[figure appears here on page 268]
[1] Ed|ward. H. Hunt.IMmediately vpon ye death of Hardiknought and before his corps was committed to bu|ryall, his halfe brother Edwarde, ſonne of kyng Egelred beogotten of Queene Emme, was cho|ſen to be king of Englande, by the generall con|ſent of all the nobles and cõmons of the realme.Polidore. Therevppon were Ambaſſadours ſente with all ſpeede into Normandie, to ſignifie vnto him his election, and to bring him from thence into En|glande, in delyueryng pledges for more aſſu|raunce, that no fraude nor deceipte was ment of the Engliſhmen. But that vpon his comming thyther, he ſhoulde receyue the Crowne without all contradiction. [...] Edwarde then ayded by hys couſin William Duke of Normandie, tooke the ſea, and with a ſmall companye of Normans came into Englande, where hee was receyued with greate ioye as king of the realme,H. Hunt. VVil. Mal. The .3. of Ap [...]. and im|mediatly after was crowned at Wincheſter by Edſinus then archbiſhop of Canterbury, on Ea|ſterday in the yeare of our Lorde .1043. whiche fell alſo about the fourth yeare of the Emperor Henrye the thirde, ſurnamed Niger, in the .xij. yeare of Henry the firſte of that name Kyng of Fraunce, and about the third yeare of Ma [...]beth king of Scotland.
[1] This Edwarde the third of that name before the conqueſt, was of nature more meeke & ſim|ple than apte to the gouernement of the realme, and therfore did Erle Goodwyn not only ſeeke the deſtruction of his elder brother Alfred, but al|ſo holpe in that he mighte to aduaunce this Ed|warde to the crowne, in hope to beare great rule in the realme vnder him, whome hee knewe to be ſofte, gentle and eaſy to be perſuaded.
[1] But whatſoeuer writers do report hereof, ſure it is that Edwarde was the elder brother, and not Alvred, ſo that if erle Goodwyn did ſhew his furtherance by his pretenced cloake of offring his frendſhip vnto Alvred to betraye him, he did it by king Harolds cõmandement, and yet it may be that he ment to haue vſurped the crowne to him ſelf, if eche poynt had aunſwered his expectation in the ſequele of things as he hoped they would, and therfore had not paſſed if bothe the brethren had bin in heauen. But yet when the worlds framed contrary (peraduenture) to his purpoſe, he didde his teſt ſo aduaunce Edward, truſting to beare no ſmall rule vnder him, being knowne to be a man more appliable to be gouerned by o|ther than to truſt to his owne wit, and ſo chief|ly by the aſſiſtance of Erle Goodwyn: whoſe au|thoritie (as appeareth) was not ſmall within the Realme of Englande in thoſe dayes, Edwarde came to attayne the Crowne: wherevnto the erle of Cheſter Leofryke alſo ſhewed all the furthe|rance that in him lay.
[1] Some write (which ſemeth alſo to be confir|med by the Daniſh chronicles) that king Hardi|knought in his lyfe tyme had receyued this Ed|warde into his Courte, Ran. Higd ex Mariano. Albert. Cranes and reteyned him ſtill in the ſame in moſte honourable wyſe.
[1] But for that it maye appeare in the abſtracte of the Daniſhe Chronicles, what their writers hadde of this matter recorded, we doe here paſſe ouer, referring thoſe that be deſyrous to knowe the diuerſitie of oure wryters and theyrs, vnto the ſame Chronicles, where they may fynd it more at large expreſſed.
[1] Thys in no wyſe is to be lefte vnremembred, that immediatly after the death of Hardiknought [page 269] it was not only decreed and agreed vppon by the greate Lords and nobles of the Realme, Polidore. Danes expel|led. that no Dane from thencefoorth ſhoulde reigne ouer them, but alſo all menne of warre and ſouldiours of the Danes whiche lay within a|nye Citie or Caſtell in garriſon within the realme of Englande, were then expulſed and put out, or rather ſlayne (as the Daniſhe wri|ters do rehearſe.
[1] Sim. Dunel.Amongſt other that were baniſhed, the la|die Go [...]ild nece to king Swayn by his ſiſter, was one,G [...]ild nece to king Svvayne. beeing as then a widowe, and with hir two of hir ſonnes, whiche ſhe had then ly|uing, Heming and Turkyll, were alſo cauſed to auoyde.
[1] There be that write, that Alfred the brother of king Edwarde,Polidore. came not into the realme till after the death of Hardiknought, and that he didde helpe to expulſe the Danes, and that doone, was ſlaine by Erle Goodwin and other of his complices. But how this may ſtande, conſidering the circumſtãces of the tyme, with ſuche things as are written by diuers authors hereof, it may well be doubted.
[1] But whether Earle Goodwyn was guil|tie to the death of Alfred, eyther at this time, or before, certayne it is, that he ſo cleered him ſelfe of that cryme vnto King Edwarde, the brother of Alfred, that there was none ſo high|ly in fauoure with hym as Earle Goodwyn was,K. Edvvarde marieth the daughter of erle Goodvvin inſomuche that king Edwarde maryed the lady Eaditha, the daughter of erle Good|wyn, begotten of his wyfe Thira, that was ſyſter to King Hardiknought, and not of his ſeconde wyfe, as ſome haue written.
[1] [2] [3] But ſo it was, that King Edwarde neuer had to doe with hir in fleſhly wyſe.Polidor. But whe|ther he abſteined bicauſe he hadde haply vowed chaſtitie, eyther of impotencie of nature, or for a priuie hate that hee bare to hir kinne, men doubted. For it hath bene thoughte, that he e|ſteemed not Earle Goodwyn ſo greatly in his hearte,K. Edvvarde abſteyneth frõ the companie of his vviſe. as he outwardely made ſhewe to doe, but rather for feare of his puiſſaunce, diſſẽbled with him, leaſt he ſhoulde otherwiſe put hym ſelfe in danger both of loſſe of life & kingdom. Howſoeuer it was, he vſed his counſel in orde|ring of things concerning the ſtate of the cõ|mon wealth, and namely in the harde hande|lyng of his mother Quene Emme,K. Edvvarde dealeth ſtrayt|ly vvith his mother Queene Emme. agaynſte whõ diuers accuſatiõs were brought & alled|ged: as firſt for yt ſhe conſented to marrie with king Cnute, the publike enimie of the realme. Againe, that ſhe did nothing ayde or ſuccoure hir ſonnes whyle they liued in exile, and that worſe was,Queene Emme diſpoiled of hir goodes. contriued to haue made them a|way. For which cauſe ſhe was diſpoyled of al hir goodes: And bicauſe ſhe was defamed to be naughte of hir bodie with Alwyne or Adwine biſhop of Wincheſter,She is accuſed of diſſolute li|uing both ſhe and the ſaint biſhop were admitted to priſon within the ci|tie of Wincheſter, (as ſome write:) but other affirme, that ſhe was ſtraytly kepte in the Ab|bey of Warwell,Ran. Higd. tyl by way of purging hir|ſelfe, after a maruellous manner, in paſſyng barefooted ouer certaine hot ſhares or plough|yrons,She purgeth hir ſelfe by the lavv Ordalium according to the laws [...], ſhe cle|red hir ſelfe (as the world tooke it) and was re|ſtored to hir firſt aſtate and dignitie.VV. Malm. Hir ex|ceſſiue couetouſneſſe without regarde had to the poore, cauſed hir alſo to be euil reported [...]. And ageyne, for that ſhe euer ſhewed hir ſelfe to be more naturall to the iſſue whiche ſhe had by bir ſecond huſband Cnute, than to hir chil|dren which ſhe had by hir firſte huſbande kyng Egelred (as it were declaryng howe ſhe was affected toward the fathers, by the loue [...] to the children) ſhe loſte a greate peece of good will at the handes of hir ſonnes, Alfred & Ed|warde: So that nowe the ſaid Edwarde en|ioying the realme, was eaſily enduced to think euill of hir, and therevppon vſed hir the more vncourteouſſy. But hir greate liberalitie em|ployed on the churche of Wincheſter, whiche ſhe furniſhed with maruelous rich iewels and ornamentes, wan hir great commendation in the worlde, and excuſed hir partly in the ſight of many, of the infamie imputed to hir for the immoderate filling of hir coffers by all wayes and meanes ſhee coulde deuiſe. And after that ſhe had purged hir ſelf, as before is mẽcioned, hir ſonne king Edwarde had hir euer after in great honor and reuerence.Ran. Higd. And wheras Ro|bert Archbiſhop of Canterbury, had ben ſore againſt hir, he was ſore abaſhed of the matter that hee fledde into Normandye, where hee was borne.
