5.83. Ethelard.


[1] [figure appears here on page 191] EThelarde, the couſyn of king Inas,Ethe|larde. 728 Mat. VVeſt. hath. 727. to whome the ſame Inas re|ſigned hys kingdome, be|ganne to go|uerne ye Weſt Saxõs in the yeare of oure Lorde .7 [...]4. or rather .27. which was in the .xj. yeare of the Emperour Leo Iſaurus, in the ſe|conde yeare of Theodorus king of Fraunce, and aboute the .viij. or .ix. yeare of Mordacke king of Scottes.

[1] In the firſt yeare of Ethelardes raigne, hee was diſquieted with ciuill warre, which one Oſ|walde a Noble manne, diſcended of the royall bloud of the Weſt Saxon Kings, procured a|gaynſt him: but in the ende, when he perceyued that the kings power was too ſtrong for him, hee fledde oute of the Countrey, leauing it thereby in reſt.

[1] In the yeare .729. in the Moneth of Ia|nuarie there appeared two Comets or blaſing Starres, Mat. VVeſt. 729 Blaſing ſtarres right terrible to beholde, the one riſing in the morning before the riſing of the Sunne, & the other after the ſetting thereof: ſo that the one came before the breake of the day, and the other before the cloſing of the night, ſtretching forth theyr [...]erie brandes towardes the North, and they appeared th [...]s euerie morning and [...] the ſpace of a fourtnight togither [...]enacing [...] it were ſome great deſtruction or common miſhap to follow.

[1] The Sa [...]a [...]ins ſhortly after entred Fraunce, and were ouerthrowne.

[1] Finally, when king Ethelard had raigned the tearme of fourtene yeares [...]urrent, hee departed this life.

[1] [figure appears here on page 191] AFter that Wichtred king of Kent had gouerned the Kentiſhmẽ by the [...] of xxxiij. yeares,VVil. Malm. with great cõ|mendation for the good orders which hee cau|ſed to be obſerued amongeſt them, as well con|cerning matters eccleſiaſticall as temporall, hee departed this life, leauing behind him three ſonnes whiche ſucceſſiuely raigned as heyres to hym one after another,Hariſon na|meth Ethel|bert firſt, gi|uing him .27. yeares, & Ed|bert ſecondly allowing him ten complete. Bed. li. 5. ca. 24 (that is to ſay) Edbert .xxiij. yeares, Ethelbert .xj. yeares currant, and Al|rike .xxxiiij. yeares, the whiche three Princes following the ſteppes of theyr father in the ad|ſ [...]aunce of politique orders and commenda|ble lawes, vſed for the more parte theyr fathers good lucke and fortune, excepte that in Ethel|bertes tyme the Citie of Canterburie was bur|ned by caſuall fyre, and Alrike loſt [...] battaile a|gaynſt them of Mercia, whereby the glorie of theyr tymes was ſomewhat blemyſhed: for ſo it came to paſſe that whatſoeuer chaunced [...] was kept ſtill in memorie, and the good happes that came foreward, were ſoone forgotten and put out of remembrance.

[1] In the yeare of our Lorde .731.731 Be [...]walde Archbyſhoppe of Canterburie departed this lyfe the fifth Ides of Ianuarie, after he had gouerned that Sea by the ſpace of .xxxvij. yeares .vj. Mo|nethes, and fourteene dayes: in whoſe place the ſame yeare one Tac [...]ine was ordeyned Archebyſhoppe, that before was a Prieſt in the Monaſterie of Bruydon wythin the Prouince of Mercia.Biſhops what prouinces they gouerned. Hee was conſecrated in the Citie of Canterburie, by the reuerende Fathers, Da|niell Byſhoppe of Wyncheſter. Ingwalde By|ſhoppe of London, Aldwine Byſhop of Liche|fielde, and Aldwulfe Biſhop of Rocheſter, the .x. day of Iune, being Sunday.

