5.63. Conſtantius.


[1] [figure appears here on page 109] THis Conſtã|tius then the ſonne of Conſtã|tine,Conſtã|tius. by the helpe (as before ye haue heard) of Vorti|gerne, was made king of Britaine, in the yeare of our Lorde .443.445. hath Math. Weſt. But Conſtanti|us bare but the name of king: for Vortigerne ab|vſing his innocencie and ſimple diſcretion to or|der things as was requiſite, had all the rule of the lande, and did what pleaſed him. Where|vpon firſt where there had beene a league conclu|ded betwixt the Brytaynes, Scottes and Pictes,Hector. Bo. in the dayes of the late King Conſtantine, Vortiger cauſed the ſame league to bee renued, and waged an hundred Pictes, and as manye Scottes to bee attendaunt as a garde vpon the kings perſon, dyuerſe of the whiche (corrupting them with fayre promiſes) he procured by ſubtile meanes in the ende to murther the King,Conſtantius murthered. and immediately vpon the deede done, he cauſed the murtherers to be ſtrangled, that they ſhoulde not afterwardes diſcloſe by whoſe procurement they did that deed?

[1] Then cauſed he all the reſidue of the Scottes and Pictes to bee apprehended,The ſubtile dealing of Vortigerne. and as it had [page 110] beene vpon a zeale to ſee the death of Conſtanti|us ſeuerely puniſhed, he framed ſuch inditements and accuſations agaynſt them, that chiefely by his meanes (as appeared) the guyltleſſe perſons were condemned and hanged, the multitude of the Brytiſhe people beeing wonderfully pleaſed therewith, & giuing great cõmendations to Vor|tigerne for that deede.

[figure appears here on page 110]

[1] Thus Conſtantius was made away in ma|ner as before ye haue hearde, after he had raigned (as moſte wryters affyrme) the ſpace of fiue yeares.

[1] Then after that his death was knowne, thoſe that had the bringing vp and cuſtodie of his two yonger brethren,Aurelius Ambroſius. Vter Pen|dragon. Aurelius Ambroſe, and Vter Pendragon, miſtruſting the wicked intent of Vortigerne, whoſe diſſimulatiõ and miſchieuous meaning by ſome great likelihoods they ſuſpected, with all ſpeede they got them to the ſea, & fled into little Brytaine, there keeping them till it pleaſed God otherwiſe to prouide for them.

[1] But Vortigerne coulde ſo well diſſimule his craftie workings, and with ſuch conueyance and cloked maner coulde ſhadow and colour the mat|ter, that moſt men thought and iudged him moſt innocent and voyd of all euil meaning: inſomuch that he obteyned ſo greatly the fauour of the peo|ple, the hee was reputed for the onely ſtay and defender of the common wealth.

[1] Herevppon came it to paſſe, that when the Coũſell was aſſembled to elect a new king, for ſo much as the other ſonnes of king Conſtantine were not of age ſufficient to rule, Vortigerne himſelfe was choſen,Vortigerne is choſen king of Brytaynes. diuerſe of the nobles (whom hee had procured thereto) giuing their voyces to this his preferment, as to one beſt deſeruing the ſame in their opinion and iudgement.