5.53. Carauſsius.


[1] [figure appears here on page 81] CArauſſius,Carauſ|ſius. a Bri|ton of vnknowen birth, as witneſſeth the Britiſh hiſtories, after he had vãquiſht & ſlain Baſſianus (as yt ſame hiſtories make mẽtiõ, was of the Britayne made kyng and ruler ouer them, in the yeare of ouer Lorde .218.218. Galfrid. as Galfr. hath: but W. Harriſon noteth it to be in an .286. This Carauſſius either to haue the ayd and ſupport of the Picts,Polycron. Fabian. as in the Britiſh hiſto|rie is conteined, either elſe to be at quietnes with them, being not otherwiſe able to reſiſt thẽ, g [...] to them the coũtreis in the ſouth partes of Scot|lande, which ioyne to England in the caſt in [...]|ches, as M [...]rs, Louthian, and others.

[1] But here is to be noted,Galfridus. that the Britiſh wri|ters affirme, that theſe Pictes yt were thus placed in the ſouth parts of Scotland at this time, were brought ouer out of Scythia by Fulgentius, [...] him againſt Seuerus, & that after the death of Seuerus and Fulgentius, which both died of hurtes receyued in the bataile fought betwixt thẽ at Yorke: the Picts tooke part with Baſſianus, & at length betrayed him in the battaile which he fought againſt this Carauſſius: for he corrup|ting them by ſuch practiſes as he vſed, they tur|ned to his ſide, to the ouerthrowe & [...] deſtruc|tion of Baſſianus: for the which [...]raitre [...]s part they had thoſe ſouth countreys of Scotland gi|uen vnto them for their habitation. But by the Scottiſh writers it ſhould appere, that thoſe Pic|tes whiche ayded Fulgentius and alſo Carauſ|ſius, were the ſame that long before had inhabi|ted in the north parts of Britayne, nowe called Scotland. But whatſoeuer they were, trouth it it is (as the Britiſh hiſtories record) that at lẽgth one Alectus was ſent from Rome by the [...]ate with .iij. legions of ſouldiors to ſubdue Carauſ|ſius, which he did, and ſlewe him in the fielde, as the ſame hiſtories make m [...]tion after he had reig|ned the ſpare of .vij. or .viij. yeares: and in ye yeare of oure ſaluation .193.193. as William Hariſon ac|compteth.