[1] But it ſhoulde ſeeme by that whiche after ſhall be ſaid,Robert Arch|bishop of Can+terbury. that he fled not the realme for this matter, but for that he counſelled the king to baniſh Erle Goodwyn, and alſo to vſe the En|gliſhmen more ſtraitly thã reſon was he ſhuld.
[1] Ye muſt vnderſtande,Frenchmen or Normans firſte entered into Englande. that kyng Edwarde brought diuers Normãs ouer with him whi|che in tyme of his baniſhment had ſhewed him great frendſhip, wherefore he nowe ſought to recompenſe them. Amongeſt other, this Ro|bert was one, which before his comming ouer was a Monke in the abbey of Gemeticum he Normandie, & by the king was firſt aduanced to gouern ye ſea of London, & after was made archbiſhop of Cant. & bare great rule vnder ye king, ſo that he coulde not auoyde the enuie of diuers noble men, & ſpecially of erle Goodwin as after ſhal appere. About ye third yere of K. Edwards reigne,1046. Oſgod Clap was baniſhed [page 270] the Realme. And in the yeare folowyng, that is to witte, in the yeare. 1047. there fell a meruai|lous great ſnowe,A great dearth. Ran. Higd couering the grounde fro the beginning of Ianuarie vntill the .xvij. daye of Marche. And beſides this, there hapned the ſame yeare ſuche tempeſte and lyghtenings, that the corne vpon the earth was brent vp and blaſted: by reaſon whereof, there folowed a great dearthe in England, and alſo death of men and cattell.
[1] Svvayn Good|vvins ſonne banished. Edgi [...]a abbeſſe of Leoffe.About this time [...] the ſon of erle Good|win was baniſhed the land, & fled into Flanders.
[1] This Swayne kepte Edgi [...]a, the Abbeſſe of the Monaſterie of Leoffe, and forſaking his wife meante to haue marryed the foreſayde Abbeſſe. Within a certain tyme after his baniſhement, he returned into Englande, in hope to purchaſe the kings peace by his fathers meanes and other his frendes.This Bearne vvas the ſon of Vlfus a Dane, vncle to thys [...]vvane by his mother, the ſi|ſter of Kyng Svvayne. But vpon ſome malicious pretence, he ſlewe his couſin Erle Bearne, which was about to labour to the king for his pardone, and ſo then fledde againe into Flaunders, till at length Al|lered the Archbiſhop of Yorke obteyned his par|don, and founde meane to reconcile him to the kings fauour.
[1] In the meane tyme about the .vj. yere of king Edwards reigne,H. Hunt. certaine pirates of the Danes arriued in Sandwiche hauen, and entring the lande, waſted and ſpoyled all about the coaſt.
[1] H. Hunt. The Danes ſpoyle Sand|vviche.There bee that write, that the Danes had at that tyme to their leaders two Capitaynes, the one named Lother, and the other Irlyng.
[1] After they had ben at Sandwiche, and brou|ght from thence great riches of golde and ſiluer, they coaſted about vnto the ſide of Eſſex, & there ſpoyling the countrey, went backe to the ſea, and ſayling into Flanders, made ſale of their ſpoyles & booties there, and ſo returned to their coũtreys.
[1] After this, during the reigne of king Edward, there chaunced no warres, neyther forrayne nor ciuile, but that the ſame was eyther with ſmall ſlaughter luckily ended, or elſe without any no|table aduenture, chaunged into peace.
[1] Ryſe and Grif|fyn Princes of VVales.The Welchemen in deede with theyr princes Ryſe and Griffyn wroughte ſome trouble, but ſtill they were ſubdued, and in the ende both the ſayd Ryſe and Griffyn were brought vnto con|fuſion: although in the meane tyme they didde muche hurte, and namely Griffyn, who wyth ayde of ſome Iriſhmen, with whome he was a|lyed, aboute this tyme entred into the Seuerne ſea, and tooke prayes aboute the riuer of Wye: and after returned without any battaile to him offered.
[1] Aboute the ſame tyme, to witte, in the yeare 1049.
Si. Dunelm.
[1] At the ſame tyme Swayne, ſonne of Earle Goodwyn came into the realme, and traiterouſly ſlewe his couſin Bearne (as before is ſayd,) the whiche trauayled to agree him with the king.
[1] Alſo Goſipat Clappe, who had lefte his wyfe at Bruges in Flaunders,Simon D [...] comming amongeſt other of the Daniſhe pirates, whiche had robbed in the coaſtes of Kente and Eſſex, as before ye haue hearde, receyued hys wyfe, & departed back into Denmark with ſix ſhips, leauyng the reſi|due, being. xxiij. behynde him.
[1] Aboute the tenthe yeare of king Edwardes reigne,Fabian. Euſtace Erle of Bolongne,1051.
that was father vnto the valiaunt Godfreye of Bovillon and Baldwyn,
Mat. VVeſt. The earle of Flanders com|meth into En|glande. Ra. Higd. VV. Mal. God a ſiſter to K. Edvvard.
[1] Whereof when the earle was aduertiſed, hee haſted thither to reuenge the ſlaughter of his ſer|uaunt, and ſlewe both that Citizen whiche had killed his man. and. xviij. others.
[1] The Citizens herewith in a greae furie, gotte them to armour,A fray in Can|terbury be|tvvixt the erle of Boloigne and the tovvns men. and ſette vpon the earle and his meynie, of whome they ſlewe twentie perſons out of hande, and wounded a greate number of the reſidue, ſo that the erle vneth mighte eſcape with one or two of his men from the fraye, and with all ſpeede returned backe to the kyng, pre|ſenting greeuous information againſte them of Cãterbury, for their cruel vſing of hym, not on|ly in ſleayng of his ſeruauntes, but alſo in put|tyng him in daunger of his lyfe.
[1] The Kyng crediting the Earle was hyghely offended agaynſte the Citizens, and wyth all ſpeede ſendyng for Earle Goodwyn, declared vn|to hym in greeuous wyſe, the rebellyous acte of them of Canterbury, whiche were vnder his in|riſdiction.
[1] The Erle who was a man of a bold courage and quicke witte,The erle com|plaineth to the king. dydde perceyue that the mat|ter was made a greate deale woorſe at the fyrſte [page 271] in the beginnyng, than of lykelyhoode it woulde proue in the end, thought it reaſon therefore that firſte the aunſwere of the Kentiſhemen ſhoulde be hearde before any ſentence were giuen againſt them. And herevpon although the king coman|ded hym foorthwith to goe with an armie into Rent, and to puniſh them of Canterbury in moſt rigorous manner, yet he woulde not be to haſty, but refuſed to execute the Kinges commaunde|ment,Earle Good|vvin offended vvith the kyng for fauouring ſtraungers. both for that hee bare a piece of grudge in his mynde, that the kyng ſhoulde fauour ſtraun|gers ſo hyghly as he did, And agayne, bycauſe hereby he ſhuld ſeme to do pleſure to his coũtrey|men, in taking vppon hym to defende their cauſe againſte the rough accuſations of ſuche as had accuſed them. Wherfore he declared to the king that it ſhoulde bee conueniente to haue the ſup|poſed offendours fyrſte called afore hym, and if they were able to excuſe themſelues, then to bee ſuffered to departe without further vexation: and if they were found faultie, then to be put to their fine, bothe as well in ſatiſfying the King, whoſe peace they had broken, as alſo the Erle, whom they had indamaged.
[1] A councell cal|led at Glouce|ſter.Earle Goodwyn departed thus from the king, leauing him in a greate furie: howbeit hee paſſed little thereof, ſuppoſing it would not long continue. But the king called a greate aſſemble of his lordes,Syvvard Earle of Northũber|land. Leofrike Erle of Che|ſter. Raufe erle of Hereford. together at Gloceſter, that the mat|ter might be more deepely conſidered. Sywarde Erle of Northumberland, and Leofryke Erle of Cheſter, with Rafe Erle of Hereford, the kings nephew by his ſiſter Goda, and al other the noble men of the realme, only Erle Goodwyn and his ſonnes,VVil. Mal. meant not to come there, excepte they myght bring with them a great power of armed men, and ſo remained at Beverſtane, with ſuch bandes as they had leuyed vnder a colour to reſiſt the Welchemen, whome they bruted abroade to bee readie to inuade the marches aboute Here|forde.
