[1] CAdwallo,Cadwal+lo, or Cadwal+line. or Cadwalline, for we finde him ſo alſo named, be+gan his raigne o|uer the Britains in the yere of our Lord .635.635 in the yeare of the raign of the Empero [...]r Heraclius .35. and in the .xiij. yeare of Dagobert king of France.
[1] Of this man ye haue heard partly before tou|ching his dealings and warres agaynſt the Nor|thumbers, [page 166] and other of the Engliſh Nation: but forſomuch as diuerſe other things are reported of him by the Brytiſh wryters, wee haue thought good in this place to rehearſe the ſame in part, as in Gal. Mon. we finde written, leauing the cre|dite ſtill with the authour, ſith the truth thereof may the more be ſuſpected, bycauſe other Au|thours of good authoritie, as Beda, Henrie Hun|tington, William Malm. and other, ſeeme great|ly to diſagree from him herein. But this is it written.
[1] [2] Edwin was not ſonne to Ethel|fred but to Al|la, or Elle, as in [...]ther places it plainly ap [...] This Cadwallo, and Edwyn the ſonne of Ethelfred, as Galfride ſayth, were brought [...]p in Fraunce, being ſent thither vnto Salomon king of Brytaine, by king Cadwane, when they were verie yong: and that after their returne into thys lande, when they were made kings, Cadwall of the Brytaynes, and Edwyne of the Northum|bers, there continued for the ſpace of two yeares great friendſhip betwixt them, till at length Ed|wyn requyred of Cadwallo that he might weare a Crowne, and celebrate appoynted ſolemnities within his dominion of Northumberlande, as well as Cadwall did in his Countrey. Cadwall taking aduice in this matter, as length by per|ſwaſion of his nephew Brian, denied to gia [...] vnto Edwin his requeſt, wherwith Edwin [...] ſuch diſpleaſure, that he ſent word vnto Cadwall, that he would be crowned without his leaue ordi|cence, ſith he would not willingly gra [...]ie it wh [...]|vnto Cadwal anſwered, that if he ſo did, he [...] [...]ut off his head vnder his dia [...]eme, if he pre [...]ed to weare any within the cõfines of Britain. Here|of diſcord ariſing betwixt theſe two princes, they began to make fierce and cruell warre either of them againſt the other, and at length ioyning in battail with their maine armies,Cadwallo vanquiſhed by Edwyn. Cadwall loſt the field, with many thouſands of his men, and being chaſed, fled into Scotlande, and from thence got ouer into I [...]eland,Cadwallo [...]eeth the lande. and finally paſſed the ſeas into Brytain Armorike, where of his couſin king Sa|lom [...]n he was curteouſly receyued, and at length obteyned of him .x.M. men to go with him [...]acke into his cũtry to aſſiſt him in recouery of his lãd [...] and dominions the which in the mean time were cruelly ſpoiled, waſted, & haried by king Edwin. [figure appears here on page 166] The ſame time, Brian the nephew of Cadwallo whom he had ſent into Britain a little before for to flea a certaine wiſard or ſouthſayer, which K. Edwin had gottẽ out of Spain, named Pelitus, that by diſcloſing the purpoſe of Cadwallo vnto Edwin greatly hindred Cadwalloes enterpriſes, had fortified the Citie of Exeter, meaning to de|fende it till the comming of Cadwallo, whervpon Penda king of Mercia beſieged that Citie with a mightie armie, purpoſing to take it, and Brian within it. Cadwallo then aduertiſed hereof, im|mediately after his arriuall haſted to Exeter, and deuiding his people into foure parts, ſet vpon his enimies, & tooke Penda, and ouerthrew his whole armie. Penda hauing no other ſhift to eſcape, ſub|mitted himſelf wholy vnto Cadwallo, promiſing to become his liegemã, to fight againſt the Sax|ons in his quarell. And this Penda being ſub|dued, Cadwallo called his nobles togither which had bene diſperſed abrode a long ſeaſon, and with all ſpeede went agaynſt Edwyn king of Nor|thumberlande, and ſlue him in battaile at Hat|fielde (as before is mencioned) with his ſonne Oſ|fride, and Godbold, king of the Iles of Orkney, which was come thither to his ayde.
