5.54. Alectus.


[1] ALectus in hauing vanquiſhed and ſlayn Ca|rauſſius tooke vpon him the rule and gouern|ment of Britayn,Alectus in the yeare of our Lorde .293.Of vvhom our British hiſto|ries vvrite af|ter this maner. 293.

[1] This Alectus when he had reſtored the lande to the ſubiection of the Romaynes, didde vſe [page 82] greate crueltie agaynſt ſuche of the Britaynes, as hadde maynteined the parte of Carauſſius, by reaſon whereof, he purchaſed muche euill will of the Britons the which at length conſpired a|gaynſt him, and purpoſing to chaſe the Romai|nes altogether out of their countrey, they procu|red one Aſclepiodotus, whom (the Brytiſh chro|nicles name Duke of Cornewall) to take vpon him as chief capitaine of that enterpriſe. Wher|vpon the ſame Aſclepiodotus aſſembling a great armie togither, made ſuch ſharpe warres on the Romains, that they being chaſed from place to place, at length withdrewe to the citie of Lon|don, and there held them til Aſclepiodotus came thither, and prouoked Alectus and his Romains ſo muche, that in the end they iſſued foorth of the Citie, and gaue batayle to the Britons, in the whiche muche people on both partes were ſlayn, [figure appears here on page 82] but the greateſt number dyed on the Romaines ſyde: and amongeſt other, Alectus himſelf was ſlayne. The reſidue of the Romains that were lefte alyue, retired backe into the Citie with a captayn of theirs named Liuius Gallus, and de|fended themſelues within the walles for a tyme right valiantly.

[1] Thus was Alectus ſlayne of the Britons, af|ter he had reigned (as ſome ſuppoſe) aboute the terme of ſixe yeres (or as ſome other write) three yeares.Fabian. Mat. VVeſt.