[1] But the Welchemen preuenting that flaun|der, ſignified to the king that no ſuch matter was ment on their parties, but that Earle Goodwyn and his ſonnes with their complices, went about to moue a commotion againſt him. Herevpon a rumour was rayſed in the Courte that the kings power ſhoulde ſhortely marche forth to aſſayle Earle Goodwyn in that place where hee was lodged. Whervpon the ſame Erle prepared him|ſelfe, and ſent to his frendes, willing to ſticke to this quarrell, and if the king ſhould go about to force them, then to withſtande him, rather than to yelde and ſuffer themſelues to be troden vnder foote by ſtraungers.Earle Good|vvyn meaneth to defend hym ſelfe againſt the king. Svvayn.
[1] Goodwyn in this meane tyme had got toge|ther a greate power of his countreys
of Kente, Southerie, and other of the weaſt parts. Swayn lykewiſe had
aſſembled muche people out of his countrys of Barkeſhire,
Ran. Higd. Mat. VVest Sim. Dunel. Haroide.
[1] On the other parte the Erles that were with the king, Leofryke, Sywarde, and Raufe,Si. Dunelm. rey|ſed all the power whiche they might make, and the ſame approching to Gloceſter, the king thou|ghte him ſelfe in more ſuretie than before, in ſo|muche that where as Earle Goodwin (who lay with his armie at Langton there not farre off in Glouceſterſhire) had ſente vnto the king re|quiryng that the Earle of Bolongne with the other Frenchmen and alſo the Normans which helde the Caſtell of Douer, might bee deliuered vnto him,
[1] [2] The King althoughe at the firſte hee ſtoode in great doubt what to do, yet hearing now that an army of his friendes was commyng, made anſwere to the meſſengers, which Goodwin had ſent, that hee woulde not deliuer a man of thoſe whome Goodwin required, and herewith the ſaid meſſengers being departed the kings army entred into Glouceſter and ſuch readie good willes ap|peared in them all to fight with the aduerſaries, that if the kyng woulde haue permitted, they woulde forthwith haue gone foorth and gyuen battaile to the enimies. And thus the matter was at poynt to haue put the realme in hazarde not only of a field, but of vtter ruine that might therof haue enſued: for what on the one parte and the other, there were aſſembled the chiefeſt Lordes and moſt able perſonages of the lande. But by the wyſedome and good aduiſe of Earle Leofrike and others, the matter was pacified for a tyme, and order taken, that they ſhoulde come to a parliament or communication at London, vppon pledges giuen and receyued as well on the one parte as the other.
[1] The king with a mightie armye of the Nor|thumbers, and them of Mercia, came vnto Lon+don, and Earle Goodwyn with his ſonnes, and a greate power of the Weaſt Saxons, came into Southwarke, but perceyuing that many of his companie ſtale awaye and flipte from hym, he durſte not abyde any longer to enter talke with the Kyng, as it was couenaunted but in the nyghte nexte enſewing, fledde away with all ſpeede poſſible.
[1] Some write, VV. Mal. Svvayn eldeſt ſonne to Good+vvin banished. howe an order was preſcri|bed that Swanus the eldeſt ſonne of Good|wyn ſhoulde departe the lande as a banyſhed manne to qualifye the Kynges wrathe, and that Goodwyn and one other of his ſonnes, that is to witte, Harrolde, ſhoulde come to an other [page 272] aſſemble to bee holden at London, accompanyed with twelue ſeruauntes onely, and to reſygne all his force of Knights, Gentlemen and Soul|diours vnto the Kings guyding and gouerne|ment.
[1] But when this laſt article pleaſed nothing erle Goodwyn, and that he perceyued howe his force begann [...] to decline, ſo as hee ſhoulde not be able to matche the kinges power,Earle Good|vvin fled the realme. he fledde the realme, and ſo likewiſe did his ſonnes. He himſelfe with his ſonnes Swanus, Toſtie, and Gurth, ſayled into Flaunders: and Harrolde with his brother Leofwyn gat ſhippes at Briſtow and paſſed in|to Irelande. Githa the wyfe of Goodwyn, and Iudith the wife of Toſtie, the daughter of Bald+wyn Earle of Flaunders wente ouer alſo with their huſbands.
[1] The king hauing perfect knowledge, that erle Goodwyn had refuſed to come to the Courte in ſuche order as he had preſcribed hym, and that he was departed the realm with his ſonnes: he pro|claymed them outlawes, and gaue the landes of Harrolde vnto Algar,Goodvvin and his ſonnes pro|claymed out|lavves. the ſonne of Erle Leofrik, who guyded the ſame right worthyly, and reſi|gned them agayne withoute grudging vnto the ſame Harrold when he was returned out of exile.
[1] Alſo vnto Erle Oddo were giuen the counties of Deuonſhire and Somerſetſhire.
[1] Moreouer, about the ſame time ye king put his wife Queene Editha from him, and appoynted hir to ſtraight keeping in the Abbey of Warwel.
[1] This Editha was a noble Gentlewoman,The King [...] avvay his w [...] Queene Ed [...] well learned, and experte in all the ſciences, yet hir good name was ſtayned ſomwhat, as though ſhee had not lyued ſo continently as was to be wiſhed, both in hir huſbands lyfe tyme, and after his deceaſe. But yet at the houre of hir deathe (whyche chaunced in the dayes of Wylliam Conquerour,) ſhee cleared hir ſelfe, in takyng it vpon the charge of hir ſoule, that ſhee hadde euer lyued in perfecte chaſtitie: For kyng Edwarde (as before is mentioned) neuer touched hir in any actuall manner.
[1] By thys ſtraight dealyng with the Queene that was daughter to Earle Goodwyn, now in tyme of hir fathers exile, it hath ſeemed to ma|ny, that Kyng Edwarde forbare to deale with hir in carnall wyſe, more for hatred of hir kin, than for any other reſpecte. But to proceede.
[1] In the ſeconde yeare of Goodwyns baniſh|mente,
H. Hunt.
[1] Griffin kyng of VVales de|ſtroyeth Here|fordshire.In the meane tyme alſo Griffyn the kyng of Wales, deſtroyed a great parte of Herfordſhire agaynſte whome the power of that countreye and alſo manye Normans that laye in garri|ſon wythin the Caſtell of Hereforde, com|myng to gyue battayle, were ouerthrowne on the ſame daye, in the whyche aboute two and twentie yeares before (or as ſome Copies haue thirteene yeares) the Welchemen hadde ſlayne Edwyn, the brother of Earle Leofrike.
[1] Shortely after,Harold lan|deth the ſhire of Dorſet and Somerſet. Earle Harrolde and his bro|ther Leofwyn retourning out of Ireland, en|tred into the Seuerne ſea, landing on the coa|ſtes of Somerſette and Dorſet ſhires, where fallyng to ſpoyle, they were encountred by a power aſſembled oute of the Counties of De|uonſhire and Somerſetſhire: but Harolde putte his aduerſaries to flight, and ſlewe thirtie Gen|tlemen of honoure, or Thanes (as they cal|led them) with a great number of others.