[1] By this it ſhould appeare, that Fabian hath gathered amiſſe in the account of the raignes of the Brytiſh kings: for it appeareth by Beda and others, that Edwyn was ſlayne in the yeare of our Lorde .634.634
[1] And where Fabian (as before is ſayd) attry|buteth that acte & diuerſe other vnto Cadwan the [page 167] father of this Cadwallo: yet both Gal. Mon. and Beda, with the moſt part of all other wryters, ſignifie that it was done by Cadwallo.
[1] Harding aſſigneth but .xiij. yeares vnto the raigne of Cadwan, and declareth that he dyed in the yeare of our Lorde .6 [...]6. in the which yeare as he ſayeth) Cadwallo began his raigne, which his opinion ſeemeth beſt to agree with that which is written by other authors.
[1] But to returne to the other doings of Cad|wallo, as we finde them recorded in the Brytiſhe Hyſtorie.
[1] After hee had got this victorie agaynſte the Northumbers, he cruelly purſued the Saxons, as though he ment ſo farre as in him lay, to deſtroye the whole race of them oute of the landes of all Brytayne and ſending Penda agaynſt King Oſwalde that ſucceeded Edwin, though at the firſt Penda receyued the ouerthrowe at Heauen|fielde, yet afterwardes Cadwallo hymſelfe high|lye diſpleaſed with that chaunce, purſued Oſ|walde, and fought with hym at a place called Bourne,Oſwald ſlaine. where Penda ſlue the ſayd Oſwalde.
[1] After that Oſwalde was ſlayne, his brother Oſunus ſucceeded him in gouernment of the Northumbers, and ſought the fauour of Cad|wallo, now ruling as King ouer all Brytayne, and at length by great gyftes of golde and ſiluer, and vppon his humble ſubmiſſion, hee obteyned peace, tyll at length vpon a ſpyte, Penda King of Mercia obteyned lycence of Cadwallo to make warres agaynſt the ſayde Oſunus,Oſwy. Math. VVeſt. 654 in the which (as it happened) Penda himſelfe was ſlaine.
[1] Then Cadwallo after two yeres graunted that Vlfridus the ſonne of Penda ſhoulde ſucceede in the kingdome of Mertia.
[1] And thus Cadwallo ruled things at his ap|poyntment within this lande, And finally when he had raigned .xlviij. yeares,678 676. ſayth Mat. VVeſt. hee departed thys lyfe the .xxij. of Nouember.
[1] His bodie being embalmed and dreſſed with ſweet confections, was put into a braſen Image, by maruellous arte melted and caſt, the whiche Image beeing ſet on a braſen Horſe of excellente beautie, the Brytaynes erected aloft vppon the Weſt gate of London called Ludgat, in ſigne of his victorious conqueſtes, and for a terror to the Saxons.
[1] And moreouer the Church of Saint Martine ſtanding vnderneath the ſame gate, was by the Brytains then builded.
[1] Thus haue the Brytaynes made mention of theyr valiaunt Prince Cadwallo, but diuerſe men thinke that much of that Hyſtorie is but fa|bles, bycauſe of the diſſonance founde therein ſo manifeſtly varying both from Beda and other autentike wryters (as before I haue ſayde.)
[1] The true hy|ſtorie of king Oſwalde.But nowe to the truth of the Hyſtorie tou|ching Oſwalde King of the Northumbers,Oſwald mea|neth to bee thankfull to God for his benefites. Beda. li. 3. ca. 3.5.6. Hector. Bo. wee finde after that he had taſted of Gods high fau [...]r extended to hymwardes, in vanquiſhing hys enimyes as one mynding to be thankfull there|fore, was deſirous to reſtore agayne the Chri|ſtian fayth through hys whole Kingdome, [...]ore lamenting the decaye thereof wythin the ſame, and therefore euen in the beginning of his raigne, he ſente vnto Donwalde the Scottiſhe King (with whome hee had beene brought vp in tyme of his baniſhment the ſpace of .xviij. yeares) re|quiring him to haue ſome learned Scottiſh man ſent vnto him, ſkilfull in preaching the worde of lyfe, that with godly Sermons and wholeſome inſtructions, hee might conuerte the people of Northumberland vnto the true and liuing God, promiſing to entertaine him with ſuch prouiſion as apperteyned.
