[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Suid|helme. Beda. lib. 3. cap. 11. Mat. VVe [...] [figure appears here on page 174] AFter Sig|bert ſucce|ded one Suid|helme in the kingdome of ye Eaſt Saxons, he was the ſon of Sexdalde, & baptiſed of Ced in the prouince of ye Eaſt An|gles, at a place of the kings there called Rendleſ|ſham. Edelwald King of the Eaſt Angles (the brother of King Anna) was his Godfather at the fontſtone. Ced the Biſhop of the Eaſt Saxõs vſed oftentimes to viſit his countrey of Northũ|berland, where he was borne,Beda. lib. 3. cap. 13. to exhort by Prea|ching the people there vnto godly life: wherevpon it chanced that King Edilwalde the ſonne of K. Oſwald whiche raigned in the parties of Deira, moued with the fanie of his vertuous trade of li|uing, had him in great reuerence: and therefore vpon a good zeale and great deuotion, willed him to chooſe foorth ſome plotte of grounde, where hee might build a Monaſterie, in the which the kyng himſelfe and other, might make prayer, and heare Sermons the oftner, and haue place where to bu|rie the dead. The Biſhop conſenting to the kings minde, at length eſpied a place amongſt high and [page 175] deſert mountaynes, where he began the foundati|on of a Monaſterie, afterwardes called Leſting|hem, and firſte meaning to purge the place with prayers and faſting, he deſired licence of the king that he might remayne there all the Lent ſeaſon, whiche was at hande, and ſo continuing in that place for that time, faſted euery day (Sunday ex|cepted) from the morning till euening,The manner of the old faſt. according to the manner, nor receyued any thing then, but only a little bread, and an Hennes egge, with a little milke mixed with water: for he ſayde, that this was the cuſtome of them of whome hee had learned the forme of his regular order, that they ſhould conſecrate thoſe places to the Lorde with prayer and faſting, whiche they lately had recey|ued, to make in the ſame eyther Church or Mo|naſterie. And when there remayned tenne dayes of Lent yet to come, he was ſent for to the king: wherefore he appoynted a brother whiche he had, being alſo a Prieſt named Cimbill, to ſupply his roomth, that his begun Religious worke ſhould not be hindred for the Kings buſineſſe. After that the time was accompliſhed, hee ordeyned a Mo|naſterie there,Lindeſferne holy ilande. appoynting the Monkes of ye ſame to liue after ye rules of them of Lindeſferne where hee was broughte vp. Finally this Biſhop Ced comming vnto this Monaſterie afterwardes by chance in the time of a ſickneſſe, dyed there, and left that Monaſterie to the gouernance of an o|ther brother which he hadde, named Ceadda, that was after a Biſhop, as afterwardes ſhall be ſhe|wed. There were foure breethren of them, and all Prieſtes, Ced, Cimbill, Ceulin, and Ceadda, of the which Ced and Ceadda were Biſhop [...], [...]|fore is ſayd. About the ſame time,Beda. lib. 3. cap. 24. Oſwy Kyng of Northumberlande was fore oppreſſed dy [...] watres of Penda the King of Mercia, ſo that hee made great offers of high giftes, & great rewards vnto the ſayd Penda for peace, but Penda refu|ſed the ſame, as he that meant vtterly to haue de|ſtroyed the whole nation of Oſwies ſubiecte [...], ſo that Oſwy turning himſelfe to ſeeke help at the hands of the Almighty, ſayd,Warre be|tweene King Oſwy and king Penda. if the Pagane refuſe to receyue the giftes which we offer, let vs make offers to him that knoweth to accept them: and ſo binding hymſelfe by vowe, promiſed, that if hee might obteine victorie, he would offer his daugh|ter to be dedicate to the Lord in perpetuall virgi|nitie: and further, would giue twelue manors, Lordſhips or farmes, to the building of Mona|ſteries: and ſo with a ſmall army he put hymſelfe in hazard of battell. It is ſayd that Penda hadde thirtie companies of men of war, furniſhed with thirtie notable Captaines or Coronels, agaynſte whom came Oſwy with his ſonne Alchfride, ha|uing but a ſmall army, but confirmed yet with hope in Chriſt Ieſus. His other ſonne Ecgfrid remayned in hoſtage at that time with Queene Cinuiſe. Edilwald the ſonne of Oſwald yt go|uerned Deira, and ought to haue ayded Oſwy, was on the part of Penda againſt his countrey, and againſt his