders of Scotlande,
with the moſt notable townes and floudes thereof.
- 3 The deſcription of Galloway, Kile, Carricke, and Cunningham, with the
notable townes, lakes, and riuers in the ſame.
- 4 The ſituation of Renfrew, Cliddeſdale, Lennox Lowmund, Argile,
Louchquaber, Lorne, and Kentire, with all the notable things conteyned in
the ſame.
- 5 Of Ros, Stranauerne, and Murray lande, with ſuch Lakes and Riuers as
are to be touched there.
- 6 Of Boene, Anze, Buquhane, Mar, Mernes, Fiffe, and Angus, with the
Lakes, Flouddes, Abbeyes, Townes, and other notable commodities there to be
ſeene and founde.
- 7 Of Louthian, Striuelin, Menteith, Calidon wood, Bowgewall, Gareoth,
with the notable Cities, Caſtels and Flouds thereof.
- 8 Of the greate plentie of Hares, Hartes, and other wilde beaſtes in
Scotland, alſo of the ſtraunge nature of ſundrie Scottiſh dogges, and of the
nature of Salmon.
- 9 Of the ſundrie kindes of Muskels and Cockles in Scotlande, and Perles
gotten in the ſame. Of vncouth and ſtrange fiſhe there to be ſeene, and of
the nature of the herbe Citiſus commonly cal|led Hadder.
- 10 Of the Iles of Scotlande, and ſuch notable things as are to be found
in them.
- 11 Of the nature of their Claike Geeſe, and diuerſe maner of their
procreation, and of the Iſle of Thule.
- 12 The deſcription of Orkenay, and Shetlande, with ſundrie other ſmall
Iſles, and of the maners and conditions of the people dwelling in the
- 13 Of the maners of the Scottes in theſe dayes, and their compariſon,
with the behauiour of the olde, and ſuch as liued long ſince within this
- 14 The deſcription of an auncient Pict, and ſuch as dwelled beyond the
wall of Hadrian.
- 15 Of Biſhoprikes, Vniuerſities, and Counties in Scotland.