[1] At his inſtance there was ſent vnto him one Corman, a Clerke ſingularly well learned,Corman. and of great grauitie in behauiour: but for that he wan|ted ſuch facilitie, and plaine vtterance by waye of gentle perſwading, as is requiſite in him that ſhal inſtruct the ſimple, onely ſetting forth in his Ser|mons high myſteries, & matters of ſuch profound knowledge, as vneth the verie learned might per|ceyue the perfect ſenſe and meaning of his talke, his trauaile came to ſmall effect, ſo that after a yeares remayning there, he turned into his coun|trey declaring amongeſt his brethren of the clear|gie, that the people of Northumberlande was a froward, ſtubburn & ſtiffe harted generatiõ, whoſe minds he could not frame by any good meanes of perſwaſion to receiue the chriſtian faith ſo that he iudged it loſt labor to ſpende more time amongſt them being ſo vnthankfull & intractable a people, as no good might be done vpon them.
[1] Amongſt other learned and vertuous prelates of the Scots, there chaunced one to be there pre|ſent at the ſame time called Aydan,Aydan. a man of ſo perfite life, that (as Beda writeth) he taught no o|therwiſe than he liued, hauing no regarde to the cares of this world, but whatſoeuer was giuẽ him by kings or men of welth and riches, that he free|ly beſtowed vpon the poore, exhorting other to do the lyke.
[1] This Aydane hearing Cormans words, per|ceiued anon that the fault was not ſo much in the people, as in the teacher, & therefore declared, yt (as he thought) although it were ſo that the people of Northũberland gaue no ſuch attentiue eare vnto the preaching of that reuerend prelate Cormã, as his godly expectation was they ſhould haue done, yet might it be that his vttring of ouer many my|ſtical articles amongſt thẽ, far aboue the capacity of the vnderſtanding of ſimple men, was ye cauſe why they ſo lightly regarded his diuine inſtructi|ons, whereas if he had (according to the counſaile [page 168] of Saint Paule) at the firſt miniſtred vnto theyr tender vnderſtãdings,Saint Paules [...]ounfaile. only milke without harder nouriſhments, he might happely haue wonne a farre greater number of them vnto the receyuing of the fayth, and ſo haue framed them by lyttle and lyttle to haue diſgeſted ſtronger foode. And therefore hee thought it neceſſarie in diſcharge of theyr duetyes towardes God, and to ſatiſfie the earneſt zeale of King Oſwalde, that ſome one amongeſt them myght bee appoynted to goe againe into Northumberlande, to trie by procee|ding in this maner afore alledged, what profite woulde thereof enſue.
[1] The Byſhoppes hearing the opinion of Ay|dane, and therewith knowing Cormans maner of preaching, iudged the matter to bee as Ay|dane had declared, and therevppon not onely allowed his wordes, but alſo willed him to take the iourney vppon him, ſithe they knewe none ſo able, with effect to accompliſh theyr wiſhed de|ſires in that behalfe.
[1] Aydan com|meth into [...]ngland to [...]reach the goſpell.Aydane for that he would not ſeeme to refuſe to take that in hande whiche he himſelfe had mo|cioned, was contented to ſatiſfie their requeſt, and ſo ſet forwarde towardes Northumberland, and comming thither, was ioyfully receyued of King Oſwalde, who appoynted him the Ile of Lindeſ|farne wherein to place the Sea of his newe Bi|ſhoprike.
[1] This Aydane in one point varied from the vſe of the new begon Church of England,Beda. li. 3. ca. 3: Hector. Bo. that is to witte, touching the time of obſeruing the feaſt of Eaſter, in like maner as all the Biſhoppes of the Scottes and Pictes inhabiting within Brytaine in thoſe dayes did, following therein (as they tooke it) the doctrine of the holy and prayſe wor|thie father Anatholius. But the Scots that in|habited in the South partes of Irelande, alreadie were agreed to obſerue that feaſt, according to the rules of the Church of Rome. But Aydane be|ing thus come into Northumberlande, applyed himſelf ſo earneſtly in prayer and preaching, that the people had him within ſhort whyle in won|derfull eſtimation, chiefely for that hee tempered his preachings with ſuche ſweete and pleaſaunt matter, that all men had a great deſire to heare him, inſomuche that ſometyme hee was glad to preache abrode in Churche yardes, bycauſe the audience was more than coulde haue rowmth in the Church.