Vncle, but in time of the fight he withdrew himſelfe aſide, to behold what chaunce would follow. The battell being begun, the .xxx. Pagane Captaines were ouerthrowen, & put to flight, & thoſe yt came to aide Penda, wer almoſt [figure appears here on page 175] al ſlaine,The victory of the Nor|thumbers. amongſt whom was Edilhere King of the Eaſt Angles, that raigned after his brother Anna, and was the procurer of this warre. Thys battell was fought neere to the water of Inwet, the whiche being riſen as then by reaſon of greate raine, drowned more of the enimies, than died of ye Northumbers ſwords. After that Oſwy had obteyned this victory, hee performed promiſe in beſtowing his daughter to ye profeſſiõ of virgini|tie, & alſo gaue ye .xij. manors, whereof .6. were in Deira, & .6. in Bernicia,Elfled. cõteining euery of the .10. houſholds a peece. Elfled alſo K. Oſwies daugh|ter was profeſſed in the Monaſterie of Herthew,Herteſhey ſayth Math. Weſt. Hilda. where one Hilda was Abbeſſe, which Hilda pur|chaſing a Lordſhip of .10. houſholdes in Streane|ſhall, now called Whitby, builded a Monaſterie there, in the which firſt the ſaid Elfled was a no|uice, and after a Ruler, till at length, beeyng [page 176] [...] of .40. yeares ſhe departed this life, and [...] there, and ſo likewiſe was hir mo|ther [...], and hir Grandfather Edwin, with many other high eſtates within the Churche of Saint Peeter the Apoſtle. The victory aboue mencioned gote by King Oſwy in the countrey of Leydes on the .17. Ealends of December,Leydes. and in the thirtenth yeare of his raigne, happened to the great commoditie and gayne of both the peo|ple, for by the ſame, hee deliuered his countrey of Northumberland frõ the cruell deſtruction made in the ſame by the Pagane people of Mercia, and conuerted thoſe Paganes themſelues, and the countreys neere to them adioyning wholly vnto the faith of Ieſus Chriſt.
[1] The firſt Bi|ſhop of MerciaThe firſt Biſhop in the prouince of Mercia, and alſo of Lindefferne and the middle angles was one Drums, who died amongſt the middle angles. The ſeconde was Cellach, the whyche leauing his Biſhoprick, returned into Scotland, for they were both of the nation of the Scottes. The third was an Engliſhman named Trum|here, but inſtructed and ordeyned of the Scottes.
[1] He was Abbot of the Monaſterie of Ingeth|lingum, beeing builded in that place where King Oſwin was ſlaine (as before is mentioned.) For Q. Eaufled that was his kinſwoman gote of hir huſband King Oſwy a place there for ye fore|ſayd Trumhere to build that Abbey.
[1] The victori|ous procee|ding of King Oſwy.King Oſwy after he had ſlayne King Pen|da, he gouerned the people of Mercia, and alſo o|ther of the South prouinces, and ſubdued a great part of ye Pict [...]h nation to the Engliſh dominiõ.
[1] [2] About the ſame time, King Oſwy gaue vnto Peada the ſonne of King Penda (bycauſe he was his kinſman) the countrey of the South Mercies, conteining .5000. houſholdes,South Mercia. and ſeparated from the North Mercies by the riuer of Trente. The countrey of ye Northmercies,North Mercia conteyned in thoſe dayes ſeuen thouſand houſholders.659 But Peada in the nexte ſpring was wickedly murthered th [...]|rough treaſon of his wife (as was ſayd in ye [...] of Eaſter. After that three yeares [...],Mat. [...] next enſuing the death of king Penda, the [...] of the countrey of Mertia, Immi [...] [...],Beda. lib. 3. cap. 24. and Eadbert rebelled againſt King Oſwy, [...] one Wolfhere a yong Gentleman the [...] of Peda, and brother to Peada, wh [...]e they had kept in ſecrete to be their King, and [...] the Lieutenants of King Oſwy, they [...] their owne confines and libertie withall, and ſo liuing in freedome with their owne naturall K. the foreſayd Wolfhere, they alſo continued with glad hartes in ſeruice of the celeſtiall Kyng oure God and Sauioure.
[1] Vulf|here. Beda. lib. 3. cap. 24. [figure appears here on page 176] THis Wolf|here gouer|ned the Mercies ſeuentine yeres, the which Mer|cies during the reigne of ye ſayd Vulfhere hadde foure Biſhops, ſucceſſiuely go|uerning ye chur|che of that prouince one after another, as the a|boue mentioned Trumhere, Iaroman, Ceadda, & Winfride, as after ſhall more at large appeare.H. Hana.