[1] Earle Harrolde then and his bretherne, re|turning [page 273] with their pray and bootie to their ſhips, and coaſting about the poynte of Cornewalle, came and ioyned with their father and their other breethrẽ, as then ſoiourning in ye Iſle of Wight.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] King Edward to withſtand their malice, had rigged and furniſhed foorth ſixtie Ships of war, with the which he himſelfe went to the water,Sim. Du [...]el. not ſticking to lie abourde at that ſeaſon, although he had appoynted for Captaynes and admirals two Earles that were his couſins, Odo and Raufe, who had charge of the whole army. Raufe was his nephew, as ſonne to his ſiſter Goda by hir firſt huſband Gualter de Maunte. But although they were knowen to bee ſufficiente men for the orde|ring of ſuch buſineſſe, yet he thought the neceſſitie to be ſuche, as his perſon coulde not be preſently ſpared. Therefore he was diligent in foreſeeyng of things by good aduice, although age woulde not giue him leaue to execute the ſame by hys owne hand, and force of body: but as the Nauies on both partes were ready to haue ioyned, they were ſeuered by reaſon of a thicke miſt that then roſe, whereby theyr furious rage was reſtrayned for that time: and immediately therevpon, Good|win and his complices were forced by a contra|ry winde, to returne to the places from whence they came. And ſhortly after by mediation of friends, a peace was made, and Earle Goodwine reſtored home, and obteined againe bothe ye kings fauour, and al his former liuings: for he was ſuch an eloquent wiſe man, that he cleared and purged himſelfe of all ſuch crimes and accuſations, as in any ſort had bin layde againſt him. Thus haue ſome written concerning this agrement betwixt King Edward and Earle Goodwin, where other make ſomwhat larger report therof, as thus. The ſame time that the two ſonnes of Earle Good|win, Harrold and Leofwine came foorth of Ire|land and inuaded the Weſt countrey, King Ed|warde rigged foorthe fortie Shippes, the whyche throughly furniſhed with men, munition, & vit|tayles, he ſente vnto Sandwich, commaundyng the Captaynes there to awaite for the comming of Earle Goodwin, whome he vnderſtood to be in a readineſſe to returne into Englande: but not|withſtanding, there wanted no diligence in them to looke to their charge, Earle Goodwine ſecretly with a few Shippes whiche he had got togither, arriued in Kent, and ſending forth his letters and meſſengers abroade vnto the Citizens of Can|terbury, to thẽ of Suſſex, Southrey, and others, required them of ayde, who with one conſente, promiſed to liue and die with him. The Cap|taines of the nauie at Sandwich aduertiſed here|of, made towardes the place where they thoughte to haue found Erle Goodwin: but he being war|ned of their comming, eſcaped by flight, and gote him out of their daunger, wherevpon they with|drew to Sandwiche, and after returned to Lon|don. Earle Goodwin aduertiſed thereof, ſayled to the Iſle of Wighte, and wafted vp and downe thoſe Seas, til his ſonnes Harrold and Leofwine came and ioyned their nauie with his, and ceaſ|ſing from ſpoyle, only ſought to recouer vittailes to ſerue their turne. And increſing their power by ſuche ayde as they might any where procure, at length they came vnto Sandwiche, whereof K. Edward hauing knowledge, being then at Lon|don,It ſeemeth that Earle Goodwine was well friended. her ſente abroade to reyſe all the power hee mighte make, but they that were appoynted to come vnto him, lingered time, in whiche meane while, Earle Goodwin came into the Thames, & ſo vp the Riuer, arriued in Southwarke, on the day of the exaltation of the Croſſe in Septem|ber, being Monday, and there ſtaying for the ride, ſolicited the Londoners, ſo as hee obteyned of them what hee coulde deſire, and afterwardes withoute diſturbance, with the tide paſſed vp the Riuer through the South arche of the Bridge, & at ye ſame inſtant, a mighty army whiche he had by land, muſtred in the fieldes on that South ſide the ſame Riuer, and herewith his nauie made to|wardes the Northe ſide of the Riuer, as if they mont to encloſe ye kings nauie, for ye K. had alſo a nauie and an army by land: but yet ſith ther were few either on the one part or the other, that were able to do any great feate except Engliſhmẽ, they were loth to fight one againſt another, where vp|pon, the wiſer fort on both ſides ſought meanes to make an atonemente: & ſo at length by their dili|gent trauel, the matter was taken vp, and the ar|mies being diſmiſſed on both partes, Erle Good|win was reſtored to his former dignitie. There were pledges deliuered on his behalfe, that is to wit, Wimotus one of his ſonnes, and Hacun the ſon of Suanus, that was the eldeſt ſon of Good|win, Theſe two pledges were ſent vnto Williã Duke of Normandy, to bee kepte with hym for more aſſurance of Goodwines loyaltie. Some write,Ran. Higd. Mat. VVeſt. Simon Dun. VVil. Malm: that Suanos ye eldeſt ſon of Goodwin was not reconciled to ye kings fauour at this time, but whether he was or not, this is reported of him for a troth, ye after he had attẽpted ſundry rebellions againſt K. Edward, he laſtly alſo rebelled againſt his father Goodwin, & his brother Harrow, & be|came a Pyrat, diſhonoring wt ſuch manifold rob|beries as he made on the Seas, ye noble progenie whereof he was diſcended. Finally vpõ [...]emorſe of cõſciẽce (as hath bin thought) for ye murthering of his couſin (or as ſome ſay his brother) Earle Biorne, he went on pilgrimage to Ieruſalem, & died by the way in returning homeward of cold which he caught (as ſome write) in Zicia: Ran. Higd. VVil. Mal. William Duke of Nor|mandy com|meth ouer into England but o|ther affirme, that he fell into the hands of Sara|fins, that were robbers by the high wayes, and ſo was murthered of them. The foreſayd William Duke of Normandy (that after conquered thys lande (during the time of Goodwines outlary, [page 274] came ouer into this lande with a faire retinue of men,Williã Duke of Normandy commeth o|uer into Eng|land. and was ioyfully receyued of the King, and had great cheere: and after he had tarried a ſeaſon, he returned into his countrey, not without great giftes of iewels and other things, whiche the K. moſt liberally beſtowed vpon him. And as ſome write, Polidor. King Edwards promiſe to duke William the King promiſed hym at that tyme, to make hym his heire to the Realme of England, if he chaunced to die withoute iſſue.
[1] [2] [3] Shortly after, or rather ſomewhat before, died O. Emme the kings mother, and was buryed at Wincheſter. After that Earle Goodwin was re|ſtored to the Kyngs fauoure, by cauſe hee knewe that Robert the Archbiſhop of Canterbury hadde bin the chiefe procurer of the Kings euill will to|wards him, he founde meanes to weare him out of credite, and diuers other ſpecially of the Nor|mans, bearing the world in hande, that they had ſoughte to trouble the ſtate of the Realme, to ſet variance betwixte the King and the Lordes of the Engliſhe nation: whereas the Normans a|gayne alleaged, that Earle Goodwin and hys ſonnes abuſed the Kings ſoft and gentle nature, and woulde not ſticke to ieſt and mocke at hys curteous and milde proceedings. But howſoeuer the matter wẽt, the Archbiſhop Robert was glad to depart out of the Realm,The Archbi|ſhop of Can|terbury bani|ſhed. and going to Rome, made complaynte in the Court there, of the iniu|ries yt were offered him: but in returning through Normandy, he dyed in the Abbey of Gemmeti|cum, where he had bin Monke before his rõmyng into England. Dyuerſe other were compelled to forſake the Realme at the ſame time, both ſpi|ritual men and temporal, as William Biſhoppe of London,Normans ba|niſhed the Realme. and Vlf Biſhop of Lincolne. Oſ|berne ſurnamed Pentecoſt, and his companyon Hugh, were conſtreyned to ſurrender their Ca|ſtels, and by licence of Earle Leofrike withdrewe through his countrey into Scotlande, where of Kyng Mackbeth they were honorably receyued. Theſe were Normans: for as partly yee haue hearde, Kyng Edwarde broughte with him no ſmall number of that nation, when he came from thence to receyue the Crowne, and by them hee was altogither ruled to the greate offending of his own naturall ſubiects the Engliſhmẽ, name|ly Earle Goodwine and his ſonnes, who in thoſe dayes for their greate poſſeſſions and large reue|newes, were had in no ſmall reputation with the Engliſh people.
[1] [2] After that the Archbiſhop of Canterbury Ro|bert was departed the Realme, as before ye haue hearde,Stigand Arch|biſhop of Cã|terbury. Stigand was made Archbiſhop of Can|terbury, or rather thruſt him ſelfe into that dig|nitie, not being lawfully called, in like manner as he had done at Wincheſter: for where as he was firſt Biſhop of Shireborne, he left that Churche, and tooke vpon him the Biſhopricke of Winche|ſter by force, and nowe atteyning to be Archby|ſhop of Cãterbury, Ran. Higd. Fabian. Stigand infa|med of Si|mony. he kept both Wincheſter and Canterbury in his hand at one inſtant. Thys Stigand was greatly infamed for his couetous practiſing in ſale of poſſeſſions apperteyning to ye Church. He was nothing learned, but that want was a common fault amongſt the Biſhops of ye age, for it was openly ſpoken in thoſe dayes, that he was meete onely to be a Biſhop which coulde vſe the pomp of the world, voluptuous pleaſures, rich rayment, and ſet himſelfe foorthe with a iolly retinue of gentlemen and ſeruauntes on Horſe|backe,What [...] of men [...] to be Biſhops in theſe dayes. for therein ſtoode the countenance of a Bi|ſhop as the worlde then framed, and not in ſtudy how to haue the people fed with the word of lyfe, to the ſauing of their ſoules. King Edward now in the twelfth yere of his raigne,Polidor. hauing brought the ſtate of the Realme quite from troubles of warre both by Sea and land, he began to foreſee as well for the welth of his ſubiects, as for hym|ſelfe, being naturally enclined to wiſh well to all men. He therfore conſidered, how by the manifold lawes which had bin made by Britaynes, Eng|liſhmen and Danes within this lande, occaſion was miniſtred to manye, whiche meaſured all things by reſpect of their owne priuate gaine and profit, to peruert iuſtice, and to vſe wrongful dea|ling in ſteede of righte, clouding the ſame vnder ſome braunche of lawe, naughtily miſconſtrued, wherevpon to auoyde that miſchiefe, he piked out a ſumme of that huge and immeſurable maſſe and heape of lawes, ſuche as were thought moſt indifferent and neceſſary, and therewith ordeyned a fewe, and thoſe moſt wholeſome, to bee from thencefoorth vſed, according to whoſe pre|ſcript men might liue in due forme and rightfull order of a ciuill life.The lawes of Saint Edward inſtituted. Theſe lawes wer afterwards called the common lawes, and alſo Sainte Ed|warde his lawes, ſo muche eſteemed of the Eng|liſhmen, that after the Conqueſt, when the Nor|mans oftentimes wente about to abrogate the ſame, there chaunced no ſmall mutenies and re|bellions for reteyning of thoſe lawes. But heere is to bee noted, that although they were called Saint Edwardes lawes, they were for the more part made by King Edgar, but now by K. Edwarde reſtored, after they had bin abrogated for a time by the Danes.