[1] One thing was a great hinderance to him, that he had not the perfite knowledge of the Sax|ons tongue. But Oſwald himſelfe was a great helpe to him in that matter, who beeing of no|thing ſo much deſirous, as to haue the fayth of Chriſt rooted in the heartes of his ſubiects, vſed as an interpreter to report vnto the people in their Saxon tongue, ſuch whole Sermons as Aydan vttered in his mother tongue. Beda. Oſwalde [...] the [...] For Oſwalde [...]|uing bene brought vp (as ye haue heard) in S [...]|lande during the time of his baniſhment, was [...] readie in the Scottiſhe, as he was in the Saxon tongue.
[1] The people then ſeeing the kings earneſt de|ſire in furthering the doctrine ſet forth by Aydan, were the more inclined to heare it: ſo then it was a maruellous matter to note, what numbers of people dayly offred themſelues to be baptiſed,Het. [...] inſo much that within the ſpace of ſeauen dayes (as is left in wryting) he chriſtened .xv. thouſande per|ſons, of the whiche no ſmall parte for ſauing the world, betooke thẽſelues to a ſolitarie kind of [...].
[1] Thus by his earneſt trauail in continual prea|ching and ſetting forth the Goſpell in that coun|try, it came to paſſe in the ende, that the faith was generally receyued of all the people, and ſuch zeale to aduaunce the glorie of the Chriſtian Religion dayly increaſed amongeſt them, that no where could be found greater.
[1] Herevpon were no ſmall number of Churches buyle in all places abrode in thoſe parties by pro|curement of the king,Oſwalde zeale to ad|uaunce reli|gion. (all men liberally cõſenting according to the rate of their ſubſtance) to be con|tributaries towardes the charges.
[1] By this meanes the kingdome of the Nor|thumbers flouriſhed, as well in fame of increaſe in religion, as alſo in ciuill policie and prudent ordi|nances: inſomuch that (as Bede writeth) Oſwald atteyned to ſuche power,Beda. li. 5. [...] that all the nations and prouinces within Brytaine which were deuided into four tongues (that is to ſay) Britains, Picts,Oſwald [...] i [...] eſtimation with his neigh|bours. Scots, and Engliſhmen, were at his cõmaunde|ment. But yet was he not lift vp in any pride or preſumption, but ſhewed himſelfe marueylous curteous and gentle, and very liberal to poore peo|ple, and to ſtraungers.
[1] It is ſayde that he being ſet at the table vpon an Eaſter day, hauing Biſhop Aydan at diner then with him, his Almoner came in as ye Biſhop was about to ſay grace, and declared to the king that there was a great multitude of poore folks ſet before the gates to looke for the kings almes. The king herewith tooke a ſiluer diſh which was ſet on the table before him with meate & cõmanded the ſame meat ſtreightways to be deſtributed amõgſt the poore, and the diſh broken into ſmall peeces, & deuided amongſt thẽ: for which act he was highly commended of the Biſhop, as he well deſerued.
[1] By the good pollicie and diligent trauail of this king, the prouinces of Deira and Bernicia, which hitherto had beene at variaunce, were brought to peace and made one.
[1] ABout the ſame time,Beda. li. 3. ca. 7 Birinus cõ [...]|teth the weſt Sax [...]s to the chriſtian [...]. the Weſt Saxons were conuerted to the Chriſtian fayth, by the preaching of one Birinus a Biſhop, the whiche came into this lande at the exhortation of Pope [page 169] Honorius, to ſet foorthe the Goſpell vnto [...] people which as yet were not baptiſed. By his di|ligent trauell in the [...]ordes harueſt, [...]inigils [...]ing of weſt Saxon becõeth [...] Chriſtiã. Cynigilſus or Rynigils one of the Kings of that countrey receyued the faithe, and was baptiſed about the fiue and twentith yeare of his raigne. King Oſ|wald that ſhould haue his daughter in marriage, was preſent the ſame time; & [...]rſtoere hee became a ſonne in law, was made a Godfather vnto Ki|nigils (that ſhould be his father in lawe) by recey|uing him at the fontſtone, in that his ſecond birth of regeneration.Polidor. This B [...]inds was an Italian, & now that King Kinigils was become a Chri|ſtian, he appoynted vnto the ſayd Byrinus the ci|tie of Dorceſter ſituate by the Thames, diſtaunt from Oxforde about ſeuen miles,Dorceſter or|deined a Bi|ſhops See. to be the See of his Biſhopricke, where he procured Churches to be buylt, and by his earneſt trauell and ſetting foorth the word of life, [...] the right beleefe.