[1] Aboute the beginning of King Wulfheres reigne, that is to witte,Math. VVeſt. in the ſeuententh yeare of the reigne of Cenwald King of the Weſt Sax|ons, the ſame Cenwald fought with ye Britaines at Pennum, where the Britaynes being aſſem|bled in greate number, proudly encountred with the Engliſhmen, and at the firſte put them to the worſe, but when the Engliſhmen woulde in no wiſe giue it ouer, but ſtickt to their tackle at length the Britaines were put to flighte,The Britaines put to flight by Cenwald. ſo that ye poſteritie of Brute receyued ye day an incu [...]able [figure appears here on page 176] wounde. But within three yeares after, that is to witte, in the nineteenth yeare of the reigne of the foreſayde Cenwald, he had not the like lucke in battell againſte the foreſayde Vulfhere King of Mercia,Cenwalde vanquiſhed by Vulfhere. as he had before againſt the Britaines, for the ſayd Vulfhere vanquiſhing him in ye field, paſſed through his countrey with a greate army vnto ye Iſle of Wight, which he coquered, & dely|uered it vnto Adelwold K. of Suſſex,Adelwold of Suſſex. as a gifte at yt time, whẽ he receyued him at the fontſtone after he had conuerted him to the faith. He gaue vnto Adelwold that Iſle, to the ende hee ſhoulde cauſe the people there to receyue the faith of Chriſt.
[1] [2] [3] After that Edelhere king of Eaſt angles was [page 177] ſlayne as before is mentioned, his brother Edel|wald ſucceeded [...] that kingdome, raigning as king thereof by the ſpace of nine yeres. Then after Etherwald, ſucceded Aldulfe ye ſon of [...]d [...]l|here in gouernement of that kingdome, and raig|ned [...] and twentie yeares. After Fina [...] the Bi|ſhop of the Northumb [...]es that held his ſee at Li [...]|deſferne, Beda. li. 3. cap. 24. Colman or|deined Biſhop. as [...]ydan [...] before him, one C [...]lman was [...] Biſhop, a [...]cot borne, and an ear|neſt [...] of the [...] vſed amongſt thẽ of his nation, ſo that where the controuerſie beganne to be [...] for the holding of the fraſt of Eaſter, he would by no meanes yeld to them that would haue perſwaded him to haue followed ye ryte of ye Romane Church.Beda. lib. 3. cap. 25. There was a great diſputatiõ kept about this matter, and other things, as ſha|uing or [...]uing of heares, and ſuch like in the mo|naſterie of Whitby, at the which K. Oſwy & hys ſon Alcfrid were preſent, where Colman for hys part al [...]dged the cuſtome of Iohn ye Euangeliſt, & of Anatholius, and the contrary ſide brought in profe of their opinio, ye cuſtome of Peter & Paule. At length whẽ Biſhop Colman perceyued yt his doctrine was not ſo much regarded as he thought of reaſon it ought to haue bene, he returned into Scotlãd with thoſe,Controuerſie about ſhauing of crownes. which taking part with him, refuſed to obſerue the feaſt of Eaſter according to the cuſtome of the Churche of Rome, nor woulde haue their crownes ſhauen,Cap. 26. about whiche poynte, no ſmall reaſoning had bin kept. This diſputati|on was holden in the yeare of our Lord .664.664 and in the yeare of the raigne of K. Oſwy .22. and in the .xxx. yeare after that the Scottiſhmen began firſt to beare the office of Biſhops within Nor|thumberland, which was as Harriſon ſayth .634. For Aidan gouerned .17. yeares, Finan .10. yeres, and Colman .3. yeares.Tuda ordey|ned Biſhop. After that Colman was returned into his countrey, one Tuda that hadde bin brought vp amongſt ye Southerne Scottes, & ordeined Biſhop by them, ſucceded in his roomth, hauing his crowne ſhauen, & obſeruing the feaſt of Eaſter according to ye cuſtome of the prouince & rite of ye Romane Church. Cap. 27. An eclipſe. Puniſhment of God for yelding to ſuperſtition. The ſame yere, there chanced a great Eclipſe of the ſunne. The thirde of May about ten of the clocke in the day, a great dearth & mortalitie enſued, both in all the parties of this our Britayne, and likewiſe in Ireland. A|mongſt other, the foreſand Biſhop Tuda dyed, & was buried in the Abbey of Pegnalech. After thys Tuda ſucceeded in gouernment of the Church of Lindeſferne,Wilfrid Biſhop. otherwiſe called holy ilãd, one Wil|frid which was ſent by K. Alcfride into Fraunce, to be ordeyned there. About the ſame time Kyng Oſwy, the father of K. Alcfride, moued with the good example of his ſon, ſent Ceadda, the brother of Ced ſometime Biſhop of ye Eaſt Saxons into Kent to be ordeyned Biſhop of Yorke, Cap. 28. but at hys comming into Kent he found that Deus dedit the Archbiſhop of Canterbury was dead, and none other as yet ordeyned in his place, ſo that Ceadda repaired into the prouince of the Weſt Saxons, where hee was ordeined by Biſhop Winy,Ceadda ord [...]|ned Archbi|ſhop of York [...]