5.73. Malgo.


[figure appears here on page 147]

[1] AFter the deceaſſe of Vort [...]orus,Malgo. Malgo that was nephewe to Aurelius Conanus, (as ſome write) was made king of Britayne,Math. VVeſt. hath noted. 58 [...]. and began his reigne ouer the Britons, in the yeare of our Lord .580. in the .xv. yeere of the Emperor Iuſtinian, and in the . [...]7.580. yeere of the reigne of Childerick king of the Frenchmen.

[1] This Malgo is reported to haue beene the comelyeſt Gentleman in beautie and ſhape of perſonage that was to be founde in thoſe day [...] amongeſt all the Brytons, and therewith of a bolde and hardie courage.Gal. M [...]. Hee manfully defended the countrey which he had in gouer|naunce, from the malice of the Saxons, & ſub|dued the out Iſles, as Orkeneye and others. But notwithſtãding the noble qualities with the whiche his perſone was adorned, yet hee ſpotted them all with the foule filthie ſynne of Sodomie, ſo that he fell into the hatred of Al|mightie God, and being purſued of the Sax|ons, receyued many ouerthrowes at their han|des, as by the reporte of the Engliſhe writers is gathered more at large. Finallye when hee had reigned fiue yeeres and odde moneths, hee departed this lyfe.

[1] [2] It ſeemeth that this Malgo is named by Gildas Maglocunus,Math. VVeſt. compteth not paſt fiue yeeres to his reigne, vvhom Har [...]ſ folovveth, al|though other affirme that he reigned . [...]. yea|res. the whiche Gildas be|fore he ſpeaketh of him, inueyeth againſt one Cunegl [...]ſus, whom he reproueth, for that he warred both againſt God and man: againſt God with greuous ſins, as namely adulterie, in forſaking the companie of his lauful wife, and keeping to concubine a ſyſter of hirs, that hadde profeſſed chaſtitie: and againſte man with materiall armor and weapons whiche hee vſed to the diſtruction of his owne coun|treymen, with whome he kepe warres, and not againſt the enimies of the common wealth From Cuneglaſus he commeth to the forſayde Maglocune, whome hee nameth the Dragon [page 142] of the Iſles, and the expellet of many tyrants, not only out of their kingdomes, but alſo out of lyfe, the laſt of whome he entreateth (as he him|ſelfe ſayth) but the firſt in all miſchiefe and euil, greater than manye in power, and lykewiſe in malice: right liberall in giuing, but more plen|tifull in ſinne ſtrong and valiant in armes, but ſtronger in deſtruction of his owne ſoule. And ſo proceeding chargeth him with the ſinne of the Sodomites, and ſore blameth him for that wher it had pleaſed God to make him hygher than all the other Dukes of Britayne in kyngdome and degree, hee didde not ſhewe hymſelfe better, but contraryly worſe than they by farre in manners and conditions. Hee declareth alſo a little after that this Maglocune in his young yeares ſlewe in battayle his vncle being king with the moſt valiaunt ſouldiours in manner that he had.

[1] Alſo that where the ſame Maglocune tooke vpon him the profeſſion of a Monke, he after re|nounced the ſame, and becam a worſe liuer than euer he was before, abandoning his wyfe, and keeping his brothers ſonnes wife, whileſt hir huſ|bande yet lyued.

[1] Thus by that whiche Gildas wryteth of the kings and rulers of the Britons whiche lyued in his dayes, ye may perceiue that they were giuen to all manner of wickedneſſe, and namely to ci|uill diſſention, rapine, adulterie and fornication: ſo that it maye bee thoughte, that God ſtirred vp the Saxons to be a ſcurge to them, and to worke his iuſte vengeaunce vppon them for theyr wic|ked and abhominable offences dayly committed againſt his diuine maieſtie, ſo that we fynde re|corded by writers howe that the Saxons in dy|uers conflictes agaynſt the Brytons hadde the better, and alſo tooke from them diuers townes as already partly hath bin and alſo hereafter ſhal be ſhewed.