[1] About this time, 1053 or 1054 Hec. Boetus. Polidor. VVil Malm. Math. VVeſt. Erle Goodwin died ſuddain|ly (as ſome haue recorded) as he ſate at table with the King: and vpon talke miniſtred of the deathe of Alfred the Kyngs brother, to excuſe himſelfe, he tooke a peece of bread, and eate it, ſaying: God let mee neuer ſwallow this bread downe into my cheſt, but that I may preſently bee choked there|with, if euer I was weeting or conſenting vnto Alfredes deathe: and immediately therewith,Ran. Higd. ex Marian [...] hee fell downe ſtarke dead. Other ſay, that hee ended [page 275] his life at Wincheſter, where beeing ſuddaynely ſurpriſed with ſickneſſe, Simon Dun. This is the likelieſt tale. as hee ſate at the Table with the King vpon an Eaſter Monday, he ly|ued yet till the Thurſday following, and then dyed. Hys Earledome was giuen vnto his ſonne Harrold, & Harrolds Erledome which was Oxe|ford, was gyuen vnto Algar the ſon of Leofricke.
[1] [2] This Goodwill, as hee was a man of greate power, wiſe, hardie, and politike, ſo was hee am|bitious, deſirous to beare rule, and loth that any other perſon ſhould paſſe him in authoritie. But yet whether all be true that Writers report of his malitious practiſes to bryng hymſelfe and hys ſonnes to the chiefe ſeate of gouernemente in the Kingdome, or that of hatred ſuch ſlaunders were reyſed of him, it may of ſome perhappes be doub|ted, bycauſe that in the dayes of King Edwarde (whiche was a ſoft and gentle Prince) hee bare greate rule and authoritie, and ſo mighte procure to himſelfe euill report for euery thing that chan|ced amiſſe, as oftentimes it commeth to paſſe in ſuche caſes, where thoſe that haue greate doyngs in the gouernemente of the common wealthe, are commonly euill ſpoken of, and that now and thẽ without their gilt. But truth it is that Goodwin beeing in authoritie both in the dayes of K. Ed|ward and his predeceſſors, did many thyngs as ſhould appeare by Writers, more by will than by law,Hen. Hunt. and ſo likewiſe did his ſonnes vpo preſump|tion of the great puiſſance that they and theyr fa|ther were of within the Realme. Hee had to wife the ſiſter of K. Cnute, Editha, of whome hee be|gate three ſonnes (as ſome write) that is to ſaye,Polidor. Harrolde, Biorne, and Toſtie: alſo his daughter Editha, the which he found meanes to beſtowe in marriage vpon King Edward as before ye haue heard. But other write,VVil. Malm. that he had but one ſonne by Cnutes ſiſter, the whiche in riding of a rough Horſe, was throwen into the Riuer of Thames, and ſo drowned. His mother alſo was ſtriken with a thunderbolte, and ſo periſhed worthely, as is reported for hir naughty doyings. She vſed to buy great numbers of yong perſons, and namely maides that were of any excellencie in beutie and perſonage yt which ſhe ſent ouer into Denmarke, and there ſold them to hir moſt aduantage. After hir deceſſe (as the ſame authours record) Goodwin married another woman by whome he had iſſue ſixe ſonnes, Suanus or Swayne, Harrolde, To|ſtie or Toſto, Wilnote, Gurth and Leofricke: of them mention is, and ſhall be further made, as places conuenient ſhall ſerue thereto.
[1] [2] About the thirtenth yeare of King Edwardes raigne (as ſome write,Mat. VVeſt. 1054 Hec. Boetius.) or rather about the nine|teenth or twentith yere as ſhould appeare by the Scottiſhe Writers, Siward the noble Earle of Northumberlande with a great power of Horſe|menne went into Scotland, and in battell put to [figure appears here on page 275] flight Mackbeth that had vſurped the Crowne of Scotland, and that done, placed Malcolme ſur|named Camoyr, the ſon of Duncane, ſometime King of Scotlande, in the gouernement of that Realme, who afterward ſlew the ſayd Macbeth, and then raigned in quiet. Some of our Engliſhe writers ſay,Sim. Dunel. Mat. VVest. that this Malcolme was K. of Cũ|berlande, but other reporte him to be ſonne to the K. of Cumberland. But heere is to be noted, that if Mackbeth raigned till the yere .1061. and was then ſlayne by Malcolme, Earle Siwarde was not at that battaile, for as our writers do teſtifie, he died in the yere .1055. whiche was in the yeare next after (as the ſame writers affirme) that hee vãquiſhed Mackbeth in fight, & ſlew many thou|ſands of Scottes, & all thoſe Normans which as ye haue heard, were withdrawẽ into Scotlande, when they were driuen out of England. It is re|corded alſo, that in the foreſaid battayle, in which Earle Siwarde vanquiſhed the Scottes, one of Siwards ſonnes chaunced to be ſlayne, whereof, though the father had good cauſe to be ſorowfull, yet whẽ he heard that he dyed of a wound which hee had receyued in fighting ſtoutely in the fore|part of his body, and that with his face towarde the enimie, hee greatly reioyced thereat, to heare that he died ſo manfully. But here is to be noted, yt not now, but a litttle before, (as Henry Hunt. ſaith.) ye Earle Siward, wente into Scotlande himſelfe in perſon, hee ſent his ſonne with an ar|my to conquere ye land, whoſe hap was ther to be ſlaine: and when his father heard ye newes, he de|maunded whether he receiued the wound whereof he died, in ye fore parte of the body, or in the hinder part: and when it was tolde him yt he receyued it in the foreparte, I reioyce (ſaith he) euen with all my harte, for I woulde not wiſhe eyther to my ſonne nor to my ſelfe, any other kind of death.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [page 276] Mat. VVeſt. 1057 Shortly after, Aldred the Biſhop of Worceter was ſent vnto the Emperour Henry the third, to fetch Edwarde the ſonne of Edmunde Ironſide into England, whome King Edward was de|ſirous to ſee, meaning to ordeyne him heire appa|rant to the Crowne: but hee dyed the ſame yeare after he came into England. This Edward was ſurnamed the outlawe: his body was buried at Weſtminſter,Hen. Hunt. 1055 or as an other ſayth in the Church of S. Paules in London. About the ſame tyme, King Edward by euill counſell, I wote not vp|pon what occaſion, but as it is thought without cauſe, baniſhed Algar the ſon of Earle Leofricke: wherevpon he gote him into Irelande, and there prouiding xviij. Ships of Rouers, returned, and landing in Wales, ioyned him ſelfe with Griffin the king, or Prince of Wales, and did much hurt on the bordures about Hereforde, of whiche place Raufe was then Erle, that was ſonne vnto Go|da the ſiſter of King Edward by hir firſt huſbãde Gualter de Maunt.Mat. VVeſt. Sim. Dunel. This Earle aſſembling an army, came forth to giue battayle to the enimies, appoynting the Engliſhmen contrary to theyr manner to fight on Horſebacke, but being ready (the two and twẽtith of October) to giue the on|ſet in a place not paſt two miles from Hereforde, he with his Frenchmen and Normans fled,The Welch|men obteyne the victory a|gainſt Eng|liſhmen and Normans. and ſo the reſt were diſcomfited, whome the aduerſa|ries purſued, and ſlew to the number of fiue hun|dred, beſide ſuche as were hurt and eſcaped with [figure appears here on page 276] life. Griffin and Algar hauing obteyned this vi|ctory, entred into the Towne of Hereford, ſet the Miniſter on fire, ſlew ſeuen of the Cannons that ſtoode to defende the dores or gates of the princi|pall Church, and finally, ſpoyled and brente the Towne miſerably. The King aduertiſed hereof, gathered an army, ouer the whiche, Harrolde the ſonne of Earle Goodwine was made generall, who followed vpon the enimies that fled before him into Northwales, and ſtayed not, till ha|uing paſſed through Stradluyd,Stradcluid. Snawdune. hee came to the Mountaynes of Snawdune, where hee pitched his fielde. The enimies durſt not abide hym, but gote them into Southwales, whereof Harrolde being aduertiſed, left the more parte of his army in Northwales to reſiſt the enimies there, and with the reſidue of his people he came backe vnto Hereforde,The Citie of Hereford for|tified by Harrold. recouered the Towne, and cauſed a greate and mighty trench to be caſt round aboute it, with an high rampire, and fenſed it with gates and other fortificatiõs. After this, he did ſo much, that comming to a communication with Grif|fin & Algar at a place called Biligelhage, a peace was concluded, and ſo the nauie of Earle Algar ſayled about, and came to Cheſter, there to re|maine till the men of warre and Marriners were payed their wages, whileſt he went to the Kyng, who both pardoned his offence, and reſtored hym to his Earledome. After this, the very ſame yere being the .15. yeare of King Edwardes raigne,The deceſſe of Siward Earle of Northam|berlande. Ran. Higd. as ſome writers affirme, the noble Earle of Northumberlande Siwarde dyed of the flixe, of whome it is ſayde, that when hee perceyued the houre of death to be at hand, he cauſed himſelfe to be put in armour, and to be ſet vp in his chayre, affirming, that a Knighte and a man of honor, oughte to die in that ſorte, rather than lying on a couch like a feeble and faint harted creature: and ſitting ſo vprighte in his chaire armed at all pee|ces, hee ended his life, and was buried at Yorke. He was a man of a Giantlike ſtature, and thereto of a righte ſtoute and hardy courage, bycauſe hys ſonne Walteif was but an infant, and as yet not out of his cradell, the Earledome was giuen vn|to Earle Toſtie one of Gudwines ſonnes.