. who toke two other Biſhops of the Brittiſh in [...] vn|to him to be his aſſociates, whiche vſed to [...]bſe [...]ne the feaſt of Eaſter contrary to the cuſtome of the Romane Church: but there was no other [...]e, for there was none other Biſhop canonically or|deined in ye prouince of the Weſt Saxos in thoſe days, th [...]s Wini only excepted; & therfore was he conſtreyned to take ſuch as he might get. After ye Ceadda was thus ordeyned, hee began forthwith to follow ye true rules of ye Church, he liued right chaſtly, ſhewed hymſelfe humble & continent, ap|plyed his ſtudy to reading, and trauelled abroade on foote: and not on horſebacke through the coun|treys, townes and villages, for to preache ye word of God. He was the Diſciple of Aydan, & coueted by his example, & alſo by the example of his bro|ther Ced, to inſtruct his hearers with the like do|ings and manors as he had knowen them to do. Wilfrid alſo being conſecrated Biſhop, and re|turned into England, endeuored to plant the or|ders of the Romane Churche in the Churches of England, whereby it came to paſſe, that ye Scots which inhabited amongſt the Engliſhmen, were conſtreyned eyther to followe the ſame, or elſe to returne into their owne countrey.
[1] [figure appears here on page 177] IN this mean time, Egbert. Egbert King of Kent. K. [...]rcombert beeing de|parted this life after hee had gouerned the Ken|tiſhmen by the ſpace of twentie yeres, his ſonne Egbert ſucceeded hym in the Kingdome, and raigned nine yeares.
[1] [2] [3] There is little remẽ|braunce of his doyngs, which in that ſhort time were not much notable, except y [...] will aſcribe the comming into this land of the Archbiſhop Theodorus, and the Abbot A|drian, vnto his glory, which chanced in his tyme. For in the yere of ye great eclipſe, & ſore mortalitie that enſued, it chanced, that both K. Ercomberte, and the Archbiſhop Deus dedit departed this life, ſo that the See of Canterbury was voyde a cer|tayne time, in ſo muche, that King Egbert that ſucceeded his father Ercomberte,Bed. li. 3. cap. 29. togither with King Oſwy, did ſende one Wighart a Prieſt of good reputation for his excellent knowledge in the Scriptures, vnto Rome with great gifts, and riche veſſell of gold and ſiluer to be preſented vn|to the Pope requiring him that he would ordeine the foreſayde Wighard Archbiſhop of Canterbu|ry to haue rule of the Engliſh Church.Wighart. But th [...]s Wighart comming vnto Rome, and declaring [page 178] his meſſage vnto Vitalianus that then gouerned the Churche of Rome, immediately after he dy|ed of the peſtilẽce (that then raigned in that citie) with all thoſe yt came with him.Beda. li. 4. cap. 1. The Pope then taking aduice whome hee mighte ordeyne to the See of Canterbury, beeing thus deſtitute of an Archbiſhop,Adrian. he appoynted a Monke named Adri|an to take that office vpon him, but Adrian excu|ſed himſelfe as not ſufficiente for ſuche a roomth, and required the Pope to ordeyne one Andrew a Monke alſo, wherevnto the Pope conſented, but when Andrew was preuented by death, eftſoones Adrian ſhoulde haue bin made Archbiſhoppe, but that he named one Theodore an other Monke that abode as then in Rome, but was borne in the Citie of Tharſus in Cilicia, very wel learned both in the Greeke and Latine, and being of re|uerend yeres, as of .76. This Theodore by ye pre|ſentmen of Adrian, was appointed to be ordeined Archbiſhop of Canterbury, with condition, that Adrian ſhould neuertheleſſe attend vpon him into England, both for yt he had bin twice before thys time in Fraunce, and ſo knew the coaſtes, and a|gaine, for that he might aſſiſt him in all thyngs, and looke well to ye matter, that Theodore ſhould not bring into the Church of England any ryte or cuſtome of the Greekes, contrary to the vſe of the Romane Churche. Theodore being firſt or|deyned ſubdeacon, tarried four monethes till hys heare wer growẽ, that he might haue his crowne ſhauen, after the manner of Peter. For he was rounded or ſhauen after the manner of the Eaſt Church, which was as they perſwaded thẽſelues, according to the vſe of S. Paule the Apoſtle.Theodore or|deined Arch|biſhop of Can|terbury. 668 And ſo at length was this Theodore ordeyned Arch|biſhop of Canterbury by Pope Vitalianus in the yere of our Lord .668. the ſixth Kalends of Iune, and with Adrian ſente into Britaine, they tooke their iourney to come through Fraunce, and ſo being come thither, ſhortly after K. Egbert hadde knowledge thereof: wherevpon with all conueni|ent ſpeede, hee ſente ouer one of his nobles named Redfrid to bring the Archbiſhop into Englande, and ſo he did: but Adrian was ſtayed for a tyme, bycauſe he was ſuſpected to haue had ſome com|miſſion frõ the Emperour to haue practiſed with the Engliſhmen, for the diſquieting of ye Realme of France. But after it was perceiued that thys ſuſpition was grounded of no troth, he was alſo ſuffered to folow ye Archbiſhop, and ſo comming vnto Canterbury, he was made Abbot of ye Mo|naſterie of S Auguſtines. The Archb. Theo|dore came thus to his Churche of Canterbury in the ſeconde yeare after his conſecration, about the ſecond Kalends of Iune, being Sunday.