[1] And thus in that ſeaſon, the Prouince of Canterburie was gouerned touching the Eccle|ſiaſticall ſtate, by the Archbyſhoppe Tacwine, and Byſhoppe Aldvulfe [...] Prouince of the Eaſt Saxons by Biſhop Ingwald the prouince [page 192] of Eaſt Angles, by Biſhop Eadbertus, and Ha|dulacus, the one keeping his Sea at Elſham, and the other at Dunwich.

[1] The Prouince of the Weſt Saxons was go|uerned by the foreſayd Daniel and by Forthere, which ſucceeded next after Aldhelme in the Sea of Shereburne.

[1] This Forthere in the yeare of our Lorde .738. left his Biſhoprike,Mat. VVeſt. and went to Rome in compa|nie of the Queene of the Weſt Saxons. Many as well Kings as Biſhops, noble and vnnoble, Prieſtes and laymen, togither with women, vſed to make ſuch iourneyes thither in thoſe dayes.

[1] The Prouince of Mercia was ruled by the foreſayde Aldwine Byſhop of Lichfielde, and one Biſhop Walſtod holding hys Sea at Her|forde gouerned thoſe people that inhabited beyond the riuer of Seuerne toward the Weſt.

[1] The Prouince of the Wiccies, that is to meane of Worceſter, one Wilfride gouerned.

[1] The South Saxons, and the Ile of Wight, were vnder the Biſhop of Wincheſter.

[1] In the Prouince of the Northumbers were foure Biſhops, that is to ſay, Wilfride, Archby|ſhop of Yorke, Edilwalde Biſhop of Lindiſ|ferne, Acca Biſhop of Hexham, and Pecthel|mus Byſhoppe of Whiterne, otherwiſe called Candida Caſa, hee was the fyrſt that gouer|ned that Church after the ſame was made a Bi|ſhops Sea. And thus ſtood the ſtate of the Eng|liſhe Churche for Eccleſiaſticall gouernours in that ſeaſon.

[1] Ethelbald K. of Mercia, of what pu [...]ance he was.And as touching temporall gouernment, king Ceolvulf had the ſoueraigne Dominion o|uer all the Northumbers: but all the Prouinces on the ſouth ſide of Humber with theyr kings and rulers, were ſubiect vnto Edilbalde or Ethelbald king of Mercia.

[1] The nation of the Picts were in league with the Engliſh men, and gladly became partaker of the Catholike peace and veritie of the vniuerſall Church.

[1] Thoſe Scots which inhabited Brytaine, con|tenting themſelues with theyr owne boundes, went not about to practiſe any deceytfull traynes nor fraudulent deuiſes agaynſt the Engliſhmen.

[1] The Brytaynes, otherwiſe called Welch|men, though for the more part of a peculiar hatred they did impugne the Engliſh Nation, and the obſeruaunce of the feaſt of Eaſter appoynted by the whole Catholike Churche, yet both deuine and humaine force vtterly reſiſting them, they were not able in neyther behalfe to atteyne to theyr wyſhed intentions, as they whiche though they were partly free, yet in ſome poynt remay|ned ſtyll as thrall and mancipate to the ſubiecti|on of the Engliſh men: whiche Engliſhe men (ſayth Bede) now in acceptable peace and quiet|neſſe of time, manye amongeſt them of Nor|thumberlande, laying armour and weapon aſide [...] applie themſelues to the reading of holy Scrip|tures, more deſyrous to be profeſſed in Religious houſes, then to exerciſe feares of warre: but what wyll come thereof (ſayth he) the age that followeth ſhall ſee and beholde. With theſe wordes doth Bede ende his Hyſtorie, continued tyll the yeare of our Lorde .731. whiche was from the comming of the Engliſhe men into thys lande, aboute . [...]85. yeares according to his accounte.

[1] In the yeare following, that is to wit .7 [...]2.7 [...]2 in place of Wilfride the ſeconde, Egbert was or|deyned Biſhop of Yorke.

