[figure appears here on page 73]
[1] COilus the Sonne of [...] after his fathers deceaſſe made Kyng of Britayn,Coyllus. [...]n the yere of our Lord .125.
[1] This Coyllus or Coyll was broughte vp [...]n his youth amongſt the Romaynes at Rome,125 where hee ſpente hys tyme not vnprofitably, [page 74] but applyed hymſelfe to learning and ſeruice in the warres, by reaſon whereof, hee was muche honored of the Romaynes and he likewiſe hono|red and loued them, ſo that hee payed his tribute truly all the tyme of hys raigne, and therefore ly|ued in peace and good quiet. He was alſo a Prince of muche bountie, and very liberall, whereby hee obteyned great loue both of his nobles and com|mons.Colcheſter builte. Some ſaye, that hee made the Towne of Colcheſter in Eſſex, but other write, that Coyll whych reigned next after Aſclepeodotus was the firſt, founder of that Towne, but by other it ſhuld ſeeme to be built long before, being called Cama|lodimum. Finally, when thys Coyll had raig|ned the ſpace of .54. yeares, hee departed this lyfe at Yorke, leauing after him a ſonne named Lu|cius, which ſucceeded in the Kingdome.