[1] [2] He gouerned the ſame Churche .21. yeres and 16. days, and was the firſt Archbiſhop to whome all the Churches of Englande did acknowledge their obeyſance. He being accompanyed with the foreſaid Adrian, viſited all the parts of this land ordeyned Biſhops and Miniſters in Churches where he thought conuenient, & reformed ye ſame Churches as ſeemed to him needefull, as well in other things which he miſliked, as alſo in cauſing them to obſerue the feaſt of Eaſter,Ran. Ceſ [...] Math. VV [...]. according to the ryte and vſage of the Church of Rome. Ce|adda that was Biſhop of Yorke, bicauſe hee was not lawfully ordeyned, as he himſelfe confeſſed, was remoued from the Sea of Yorke,Beda. and Wil|frid was thereto reſtored, ſo that Ceadda (though he were not diſgraded of his degree of Biſhop) li|ued yet a priuate kind of life, till he was admitted Biſhop of Mercia, as after ſhall be ſhewed.Singing in Churches broug [...] [...] vſe. And whereas before time there was in manner no ſin|ging in the Engliſhe Churches, except it were in Kent, now they begã in euery Church to vſe ſin|ging of diuine ſeruice after the ryte of the Church of Rome. The Archbiſhop Theodore finding the Church of Rocheſter voyde by the death of ye laſt Biſhop named Damian, he ordeyned one Putta a ſimple man in worldly matters,Putta [...] of Rocheſter. but well in|ſtructed in eccleſiaſticall diſcipline, & namely well ſeene in ſong and muſicke, to be vſed in ye Church after the manner as he had learned of Pope Er [...]|gories diſciples. To be briefe,The [...] prayſe of The|odore and Adrian. ye Archbiſhop The|odore, and the Abbot Adrian deſerued great com|mendation in this, that where they were notably well learned themſelues in the Greeke and La|tine tongues, and alſo hadde good knowledge as well in the liberall artes, as in the Scripture, they tooke great paines to train vp Scollers in know|ledge of the ſame, ſo that the Engliſhmen had not ſeene more happy times than in thoſe dayes,Engliſhmen happy & [...]. ha|uing as then kings of great puiſſãce, ſo as ſtran|gers ſtoode in feare of them, and againe, thoſe that coueted learning, had inſtructors at hand to teach them, by reaſon whereof, diuers being giuen to ſtudie, prooued excellent both in knowledge of the Greeke and Latine. Beda Benedict or Benet ſer [...]|ſed Biſc [...]. There came in company of the ſaid Archbiſhop from Rome, an Engliſh|man named Benedict Biſcope, which had taken vppon him the habite of a Monke in Italy, and nowe returning into his countrey, builded two Abbeyes, the one named Wyremouth, bycauſe it was placed at the mouth of the Riuer of Wire, and the other Girwy, diſtante from Wiremouth about fiue miles, and from the towne of Newe-Caſtell foure miles, ſituate neere to the mouth of Tine.970 Wiremouth was builte in the yeare .670. and Girwy in the yeare .673. There were a .600. Monkes founde in thoſe two houſes, and gouer|ned vnder one Abbot.
[1] The ſayd Benedict was the firſt that brought Glaſiers,Glaſiers [...] brought [...] Englande. Ran. Ceſ [...] Painters and other ſuch curious craftſ|men into Englãd. He went fiue times to Rome, and came agayne.