[1] IT is furthermore to be remembred, that a|bout the .14. yeare of the Britayn king Co|nanus his reigne, whiche was aboute the end of the yeare of Chriſte .559. Kenrike kyng of the Weaſtſaxons departed this lyfe,559. after he hadde reigned . [...] yeares complete.

[1] This Kenrike was a victorious Prince, and fought diuers battailes againſt the Britons. In the .xviij.H. Hunt. yeare of his reigne which was the .551. of Chriſt, we fynd that he fought againſt them, beeing come at that tyme vnto Saliſburie, and after greate ſlaughter made on bothe partes, at length the victorie remayned with the Saxons, and the Britons were chaſed. Agayne in the two and twentie yere of his reigne and .555. yere of Chriſt, the ſame Kenrik and his ſon Chevling fought with a greate power of Britons at Be|ranbury.

[1] The Britons were diuided into .ix. cõpanies, iij. in the foreward .iij. in the battayle . [...]iij in the rereward with their horſmen & archers, after the maner of the Romans. The Saxons being ran|ged in one entier bataile, valiantly aſſailed them, and notwithſtanding the ſhot of the Britons, yet they brought the matter to the triall of handblo|wes, til at length by the cõming on of the night, the victorie remained doubtfull: and no maruell is to be made therof (ſayeth Henry Archedeacon of Huntington) ſith the Saxons were menne of ſuche huge ſtatute, greate force and valya [...]t courage.

[1] The ſame yeare that Kenrike deceaſſed, Ida the king of Northumberlande alſo died: he was (as ye haue heard) a right valiãt prince, & enlar|ged the dominion of the Saxons greately. Hen|ner came in battaile Loth king of the Pictes, and Gorrane or rather Conrane king of Scots.

[1] Alſo about the yeare of Chriſt .560. Conanus (as yet gouerning the Britons) Irmenrike king of Kente, departed this lyfe,560 of whome ye haue heard before and Ethelberte his ſonne ſucceeded him .52. yeres.H. Hunt. Then after that the forſaid three princes were dead (as before ye haue heard) they had that ſucceded thẽ in their eſtates as here fol|loweth. After Kenrike, his ſonne Ceaulinus or Chevlyng ſucceeded in gouernment of the Weſt|ſaxons: and after Ida, one Ella or Alla reigned in Northumberland. After Irmenrike followed his ſonne Ethelberte in rule ouer the Kentiſhe Saxons.

[1] This Ethelberte in proceſſe of tyme grewe to be a mightie prince, but yet in the beginnyng of his reign, he had but ſory ſucceſſe againſt ſome of his enimies:H. Hunt. [...]|lias VVi [...]| [...]asd [...] for hauing to do with the forſaid Chevlyng king of Weſtſaxons, he was of hym ouercome in battaile at Wilbaſdowne, where he loſt two of his dukes or chiefe Captaines, beſide other people. This was the firſt battail that was foughten betwixte the Saxons, one againſte an other within this land, after their firſt comming into the ſame And this chaunced in the yeare of of our Lorde .567. being the ſeconde yeare of the Emperour Iuſtinus.

[1] ABoute the yeare .570. Cutha the brother of king Chevlyng foughte with the Bry|tons at Bedforde and ouercame them,570. Cutha Aleſbuy [...] 581. and tooke from them foure townes, Liganbrough, Egleſ|broughe, or Ayleſburye, Beſington, and Eueſ|ſham. Alſo about the yeare of our Lorde .581. the foreſayde King Cheuling encountred with the Britaynes at a place called Dyorth, and obtey|ning the vpper hand, tooke from them the Cities of Bathe, Glouceſter, and Ciren [...]eeſter.