[1] In the yeare folowing, [...] the other King of the Weſt Saxons [...] ſonne to Ki [...]|gils was alſo chriſtned, and dyed the ſame yeare, and ſo then. Cinigilſus or Kinigils raigned a|lone.
[1] In this meane while Penda King of Mer|cia that ſucceeded next after Ciailus,Hen. Hunt. being a mã giuen to ſeeke trouble in one place or other,This chanced in the yeare. 627. as Mat. Weſt. hath. [...]ea| [...]ied warre againſt the Kings of Weſt Saxon, Kinigils and [...], the whiche gathering their power, gaue hym battell a [...] Ciren [...]ter, where both the parties fought [...] out to the v [...]ter|moſt, as though they had forſoo [...]ne to giue p [...]ace [...] to another in ſo much that they continued in fighte and in making of cruell ſlaughter [...] the night parted them in ſunder. And in the mor [...]ing [figure appears here on page 169] when they ſaw that if they ſhould buckle togy|ther againe, the one parte ſhoulde vtterly deſtroy the other, they fell to agreemente in moderating eache others demaundes.
[1] 640 Beda. lib. 3. cap. 8. Mat. VVeſt.After this in the yeare of our Lord .640. Ead|bald King of Kent departed this life after hee had raigned .24. yeares, leauing his Kingdome to hys ſonne Earconbert. This Earconbert was the firſte of the Engliſhe Kings, whiche tooke order for the vtter deſtroying of all Idols through out his whole Kingdome.
[1] He alſo by his royall authoritie,Lent firſt or|deined to be kept in Eng|land. commaunded the faſt of fortie dayes in the Lente ſeaſon to bee kept and obſerued, appoynting worthy and com|petent puniſhmente agaynſte the tranſgreſſors of that commaundemente. Hee hadde by hys wife Segburg,Sexburga. that was daughter vnto Anna King of the Eaſt Angles, a daughter named Eartongatha, the which was profeſſed a Nonne within the Monaſterie of Briege or Ea|la in Fraunce:Almoious. For in theſe dayes, bycauſe there were not many Monaſteries as yet buylded within this land, a great number of Engliſhmen that tooke vppon them the profeſſion of a Religi|ous life, gote them ouer vnto Abbeyes in France, and there profeſſed themſelues Monkes: and ma|ny there were which ſente their daughters ouer to be profeſſed Nonnes within ye Nunneries there, and ſpecially at Brige, Cale, and Andeley: a|mongſt other, there were Sedrike the lawfull daughter, and Edelburgh the baſtard daughter of the ſayd King Anna, the whiche both in proceſſe of time were made Abbeiſſes of the ſaide Mona|ſterie of Brige.
[1] Yee haue hearde already, how Oſwald King of Northumberland bare himſelfe in all poyntes like a moſt worthy Prince, not ceaſing to releeue the neceſſitie of the poore, aduancing the good, and reforming the euill, whereby hee wanne to hym|ſelfe exceeding prayſe and commendation of all good men, and ſtill his fame encreaſed for his ver|tuous doings, namely, for the ardent zeale he had to the aduancing of the Chriſtian fayth. Heere|vpon Penda King of Mercia, enuying the pro|ſperous [page 170] proceedings of Oſwald, as he that could neuer abyde to heare the good report of other mẽs well doings, began to imagine howe to deſtroy him, and to conquere his Kyngdome that hee might ioyne it to his owne. [...] the [...]. Bed. [...] King [...] ſlayne. At length he inuaded his countrey by open warre, met with him in the field at a place called Maſerfield, & there in ſharp and cruell fight Oſwald was ſlayne on the [...] [figure appears here on page 170] day of Auguſt in the yeare of our Lord .642. and in the .38. yeare of his age,Mat. VVeſt. Math. 644. after he had raigned the tearme of eyght or nine yeares after ſome, whych accompt that yeare vnto his raigne, in the whych his predeceſſors Oſrick and Eaufride raigned, whome they number not amongſt Kings, by|cauſe of their wicked appoſtacie, and renouncing of the faith which before they had profeſſed. Such was the ende of the vertuous Prince King Oſ|wald, beeing cruelly ſlayne by that wicked Ty|rant Penda. Afterwards for the opinion concey|ued of his holyneſſe, the foreſayde Oſwald was canonized a Saynt, and had in greate worſhippe of the people,VVil. Malm. beeing the firſte of the Engliſhe na|tion that approoued his vertue by miracles ſhe|wed after hys departure out of this life. Oſwy King of Nor| [...]humberland.