[1] [2] [page 179] ABout the ſame time, after that Suidheſin K. of the Eaſt Saxons was dead, Sighere the ſonne of Sigbert the little, and Sebby the ſonne of Suward ſuccéeded him in gouernemẽt of that kingdome, albeit they were ſ [...]drẽ [...] vnto Vul [...]here the king of Mercia.Beda. lib. 3. cap. 30. Sighere in that time, when the great mortalitie raigned, renounced the fayth of Chriſt, with that part of the people whiche hee had in gouernemente, for both the ſame Sighere and other of his chiefeſt Lordes, and alſo parte of hys commons louing this life, and not regarding the life to come, began to repaire their Idoliſhe Churches, and fell to the worſhipping of Idols, as though thereby they ſhould haue bin defended from that mortalitie. But his aſſociat Sebby with greate deuotion continued ſtedfaſt in the faith which he had receiued. King Vulfhere being enformed of Segheres apoſtacie, and howe the people in his part of the prouince of Eaſt Saxõs were departed from the faith, he ſente thither Bi|ſhop Iaruman or Iaroman,Biſhop Iaru|man or Iaro|man. that was ſucceſſor vnto Trumhere, which vſed ſuch diligence & god|ly meanes, that he reduced the ſaid K. and all his people vnto the right beleefe, ſo as the Idoltiſhe Sinagogues were deſtroyed, and the Idols with their aulters beaten down, ye Chriſtian Churches again ſet opẽ, & the name of Chriſt eftſones called vpõ amongſt ye people, coueting now rather to die in him wt hope of reſurrectiõ in ye world to come, than to liue in ye ſeruice of Idols, ſpotted with the filth of errors and falſe beleefe. And thus whẽ Bi|ſhop Iaroman had accompliſhed the thing for ye which he was ſent, he returned into Mercia.
[1] After this, when the ſaid Iaruman was depar|ted this life, K. Vulfhere ſent vnto ye Archbiſhop Theodorus, requiring him to prouide ye prouince of the Mercies of a new Biſhop. Theodorus not minding to ordeyne any new Biſhop at yt time, required of Oſwy K. of Northumberlande, that Biſhop Cead mighte come into Mercia to exer|ciſe the office of Biſhop there. This Cead lyued as it were a priuate life at that time in his Mo|naſterie of Leſtingham, for Wilfrid held the Bi|ſhoprike of Yorke, extending his authoritie ouer all Northumberland & amõgſt the Pictes alſo, ſo farre as K. Oſwies dominion ſtretched. There|fore Cead hauing licẽce to goe into Mercia, was gladly receyued of K. Vulfhere, & wel entertay|ned, in ſo muche, that the ſaide K. gaue vnto him lands and poſſeſſions conteining fiftie families or houſholds to build a monaſterie in a certain place within the countrey of Lindſey called Etbearue. But the See of his Biſhopricke was aſſigned to him at Litchfield in Staffordſhire, wher he made him a houſe neere to the Church, in the whych he with .7. or .8. other of his brethren in Religion, v|ſed in an oratory, there to pray and reade ſo often as they had leaſure from laboure and buſineſſe of the world. Finally, after he hadde gouerned the Church of Mercia by ye ſpace of two yeres and an halfe, hee departed this life, hauing .7: dayes war|ning giuen him (as it is reported) from aboue, be|fore he ſhould die, after a miraculous maner. His body was firſt buried in the Churche of our La|dy, but after that the Churche of Saint Peeter the Apoſtle was builded, his bones were tranſla|ted into the ſame.
[1] In the yeare of our Lord .671. whiche was the ſeconde yeare after that Theodorus the Archby|ſhop came into this lãd,671 Oſwy K. of Northum|berland was attached with a greeuous ſickneſſe,Mat. VVest. and dyed thereof the fiftenth Kalends of March, in the .58. yere of his age, after he had raigned .28. yeares complete.
[1] [figure appears here on page 179] AFter Oſ|wy,Ecg|frid. Beda. li. 4. ca. 5 [...] Mat. VVeſt. hys ſonne Ecgfrid ſucceeded in rule of ye king|dome of Nor|thumberlande, in the thirde yeare of whole raigne, that is to witte, in the yeare of oure Lorde .673.673 A Synode hol|den at Herford Theodorus the Archbi|ſhop of Canterbury kept a Synode at Herforde, the firſt ſeſſion wherof began the .24. of Septem|ber, all the Biſhops of this land being preſent, ei|ther in perſon or by their deputies, as Biti the Biſhop of Eaſt angles, Wilfrid the Biſhoppe of the Northumbers by his deputie, Putta Biſhop of Rocheſter, Leutherius Biſhop of the Weſt Saxons, and Winfrid Biſhop of Mercia. In the preſence of theſe Prelates, the Archbiſhop ſhewed a booke,Articles pro|poned by Theodore. wherein he hadde noted ten Chapters or Articles taken out of the booke of the Canons; re|quiring that the ſame might be receyued.
