5.80. Cadwallader.


[1] BVt now to returne vnto that which is founde in the Brittiſh hiſtories,Cadwa|lader. by the tenor whereof it ſhould appeare, that whẽ their King Cadwal|lo was dead, his ſon Cadwallader ſucceeded him in rule of the Britaynes in the yeare of our Lord 678. which was about the tenth yere of the Em|perour Conſtantinus Pagonatus,976 hath Math. Weſt. and in the thirtenth yeare of the raigne of Childericus kyng of Fraunce.

[1] [2] This Cadwallader beeing the ſonne of Cad|wallo,Galfrid. was begot by him of the halfe ſiſter of Pẽ|da King of Mercia, for one father begote them both, but of two ſundry mothers, for ſhee had to mother a Lady, diſcended of the noble bloud of the Weſt Saxons, and was married vnto Cad|wallo when the peace was made betwixt him, & hir brother the ſaid Penda. After that Cadwalla|der had raigned the ſpace of twelue yeres, as Gef|frey of Monmoth hathe, or as other write, but . [...]. yeares, the Britaines were broughte into ſuche miſerie through ciuill diſcorde, and alſo by ſuche great & extreame famin as then raigned through all the lande,Calwallader conſtreyned to forſake the lande. that Cadwallader was conſtreyned with the chiefeſt part of his people to forſake their natiue countrey, and by Sea to get them ouer in|to Britaine Armorike, there to ſeeke reliefe of vit|tayles, for the ſuſtentation of their languiſhyng bodies. Along proceſſe is made by the Brittiſhe writers of this departure of Cadwallader, and of the Britaines, out of this lande, and howe Cad|wallader was aboute to haue returned againe, but that he was admoniſhed by a d [...]eame to the con|trary, the which bycauſe it ſeemeth but fabulous, we paſſe ouer. At length he wente to Rome, and there was confirmed in the Chriſtian Religion by Pope Sergius, and ſhortly after fell ſicke, and dyed the twelfth Kalends of May, in the yeare of our Lord .689. But herein appeareth the error of the Britiſh writers in taking one for another,689 by reaſon of reſemblance of names, for where Ce|adwalla King of the Weſt Saxons about that time moued of a religious deuotion, after he was conuerted to the faith, wẽt vnto Rome, and was there Baptiſed or elſe confirmed of the foreſayde Pope Sergius, and ſhortly after departed thys life in that Citie, in the foreſayde yeare of .689. or thereaboutes, the Welchmen accompt hym to be their Cadwalladar: whiche to be true is very vn|like by that whiche may be gathered by the wri|tings of diuers approoued authors.