[1] This Egbert was brother vnto an other Eg|bert,VVil. [...] the which as then was King of Northum|berlande, by whoſe helpe, hee greatly aduaunced the Sea of Yorke, and recouered the Pall: ſo that where all the other Biſhoppes that helde the ſame Sea before him ſithe Paulines dayes, wan|ted the Pall, and ſo were accounted ſimply but particuler Biſhoppes: nowe was hee entituled by the name of Archbiſhop. He alſo gotte togy|ther a great number of good bookes, which he be|ſtowed in a librarie at Yorke.

[1] In the yeare .733. on the .xviij.733 Kalendes of September, the Sunne ſuffered a great E|clipſe aboute three of the Clocke in the after Noone, in ſo muche that the Earth ſeemed to bee couered wyth a blacke and horrible Pen|tiſe.

[1] In the yeare .735. that reuerende and pro|founde learned manne Beda departed this lyfe,735 Beda departed this life. beeing .lxxij. yeares of age vpon Aſcention day, which was the .vij. Kalendes of Iune, and .xxvj. of May, as Mat. Weſt hath diligently obſer|ued. Hariſon addeth hereto, that it is to bee read in an olde Epyſtle of Cutbert Monke of the ſame houſe, vnto Cuthwyne, that the ſayd Be|da lying in hys death bed, tranſlated the Goſ|pell of Saint Iohn into Engliſhe, and com|maunded his brethren to bee diligent in the rea|ding and contemplation of the bookes and not to exerciſe themſelues wyth fables and friuolous matters.

[1] Finally he was buryed in the Albey of E [...]|uie, diſtaunt fiue myles from Wyremouth, are Abbay alſo in the North partes, not farre from Newcaſtell (as is before remembred.) Hee was brought vp in thoſe two Abbays, and was ſcholer to Iohn of Beuerlay.

[1] Howe throughly hee was ſeene in all kyndes of good literature, the bookes which he wrote doe manifeſtly beare witneſſe. His iudgement alſo was ſo much eſteemed ouer all, that Sergius the Biſhoppe of Rome wrote vnto Celfrid the Ab|bot of Wyremouth, requyring hym to ſende [page 193] Beda vnto the Courte of Rome for the decy|ding of certaine queſtions mooued there, whiche without his opinion might ſeeme to reſt doubt|full. But whether hee went thither or not wee can not affyrme: but as it is thought by menne worthie of credite, hee neuer went oute of this lande, but continued for the moſte part of his life in the Abbeyes of Geruie, and Wyremouth, fyrſt vnder Benet the fyſt Abbot and founder of the ſame Abbayes, and after vnder the ſayde Cel|fride, in whoſe tyme he receyued orders of prieſt|hoode at the handes of Byſhoppe Iohn, ſur|named of Beuerlay, ſo that it may be maruey|led that a man borne in the vttermoſte corner of the Worlde, ſhoulde proue ſo excellente in all knowledge and learning, that his fame ſhoulde ſo ſpreade ouer the whole earth, and went neuer out of his natiue Countrey to ſeeke it.Crantzius. But who that marketh in reading olde Hyſtories the ſtate of Abbayes and Monaſteryes in thoſe dayes, ſhall well perceyue that they were ordered after the manner of our ſchooles or Colledges, hauing in them dyuerſe learned men, that attended one|ly to teache and bring vp youth in knowledge of good learning, or elſe to go abrode and preach the word of God in the townes & villages adioining.

[1] 735The ſame yeare died the Archbiſhop Tacuine, and in the yeare following, that is to witte .735. Nothelmus was ordeyned Archbiſhop of Can|terburie in his place, and Egbert the Archbyſhop of Yorke the ſame yere got his Pall from Rome, and ſo was confirmed Archbiſhop, and ordeyned two Biſhops, Fruydbert, and Fruydwalde. But ſome refer it to the yeare .744.