[1] The firſt Chapter was, that the feaſt of Eaſter ſhould be kept, the Sunday following the foure|tenth day of the firſt moneth.
[1] The ſecond, that no Biſhop ſhould entermed|dle within an others dioceſſe, but bee contented with the cure of his flocke committed to him.
[1] The thirde, that no Biſhop ſhould diſquiet in any thing any Monaſterie conſecrated to God, nor to take by violence any goodes that belouded to the ſame.
[1] The fourth, that Biſhoppes beeing Monkes ſhould not goe from Monaſterie to Monaſterie, except by ſufferance and permiſſion of their Ab|bots, and ſhoulde continue in the ſame obedience wherein they ſtoode before.
[1] The fifth, that none of the Eleargie ſhould de|part from his Biſhop to runne into any other di|oceſſe, nor comming from any other place ſhould [page 180] be admitted, except he brought letters of teſtimo|nie with him. But if any ſuch chanced to be recei|ued, if hee refuſed to returne, being ſent for home, both he & his receyuer ſhuld be excommunicated.
[1] The ſixt, that Biſhops & other of the Cleargie beeing ſtraungers, ſhoulde holde them contented with the benefite of hoſpitalitie, & ſhould not take in hand any prieſtly office, without licence of the Biſhop, in whoſe dioceſſe hee chaunced ſo to bee remayning.
[1] The ſeuenth, that twice in the yeare a Synod ſhould be kept, but bycauſe of diuers impedimẽts heerein, it was thoughte good to them all, that in the Kalendes of Auguſt a Sinode ſhoulde bee kepte once in the yere, at a certayne place called Cloofeſhough.
[1] The eyght Chapter was, that no one Biſhop ſhould by ambition ſeeke to be preferred afore a|nother, but that euery one ſhoulde knowe the tyme and order of his conſecration
[1] The ninth, that as the number of the Chriſti|ans increaſed, ſo ſhoulde there bee mo Biſhoppes ordeyned.
[1] The tenth was touching marriages, that none ſhould contract matrimony with any perſon, but with ſuche as it ſhoulde bee lawfull for hym to doe by the orders of the Churche: none ſhoulde matche with their kinſfolke, no man ſhoulde for|ſake hys wife, except as the Goſpell teacheth, for cauſe of fornication. But if any man did put a|way his wife whiche hee hadde lawfully mar|ried, if hee woulde bee accompted a true Chriſti|an, hee myght not be coupled with an other, but ſo remayne, or elſe bee reconciled to his owne wife againe.
[1] Theſe Articles being intreated of and conclu|ded, were confirmed with the ſubſcribing of all their hands, ſo as al thoſe that ſhould goe againſt the ſame, ſhoulde be diſgraded of their prieſthood, and bee ſeparated from the company of them all.
[1] Biſi Biſhop of the Eaſt Angles. [figure appears here on page 180] THe foreſayd Biſi yt was Biſhoppe of the Eaſt Angles, & preſente at thys Sinode, was ſucceſſor vnto Bonifacius, whi+che Bonifacius helde that ſee .17. yeares, and then he being departed this life, Biſi was made Biſhop of that prouince, and ordeined by the Archbiſhop Theodor. Thys Biſi at length was ſo viſited with ſickneſſe, that hee was not able to exerciſe the miniſtration, ſo that then there were two Biſhoppes elected, and conſecrated for him, the one named Aecci, and the other Baldwin.
[1] In this meane while, that is to ſay,872 about the yere of our Lord .872. or beginning of ye .873. as Harriſon noteth, Kenwalch King of the Weſt Saxons departed this life, after hee had raigned 30. yeares. This Kenwalk was ſuch a Prince,Mat. [...] dereg [...]. as in the beginning, he was to be compared with the worſt kind of rulers, but in the middeſt and later ende of his raigne, hee was to bee compared with ye beſt. His godly zeale borne towards the aduan|cing of the Chriſtian religion wel appeared in the building of the Church at Wincheſter, where the Biſhops Sea of al that prouince was thẽ placed.
[1] His wife Sexburga ruled the Kyngdome of Weſt Saxons after him, a woman of ſtoutues ynough to haue atchieued actes of worthy remẽ|brance, but being preuented by deathe ere ſhe had raigned one whole yeare, ſhe could not ſhewe any full proofe of hir noble courage.
[1] I remember that Math. Weſt. maketh other report hereof, declaring that the nobilitie remoued hir from the gouernement. But I rather followe William Malmeſ. in this matter.