[1] At this battayle fought at Dyorth, were pre|ſente three kyngs of the Britons, whoſe names were theſe: Coinmagill, Candidan, and Fa|rimnagill, the whiche were ſlayne there through [page 143] the permiſſion of almightie God as then refu|ſing his people, the which through their heynous ſinnes and great wickedneſſe, had moſt greuouſ|ly offended his hygh and diuine Maieſtie, as by Gildas it may euidently appeare: for they hadde declined from the lawes of the Lorde, and were become abhominable in his ſight, euen from the Prince to the poore man, from the Prieſt to the Leuite, ſo that not one eſtate amongſt them walked vprightley, but contrarie to duetie was gone aſtraye, by reaſon whereof, the rightuous God had giuen them ouer as a pray to their eni|myes.

[1] Alſo in the latter ende of Malgos dayes or a|bout the firſt beginning of the reigne of his ſuc|ceſſour Careticus,His brother as Math. VVeſt. [...]th. Chevling and his ſonne Cut|wyne fought with the Brytons at a place called Fechanley or Fedanley, or as ſome bookes haue, Frithenlye,H. Hunt. where Cutwyn was ſlayne, and the Engliſhemen chaſed: but yet Chevling repai|ring his armie, wan the victorie, and chaſed the Britons,Mat. VVest. and tooke from them many countreys, and wan great riches by the ſpoyle But Math. Weſtm. ſayth, that the victorie aboade with the Britons, and that the Saxons were chaſed quite out of the fielde. The Scottiſhe writers recorde, that their king Aydan was there in ayde of the Brytons, and Brudeus kyng of the Pictes in ayde of the Saxons: but the ſame writers name the place Deglaſton, where this battayle was foughte.

5.73.1. The beginning of the kingdome of Mercia.

The beginning of the kingdome of Mercia.

[1] [figure appears here on page 143] Crida.ABoute the ſame time alſo and .585. of Chriſt, Hen. Hunt. This kingdom began in the yeare 585. as Math. VVeſt. hath. the kingdome of Mercie began vnder one Cri+da, that was deſcẽded from [...]en, and the tenth from him by lineall extraction.Ran. Ceſt. The boundes of this kingdom were of great diſtance hauing on the eaſt the ſea vnto Humber, and ſo on the North the ſayde riuer of Humber, and after the ryuer of Mercie, whiche falleth into the weaſt ſea at the corner of Wyr|hall and ſo comming aboute to the ryuer of Dee that paſſeth by Cheſter, the ſame ryuer boun|ded it on the Weaſt from Wales, and likewyſe Seuerne vp to Briſtow: on the ſouth is had the ryuer of Thames til it came almoſt to London: And in this ſort it conteyned Lincolneſhire, No|tinghamſhire, Derbyſhire, Che [...]ſhyre, Shrop|ſhire, Worceterſhire, Glouceterſhire, Oxford|ſhire, Buckinghamſhire, Hertefordſhire, Bed|fordſhire, Huntingtonſhire, Northamptonſhire, Leyceſterſhire, and Warwikeſhire.

[1] Thus haue ye heard how the Saxons in [...]ro|ces of tyme remouing the Britons out of their ſeates, daylye wanne grounde of them, till at length they got poſſeſſion of the beſt part of this Iſle, and erected within the ſame ſeuen kingdo|mes, whiche were gouerned by ſeauen ſeuerall kings, which continued vntill at length the kin|ges of Weſtſaxõ brought them al into one Mo|narchie, as after ſhal appere. Mat. Weſtm. reck|neth .viij. kingdomes as thus. The kingdome of Kent, the kingdome of Suſſex, the kingdome of Eſſex, the kingdom of Eaſtangle, the kingdome of Mercia, the kyngdome of Weaſtſex, and the kyngdome of Northumberlande, whyche was diuided into two kyngdomes, that is to wit, into Deira and into Be [...]: wherevnto Hariſon addeth the nynth in the firſt part of his chronologie, and calleth it Wales.