5.88. Ethelbald and Ethelbright.

Ethelbald and Ethelbright.

[1] Ethel|hald & Ethel|bright. [figure appears here on page 208] EThelbalde & Ethelbright deuiding theyr fathers Kyng|dome betwixte them, began to raigne, Ethel|balde ouer the Weſt Saxons, and the South Saxons, & E|thelbrighte ouer them of Kent and Eſſex, in the yere of our Lorde 857. which was in the ſecond yere of the Empe|rour Lewes the ſecõd,857 and the .17. of Charles ſur|named Calvus or the bald K. of Fraunce, and a|bout the firſt yere of Donald ye fifth of that name K. of the Scottes.The vnlawfull marriage of Ethelbalde. VVil. Malm. The ſaid Ethelbald greatly to his reproche tooke to wife his mother in lawe Q. Iudith, or rather as ſome write his own mother, whome his father had kept to concubine. He liued not paſt fiue yeres in gouernement of the Kyng|dome, but was taken out of this life, to the greate ſorow of his ſubiects, whome he ruled right wor|thily, and ſo as they had him in great loue and e|ſtimatiõ. Then his brother Ethelbright tooke vp|pon him the rule of the whole, gouerning as well ouer the Weſt Saxons and them of Suſſex, as ouer the Kentiſhmen and them of Eſſex.

[1] In his dayes the Danes came a land, and de|ſtroyed the Citie of Wincheſter: Hen. Hunt. Wincheſter deſ [...]royed by Danes. but Duke Oſ|rike with them of Hamſhire, and Duke Adelwolf with the Barkſhire men gaue the enimies battel, and vanquiſhing them, [...]. ſlew of them a great nũ|ber. In the fifth yeare of Ethelbrightes raigne, a nauie of the Danes ariued at the Iſle of Tenet, vnto whome when the Kentiſhmen had promi|ſed a ſumme of money to haue a truce graunted for a time, the Danes one night before the tearme of that truce was expired, brake foorth and waſted all the Eaſt part of Kent: wherevppon the Ken|tiſhmen aſſembling togither, made towards thoſe tru [...]ebreakers, and cauſed them to depart out of ye countrey. The ſame yere, after that Ethelbrighte had ruled wel & peaceably the Weſt Saxons fiue yeres, and the Kentiſhmẽ ten yeres, he ended this life, and was buried at Shireborne, as his brother Ethelbald was before him.