[1] TO proccede therefore, after yt Sexburga was departed this life, or depoſed,Eſcui|nus. if you wil nedes haue it ſo, Eſcuinus or Elcuinus, whoſe Grand|father called Cuthgiſlo, ye brother of K. Kinigils ſucceded in gouernmẽt of ye Weſt Saxons,VVil. Mal. reig|ning about ye ſpace of two yeres: and after his de|ceſſe, one Centtuinus or Centwine tooke vppon him the rule, and continued therein the ſpace of nine yeares. But Bede ſayth that theſe two ru|led at one time, and deuided the kingdom betwixt them. Elcuinus fought againſt Vulfhere Kyng of Mercia, a greate number of men being ſlayne on both parties,Hen. [...]. though Vulfhere yet had after a manner the vpper hand, as ſome haue written.
[1] In the ſame yere that the Sinode was holden at Herford,Beda. lib. [...] cap. ſup. [...]. that is to ſay in the yeare of our Lord 673. Ecgbert the King of Kent departed this life in Iuly,King Locius. and lefte the Kingdome to his brother Lothore, which held the ſame eleuen yeares, and ſeuen monethes. VVil. Malm. Beda. dereg. lib. 1. Thunnir. A vile ma [...]|ther. Some haue written that King Egbert by the ſuggeſtion of one Thunnir, who had the chiefe rule of the kingdome vnder him, ſuffered the ſayde Thunnir to put vnto death E|thelbert or Ethelbright, whiche were the ſonnes of Ermenredus the brother of King Ercombert, that was father vnto king Egbert, for doubt le [...]t they being towardly yong Gentlemen, myghte in tyme growe ſo into fauor with the people, that it ſhoulde bee eaſie for them to depriue both Eg|bert, and his iſſue of the Kyngdome. Alſo, that they were priuily put to death, and priuily buried at the firſte, but the place of their buriall imme|diately beeyng ſhewed after a miraculous manner, theyr bodyes long after in the dayes of Kyng Egilrede the ſonne of Kyng Edgar, [page 181] were taken vp, and conueyed vnto Ramſey, and there buried. And although Egbert being giltie of the death of thoſe his couſins, did ſore repent him, for that he vnderſtoode they dyed giltleſſe, yet hys brother Lothaire was thought to be puniſhed for that offence as after ſhall be ſhewed.
[1] [2] Biſhop Win|frid depoſed.Winfrid Biſhop of the Mercies, for cauſe of diſobedience in ſome poynt, was depriued by the Archbiſhop Theodore,Sexvulfe or|deyned Biſhop of the Mercies and one Sexvulfe that was the buylder and alſo the Abbot of the Mo|naſterie of Meidhamſtede, otherwiſe called Pe|terborrough, was ordeyned and conſecrated in his place.675. as Math. Weſt. hath. Biſhop Erken|walde. About the ſame time, Erkenwalde was ordeyned Biſhop of the Eaſt Saxons, and ap|poynted to hold his See in the Citie of London. This Erkenwalde was reputed to bee a man of great holyneſſe and vertue. Before he was made Biſhoppe, hee buylded two Abbeyes, the one of Monkes at Chertſey in Sowtherie, where hee himſelfe was Abbot, and the other of Nunnes at Berking, within the prouince of the Eaſt Sax|ons,Ethelburga. where he placed his ſiſter Ethelburga a wo|man alſo highly eſteemed for hir deuout kinde of life.Iohn Cap|graue. She was firſte brought vp and inſtructed in the rules of hir profeſſion by one Hildelitha a Nunne of the parties of beyond the Sea, whome Erkenwald procured to come ouer for that pur|poſe.Waldhere. Sebby king of Eaſt Saxõs. Beda. lib. 4. cap. 61. After Erkenwald, one Waldhere was made Biſhop of London, in whoſe dayes Sebby king of the Eaſt Saxons, after hee had raigned thirtie yeares, beeing nowe vexed with a greeuous ſick|neſſe. profeſſed himſelfe a Monke: whiche thyng he would haue done long before, if his wife hadde not kept him backe. Hee died ſhortly after within the Citie of London; and was buried in the Church of Saint Paule. King Sighere whyche in the beginning raigned with him,VVil. Mal [...] and gouerned a parte of the Eaſt Saxons, was departed thys life before, ſo that in his latter time, the foreſayde Sebby had the gouernemente of the whole pro|uince of the Eaſt Saxons, and left the ſame to his ſonnes Sighard and Sewfred.
[1] About the yeare of our Lorde .675.675 Vulfhere King of Mercia departed this life, after hee hadde raigned as ſome haue .19. yeares, VV. Mal. But other affirme that [...] raigned .17. yeares. Beda. Peada or ra|ther Weada. but as other af|firme, hee raigned but .17. yeares. Howbeit they which reckẽ nineteene, include the time that paſ|ſed after the ſlaughter of Penda, wherein Oſwy and Peada held the aforeſayde Kingdome.