[figure appears here on page 170]
[1] Beda. lib. 3. [...]ap. 14. AFter that Kyng Oſwalde was ſlaine, his brother Oſwy being about a .30. yeres of age, tooke vpon him the rule of the Kingdom of Nor|thumberland, gouerning ye ſame wt great trouble for the ſpace of eyght and twentie yeares, be|ing ſore vexed by the foreſayde Penda Kyng of Mercia and his people, whiche as yet were Pa|ganes.
[1] In the firſt yeare of his raigne, whiche was in the yeare of our Lorde .644.644 Pauline the Biſhop of Rocheſter whiche had bin alſo Archbiſhoppe o [...] Yorke departed this life, and then one Thama [...] an Engliſhman of the parties of Kente was or deyned Biſhoppe of Rocheſter by Honorius the Archbiſhoppe of Canterbury. Kyng Oſwy had a partner with hym in gouernement of the Nor|thumbers in the firſt beginning of his raigne one Oſwin, which was ſonne to Oſrick, ſo that Oſ|wy gouerned in Bernicia, and Oſwin in Dei [...],Bernicia. and continued in perfect friendſhip for a ſeaſon, till at length, through the counſell of wicked per|ſons, that couered nothing ſo muche as to ſowe diſcorde and variance betwixte Princes, they fell at debate, and ſo beganne to make warres the one agaynſte the other, ſo that finally when they were at poynte to haue tried theyr quarrell in o|pen battayle, Oſwin perceyuing that he had not an army of ſufficiẽt force to encounter with Oſ|wy, he brake vp hys campe at Wilfareſdowne, a tenne mile by Weſt the Towne of Catarac|tone, and after withdrewe hymſelfe onely with one ſeruant named Condhere vnto the houſe of Erle Hunwald, whome he tooke to haue bin hys truſty friende: but contrary to his expectation, the ſayd Hunwalde did betray hym vnto Oſwy, the whyche by his Captayne Edelwine ſlewe the ſayde Oſwin and hys ſeruaunte the foreſayde Conhere, in a place called Ingethling, the thir|teenth Calends of September, in the ninth yeare of his raigne, whyche was after the birth of oure Sauioure .651.651
[1] [page 171] This Oſwin was a goodly Gentleman of perſon, talle, and beautifull, and very gentle of ſpeeche, ciuill in manners, and very liberall both to high and lowe, ſo that he was beloued ouer al. Suche a one he was, to bee brirfe, as Biſhop Ay|dan geſſed, that hee ſhoulde not long continue in life, for that the Northumbers were not worthy of ſo good & vertuous a gouernor. Such humble|neſſe and obedience hee perceyued to [...] in hym towards the law of the Lord [...], in taking yt which was tolde him for his better inſtruction in good part, that he ſayd, he neuer ſawe before that tyme an humble King.
[1] The ſame Aydan lyued not paſt twelue days after the deathe of the ſayd Oſwin, whome hee ſo much loued, departing this world the laſt day of Auguſt, in the ſeuententh yeare after he was or|deyned Biſhop. His body was buried in the Iſle of Lindeſferne.
[1] After Aydan, one Finan was made Biſhop in his place, a Scottiſhman alſo, and of the Iſle of Hu [...], from whence his predeceſſor the foreſaid Ay|dan dame, being firſt a man of Religion profeſſed in the Monaſterie there (as ſome writers doe report.)