[1] Shortly after, in the yeare .1057. Aldred Bi|ſhop of Worceter, was ſente ouer vnto the Em|peroure Henry the third, to fetche Edwarde the [page 277] ſonne of Edmund Ironſide into Englãd, whom King Edwarde was deſirous to ſee, meaning to ordeyne him heire apparante to the Crowne: but he died the ſame yere, after he was now returned into England.Edward the outlaw depar|ted this life. This Edward was ſurnamed the outlawe: his body was buryed at Weſtmin|ſter, or as other ſay, in ye Church of Saint Paule within London.
[1] [2] 1056 Leofricke Erle of Cheſter de|parted this life. Ran. Higd. Mat. VVest. The ſame yeare, that is to witte, in the ſeuen|teenth or in the ſixtenth yeare of King Edwards raigne (as ſome write) Leofricke the noble Earle of Cheſter, or Mercia, that was ſonne to Duke Leofwine, departed this life in his owne Towne of Bromeley the laſt day of Auguſt, and was bu|ried at Couentrie in the Abbey there which he had builded. This Earle Leofricke was a man of greate honor, wiſe and diſcret in all his doyngs. His high wiſedome and policie ſtoode the Realm in great ſteede whileſt he liued. He had a noble Lady to his wife, named Gudwina, at whoſe earneſt ſute he made the Citie of Couentrie free of all manner tolle,Couentrie made free of tolle and cu|ſtome. except for Horſes: and to haue that tolle layde downe, alſo, his foreſaide Wife rode naked through the middeſt of the Towne, without other couerture, ſaue only hir heare.
[1] Moreouer, partly moued by his owne deuo|tion, and partly by the perſwaſion of that noble Lady his wife, he builded or beneficially augmẽ|ted and repared many Abbeyes and Churches, as the ſaide Abbey or Priory at Couentrie, the Abbeyes of Wenlocke, Worceter, Stone, Eue|ſhame, and Leof beſide Herford.
[1] Alſo, he buylded two Churches within the Ci|tie of Cheſter,Churches in Cheſter built. the one called S. Iohns, and the other Saint Werbrough. The valew of ye iewels and ornaments which he beſtowed on the Abbey Church of Couentrie, was ineſtimable.
[1] After Leofrickes death, his ſonne Algar was made Earle, and entituled in all his landes and Seigniories. In the yeare following, to witte, 1058. H. Hunt. Algar Earle of Cheſter exiled the ſame Algar was accuſed again (through malice of ſome enuious perſons) of treaſon, ſo that he was exiled the land, wherevppon, he repa|red agayne vnto his old friend Griffin Prince of Northwales, of whome hee was ioyfully recey|ued, and ſhortly after by his ayde, and alſo by the power of a nauie of Ships that by chaunce arri|ued in thoſe parties at that ſelfe ſeaſon vnlooked for out of Norway,Sim. Dunel. the ſaid Algar recouered hys Earledome by force, as ſome haue written. King Edward about the twentith yere of his raine, 1063 Sim. Dunel. Math. VVeſt. as then remayning at Gloceſter, appoynted Earle Harrolde to inuade the Dominions of Griffin King of Wales. Harrold taking with him a po|wer of Horſemen, made ſpeed, and came to Rut|land, and there brenned Griffins Palace, and al|ſo his Shippes, and then about midlent returned againe into England.
[1] After this, about the Rogation weeke, Harrold eftſoones by the Kings commaundemente, wente againſt the Welchmen, and taking the Sea, ſay|led by Briſtowe, round about the coaſt, compaſ|ſing in maner al Wales. His brother Toſtie that was Earle of Northumberland, met him by ap|pointment with an hoſt of Horſemen, and ſo ioy|ning togither,Wales de|ſtroyed and harried by the Engliſhm [...] The Welch|men agree to pay their ac|cuſtomed tribute. they deſtroyed the countrey of Wales in ſuche ſorte, that the Welchmen were compelled to ſubmit themſelues, to deliuer hoſta|ges, and conditioned to pay the auntient tribute which before time they had payd. And moreouer, they renounced their Prince the forenamed Grif|fin, ſo that he remayned as a baniſhed perſon: and finally, about the fifth day of Auguſt, they ſlewe him, and ſent his head to Earle Harrold. 1064 VVil. Malm. Sim. Dunel. After|wards King Edward graunted ye rule of Wales vnto Blengent or Blethgent, and Riuall Grif|fins two brethren, whiche did homage vnto hym for the ſame, and hadde ſerued vnder Harrold a|gainſt their brother the foreſaid Griffin. There be that write, that not onely Griffin, but alſo a|nother of his brethrẽ alſo called Riſe, was brou|ght to his death by the manfull meanes, and po|litike order of Earle Harrold,VVil. Malm. and all the ſauadge people of Wales, reduced into the forme of good order vnder the ſubiection of King Edwarde.
[1] Shortly after,Harrold goeth ouer into Normandy. Polidor. Earle Harrolde chaunced to paſſe ouer into Normandy, whether of happe or of purpoſe it is harde to define, writers varry ſo much in report thereof. Some write, that he made earneſt ſuite to King Edward, to haue licence to goe ouer to ſee his brother Wilnote,Edmerus. and his ne|phewe Hacun, which as yee haue heard, were de|liuered as pledges to Kyng Edwarde, and ſente into Normandy to remayne there with Duke William, and at length with muche adoe, gote leaue: but yet he was told aforehand of the King: that he would repẽt his iourney, and do the thing that ſhould be preiudiciall to the Realme.
[1] Other write,Mat. VVeſt. VVil. Malm. that Harrold lying at his manor of Boſeham, went aboord one day into his fiſhers boate or Crayer, and cauſed the ſame to launche foorth to the Sea for his pleaſure: but by miſfor|tune at the ſame time, a contrary winde ſuddain|ly came about, and droue the veſſell a lande into Fraunce vppon the coaſt of Ponthieu, where hee was taken by the countrey people, and preſented to the Earle of Ponthieu named Guy or Guido, who kept him as a priſoner, meaning to put him to a greeuous raunſome. But Harrold remem|bring himſelfe of a wile, diſpatched a meſſenger foorthe with all ſpeede vnto William Duke of Normandy, ſignifying vnto him, that he bee|yng ſente from Kyng Edwarde to confirme ſuche Articles as other meane men that had him ſente to him afore hadde talked of, by chaunce hee was fallen into the handes of the Earle [page 278] of Ponthieu, and kepte as priſoner againſt all or|der of law, reaſon, or humanitie. Duke William thus enformed by the meſſenger, ſent to the Erle of Ponthieu, requiring hym to ſet Earle Harrold at libertie, that he might repare to him according to his commiſſiõ. The Earle of Ponthieu at the Dukes requeſt, did not onely reſtore Harrolde to libertie,Harold is pre| [...]ecuted to Duke Willi|am Duke of Normandy. Hen. Hunt. but alſo broughte hym into Normandy, and preſented him there to the Duke, of whome he was moſt ioyfully receyued.
[1] There be that agree partly with this reporte, and partly vary: for they write, that Earle Har|rold tooke the Sea vppon purpoſe to haue ſayled into Flaunders, and that by force of wind he was driuen to the coaſt of Pouthieu, and ſo after came into Normandy in manner as before is mentio|ned. But by what meanes or occaſion ſoeuer hee came thither, certayne it is, that hee was ioyfully receyued,Harold was highly wel|comed of duke William. and had great cheere made vnto hym by Duke William, ye which at that time was ready to make a iourney againſte the Britaynes, and tooke Earle Harrolde with him to haue his com|pany in armes in that iourney, that hee myghte haue the better triall of his valiancie. Earle Har|rold behaued himſelfe ſo, yt he ſhewed good proofe both of his wiſedome and policie, and alſo of hys forwardneſſe to execute that with hand, which by wit he had deuiſed, ſo that Duke William hadde him in high fauour, and as it hath bin ſayd, Erle Harrolde (to procure him more friendſhip at the Dukes handes) declared vnto him, that Kyng Edwarde had ordeyned him his heire if hee dyed without iſſue, & that he woulde not fayle to keepe the Realme of England to the Dukes vſe, accor|ding to that ordenance, if King Edwarde dyed without iſſue. Math. VVeſt. Duke Willi|am promiſed to Harrolde his daughter in marriage. And to performe this promiſe, he receyued a corporall othe, whether willingly to winne the more credite, or forced therto by Duke William, writers report it diuerſly.
[1] [2] At the ſame time, Duke William promiſed vnto him his daughter in marriage, whom Har|rold couenaunted in like manner to take to wife. Finally, when he ſhould returne into Englande, Duke William deliuered vnto him his Nephew Hacun,Polidor. but kepte his brother Wilnote with hym ſtill as a pledge. Earle Harrold then returned in|to England, and declared vnto King Edwarde what he had done, who then ſayde vnto him, dyd not I tell thee that thou wouldeſt doe the thyng whereof thou ſhouldeſt repent thee, and procure a miſchiefe to follow vnto thy countrey. But God of his mercie turne that euill happe from thys Realme, or at the leaſt, if it be his pleaſure, that it muſt needes come to paſſe, yet to ſtay it till after my dayes.
[2] Thus they write, that affirme, howe Harrolde went ouer of purpoſe into
Normandy: and ga|ther thereof, that Kyng Edward foreſaw the cõ|ming of the
Normanes, and that he meante no|thing leſſe, than to perfourme the promiſe
ma [...]e vnto Duke William,When the promiſe [...] made by King Edwarde to make Duke William his heire. as to
adopt hym as hys heire, which promiſe ſhoulde ſeeme to be made in time of
his baniſhmente, when hee ſtoode in neede of his friendſhippe, as the manner
of men in ſuche caſes is, to promiſe muche, howſoeuer they in|tend to
fulfill. But rather it may be thought, that King Edwarde had made no ſuch
promiſe at al, but perceiued the ambitious deſire of Duke Wil|liam, and
therefore would not that any occaſion ſhoulde bee miniſtred vnto him to take
holde of. Wherefore, he was ſo loth that Harrold ſhoulde goe ouer vnto him,
leaſt that might happe, which hapned indeede.
Hen. Hunt Mat. VVeſt. Fabian. Falling [...] betwixt bre|thren.
[1] [2] Herevpon, Toſtie departing from the Courte in great anger, came to Hereforde in the marches of Wales,The cruell dealing of Earle Toſtie. where Harrolds ſeruants were prepa|ring for the Kings comming to theyr maiſters houſe, which ſeruantes he tooke and ſlew, chopped them in peeces, and threwe into that hogſhed of wine a legge, into that barrell of cyder an arme, into this veſſel of ale an head, and ſo into ye lomes of methe, and tubbes of brine, and other licor, he beſtowed the parties of the dead carcaſſes of his brothers ſeruauntes, ſending the king word, that he had prouided at his brothers manor, agaynſte his comming, good plentie of ſouſe, and poudred meate, what ſo euer he ſhould finde beſide. Thys rumor of this cruell deede, ſprang ouer all the Realme, wherevpõ the Northumbers, whom he hadde gouerned for the ſpace of tenne yeares very cruelly, tooke occaſion to rebell againſte him,The Northũ|bers Rebell againſt Toſtie their Earle. and ſlew his ſeruants both Engliſhmen and Danes, ſpoyled his houſes, and tooke away his Horſes, his armoure, and all other his goodes and houſe|hold ſtuffe. The chiefeſt cauſe (as is remembred by ſome writers) that mooued the Northumbers thus to riſe and rebell againſt Toſtie, was for ye deteſtable murther of certain Gentlemen of their countrey, ſeruauntes vnto Goſpatricke, whiche the Quene in behalfe of hir brother had cauſed to be ſlayne in the Courte by treaſon, in the fourth night of Chriſtmas laſt paſt, and alſo in reuenge of other noble men which in the laſt yeare Toſtie himſelfe had commaunded to bee murthered in his owne chamber at Yorke, whither hee had al|lured them to come vnder colour of concludyng a peace with them. Alſo the greeuous payments wherewith hee charged the people of that coun|trey, ſet them in a great rage agaynſte hym.
[2] But the Kyng aduertiſed heereof, liked [page 279] not their doings,
for that they had done it with|out commaundement or commiſſion, and
there|fore ſent Earle Harrold with an army to chaſtice them,VVil. Malm. but they were ſtrong ynough to withſtand
him, as thoſe whiche were aſſembled in armoure togither with the people of
Lincolneſhire, Not|tingamſhire, and Derbiſhire, and hauing with them
Marcherus or Malcharus, the ſon of Erle Algar, were come as farre as
Northampton, do|ing muche hurte in the parties thereaboutes: but yet to haue ye kyngs peace, they offered to
returne home, ſo that they might haue an other Earle ap|poynted them, for
that they playnely proteſted, yt they beeyng free men, borne and bred out
of bon|dage, mighte not ſuffer any cruell gouernoure to rule ouer them,
being taught by their auncetors, eyther to liue in libertie, or to die in
defence there|of. If therfore it might pleaſe the King to aſſigne Marcharus
the ſonne of Earle Algar to be theyr Ruler, hee ſhoulde ſee how obedient
ſubiects they woulde prooue and ſhewe
themſelues to be, when they ſhould be vſed after a reaſonable &
courteous manner. All things conſidered, their requeſt ſee|med reaſonable,
or at leaſt, it was thought neceſ|ſary, that it ſhuld be graunted. And ſo
was Mar|charus or Malcherus made Earle of Northum|berlande.Marcharus made Earle of Northumber|land. Toſtie in
great diſpleaſure with his wife and children fayled ouer into Flaunders,
& there remayned till after the deceſſe of King Edward.
King Edward departed this life.
Simon Dun.
[1] In dyet and apparrell hee was ſpare and no|thing ſumptuous: and although on high feaſtes he ware rich apparrell, as became the Mairſtie of his royall perſonage: he ſhewed yet no proud [...] no [...] loftie countenance, rather prayſing God for thys bountifull goodneſſe towardes hym extended than eſteeming heerein the vayne Pompe of the worlde.
[1] The pleaſure yt he tooke chiefly in this worlde for refreſſhing of his w [...]ters conſiſted onely in Hawking and Hunting whiche exerciſes to day|ly vſed, after he had firſt bin in the Church at de|uine ſeruice.
[1] In other things he ſeemed wholly gyuen to a deuoute trade of life, charitable to the poore, and very liberall, namely to Hoſpitalles and houſes of Religion in the parties of beyonde the Sea, wiſhing euer, that the Monkes and Religious perſons of his Realm, woulde haue followed the vertue and holineſſe of his vſed amongſt them of foraine parties. As hath bin thought he was en|ſpired with the gift of Prophecit, and alſo to haue hadde the gift of healing infirmities and diſeaſes.
[1] Namely, he vſed to help thoſe that were vex|ed with the diſeaſe, commonly called the Kyngs euill, and left that vertue as it were a portion of inheritance vnto his ſucceſſors the Kyngs of this Realme.
[1] Hee was warned (as hath bin reported) of hys death certaine dayes before hee dyed,A tale of a Ring. by a King that was brought to him by certaine Pilgrimes comming from Hieruſalem, which ring he hadde ſecretly giuen to a poore man that aſked his cha|ritie in the name of God and Sainte Iohn the Euangeliſt. But to conclude,King Edward canonized for a Saint. ſuche was the opi|nion conceyued of his holyneſſe of life, that ſhort|ly after his deceſſe, hee was canonized amongſt the number of Saintes, and named Edward the Confeſſor.
[1] Whileſt hee lay ſicke of that ſickneſſe whereof at length hee died,VVil. Malm Mat. VVeſt after he hadde remayned for two dayes ſpeechleſſe, the third day after when he had lay [...]e for a time in a ſlumber of ſoft ſleepe, at the tyme of his wakening, hee fetched a deepe ſigh and thus ſayde, Oh Lorde God Almighty, if thys bee not a vaine fantaſticall illuſion, but a true viſion which I haue ſeene, graunt me ſpace to vtter the ſame vnto theſe that ſtande heere preſente, or elſe not. And heerewith hauing hys ſpeeche perfect, he declared how he had ſeene two Monkes ſtand by him as he thoughte whome in his youth he knewe in Normandy to haue liued Godly, and died Chriſtianly. Theſe Monkes (ſaid hee) proteſting vnto mee that they were the meſſengers of God, ſpake theſe words, bycauſe ye chiefe gouernoures of England, the Biſhops and [page 264] Abbots, are not the Myniſters of God, but the Diuels, the Almighty God hath deliuered this Kingdome for one yere and a day into the hands of the enimie, and wicked ſpirites ſhall walke a|brode through the whole land. And whẽ I made aunſwere that I woulde declare theſe thyngs to the people, and promiſed on theyr behalfe, that they ſhoulde doe penance in following the ex|ample of the Niniuites. They ſayde agayne, that it would not be, for neyther ſhould the people re|pente, nor God take any pitie vpon them. And when is there hope to haue an ende of theſe mi|ſeries ſayd I, then ſayde they, when a greene tree is cut in ſunder in the middle, and the parte cut off, is carried three acres bredth from the ſtocke, & returning agayne to the ſtoale, ſhall ioyne there|with, and begin to budde and beare fruite after the former manner, by reaſon of the ſappe rene|wing the accuſtomed nouriſhmente, then I ſay, may there be hope that ſuch euils ſhall ceaſſe, and diminiſhe: Although other that ſtoode by, were brought in feare with thoſe the Kyngs wordes, the Archbiſhoppe Stigande yet made but a ieſt thereof, ſaying, that the olde man raued nowe in hys ſickneſſe, as men of great yeares vſe to do. But the trouth of that Propheſie afterwards too playnely appeared, when Englande became the habitation of newe ſtraungers, in ſuche wiſe, that there was neyther gouernoure, Biſhoppe, nor Abbot remayning therein of the Engliſhe Na|tion.
[1] But now to make an ende with K. Edward, hee was of perſon comely, and of an indifferente ſtature, of white heare, both head and bearde, of face ruddy, and in all other partes of his body fayre ſkinned, with due ſtate and proportion of limmes as was thereto conueniente.
[1] In the yeare before the deathe of Kyng Ed|warde, a blaſing Starre appeared, the whyche when a Monke of Malmeſbury that highte Eylmer behelde, hee vttered theſe wordes (as it were by way of Propheſying:) Thou arte come (fayth he) thou art come, muche to be lamẽted of many a mother: it is long agone ſith I ſaw thee, but nowe I doe beholde thee, the more terrible threatning deſtruction to this countrey by thy dreadfull appearance.
[1] In the perſon of Kyng Edward ceaſed by his deathe the noble progenie of the Weſt Saxon Kings, which had continued from the firſt yeare of the raigne of Cerdicke or Cerditius, the ſpace of fiue hundred .47. yeares complete. And from Egbert two hundred ſixtie ſixe yeres, as by Wil|liam Harriſons Chronologie is eaſie to bee col|lected, whoſe poſitions as moſt exact for the com|putation of the tyme, I chiefly followe.
[1] MOreouer, ſith the progenie of the Saxon Kyngs ſeemeth wholly to take ende wt this Edward ſurnamed the Confeſſor, or the third of that name before the Conqueſt, we haue thought good for the better help of memorie, to ſet downe in order, the names as well of thoſe that reigned among the Weſt Saxons, (who at length as yee haue hearde, obteyned the whole Monarchie) as alſo of them which ruled in the other ſeauẽ kyng|domes before the ſame were vnited vnto the ſayd Kingdome of the Weſt Saxons.
From this Athelſtane the kingdome of Kent was tranſlated vnto the kings of the Weſt Saxons.
From this Burthred was the Kingdome of Mercia tranſpoſed ouer to the kings of the weſt Saxons.
This Alfred, or Alvred was the firſt Monarke of the Engliſhe kings, whoſe ſucceſſion conti|nued vnto the cõming in of William the Cõ|querour.
This Ella raigned in Deira whyleſt eyght Collaterall kings raig|ned in Bernicia.
The kingdome of Dei|ra was tranſlated from Oſwine to Oſwie K. of Bernicia, and by this meanes ye kingdom of ye Northũbers was vni|ted. Whoſe bounds did extẽd frõ Hũber north|wards to the Scottiſhe ſea, and in the end came vnder the power of the Weſt Saxons.
Gytro the Dane. From Gytro the Dane, the kingdome of the Eaſt Angles was tranſlated to the Weſt Saxons.
From this Suithred, ye kingdome of the Eaſt Saxõs was tranſlated to the Weſt Saxons.
From this Aldhune the kingdome of the South Saxons was trãſlated to the weſt Saxons.
[1] [page 282] Here is to be remembred, that as partly be|fore is expreſſed,Mat. VVeſt. wee finde in ſome olde Wry|ters, howe the fyrſt Kings of ſeuen of theſe Kingdomes of the Germaine Nation that bare rule in this Iſle, fetched theyr pedegrees from one Woden, who begatte of Frea his wyfe ſe|uen ſonnes, that is to witte, 1. Vecta, of whom came the kings of Kent .2. Fethelgeta, or Fre|thegeath, from whome the kings of Mercia diſ|cended .3. Balday of whoſe race the Kings of the Weſt Saxons had theyr originall .4. Bel|dagius, auncetour to the kings of Bernicia, and the Northumbers .5. Wegodach, or Wegda|gus, frõ whom came the kings of Deira .6. Ca|ſer, from whom proceeded the kings of the Eaſt Angles .7. Naſcad alias Saxuad, of whom the kings of the Eaſt Saxons had their beginning.
[1] And here you muſt note, that althoughe the kings of the .viij. kingdome, that is, of the South-Saxons or of Suſſex, were diſcended of the ſame people, yet were they not of the ſame line. By o|ther it ſhould ſeeme, that Woden had but fiue ſonnes: as Vecta, great Grandfather to Hengeſt: Wepedeg, anteceſſor to the kings of the Eaſt An|gles: Viclac, from whom proceeded the kings of Mercia: Saxuad, from whom the kings of Eſſex came: & Beldeg, of whoſe generatiõ proceeded the kings of the South Saxons, Weſt Saxons, and the Northumbers.Simon Dun. Moreouer, there bee that bring the genealogie from Noe or Noah,Iohn Textor. the ſon of Lamech, which Noe was the .ix. in diſcent frõ Adam, & Woden the .xv. frõ Noah, as thus: Noe was the father to Sem ye father of Bedwi, the father of Wala, the father of Hatria or Ha|thra, the father of Itermod ye father of Heremod, the father of Sheaf or Seaf, the father of Seldoa or Sceldua, the father of Beatu or Beau, ye father of Teathwij alias Tadwa or Teathwy, the fa|ther of Geta, reputed for a God among the Gen|tiles, the father of Fingodulph otherwiſe Bo|dulfe, the father of Fritwolfe otherwiſe Frinin the father of Freolaf alias Freolater, the father of Frethwold or Friderwald, the father of the afore|named Woden or Othen.