[1] [figure appears here on page 66] AFter ye de|ceaſe of Ar+uiragus,Mari|us. hys ſonne Marius ſucceeded him in the eſtate,Hector [...] ſaith th [...] this Marius was a Ro [...] and began his raigne in the yeare of oure Lorde .73.73 In the olde Eng|liſhe [page 67] Chronicle, he is fondly called Weſtme [...], and was an excellent wiſe man, gouerning the Bry|tains in great proſperitie, honor and wealth.
[1] In the time of this mans raigne, the people called Picts inuaded this lande. They are iudged to be deſcended of the Nation of the Scithians, neare kinſmen to the Gothes, both by Countrey and maners, a cruell kind of men and much giuen to the warres.
They are thought to haue taken theyr name, bycauſe they vſed to paint their ſelues with a cer|tain blewiſh colour, or for that they were marked with printes in theyr viſages, ſo that the more honourable he was amongſt them, the de [...]pelyer was he marked, & the more baſe he was, the leſſe his marks appeared. Some thinke that theſe were the ſame that were called Agathirſies, and named Picts bicauſe they painted their faces & limmes ſo that by no menes ye painting could be waſhed off: but howſoeuer they came by ye name, [...]bian. [...]l. Mon. [...]at. VVeſt. it is euident inough that they were of the Scithian nation.
[1] This people therfore with their leader Rode|rike, or as ſome name him Londorike, entring the Ocean ſea after the maner of [...]ouers, arriued on ye coaſts of Ireland, where they required of ye Scots new ſeates to inhabite in, for the Scots whe [...] (as ſome think) were alſo diſc [...]ded of ye Scithians, did as thẽ inhabit in Ireland: but doubting yt it ſhuld not be for their profit to [...] ſo warlike a nation into that Ile, feyning as it were a friendſhip, and excuſing the matter, by ye [...]wneſſe of the coũ|try, declared vnto the Picts, that the Ile of Bry|tain was not farre frõ thence, being a large coun|try & a plentiful, and not greaaly inhabited wher|fore they counſelled them to go thither, promiſing vnto them all the ayde that might be.
[1] The Picts more deſirous of ſpoyle than of rule or gouernmẽt, without delay [...]tſed to the ſea, and ſailed towards Britain, where being [...], they firſt inuaded the north p [...]s thereof, [...] finding there but few inhabiters, they begin to was [...] and forray the country, [...] Marius was aduertiſed, with al ſpeed he aſſembled his people, & made towards his enimies, & giuing to thẽ [...],Roderike king of Pictes ſlaine. obteyned the victorie, ſo that Roderike was ſh [...] ſlain in the field, & his people vanquiſhed.
[figure appears here on page 67]
[1] Vnto thoſe that eſcaped with life, Marius graunted licence that they might inhabite in the north part of Scotlande called Catneſſe, beeing as then a Countrey in maner deſolate wythoute habitation: wherevpon they wythdrewe thither, and ſetled themſelues in thoſe partyes. And by|cauſe the Brytaynes diſdeyned to graunt vnto them theyr daughters in maryage, they ſent vn|to the Scots into Irelande, requyring to haue wiues of theyr nation.
[1] The Scottes agreed to their requeſt, with this condition, that where there wanted lawfull iſſue of the kings lynage to ſucceede in the Kingdome of the Pictes, then ſhoulde they name one of the womans ſyde to bee theyr king: whiche or|dinaunce was receyued and obſerued euer after amongeſt the Pictes ſo long as their kingdome endured.
[1] And thus the Pictes next after the Romains, were the firſt of any ſtraungers that came into this lande to inhabite as moſt wryters affyrme, although the Scottiſhe Chronicles auouche the Picts to be inhabiters here before the incarnation of our ſauiour. But the victorie which Marius obteyned agaynſt their king Roderike,Polidor. Math. VVeſt. chaunced in the yeare after the incarnation .87.
[1] In remembraunce of which victorie, Marius cauſed a ſtone to bee erected in the ſame place where the battayle was fought, in whiche ſtone was grauen theſe woordes, Marq Victoria. The Engliſhe Chronicle ſayeth that this ſtone was ſette vppe on Staneſmoore, and that [page 68] the whole Countrey thereaboute taking name of this Marius, as Weſtmaria, nowe cleped Weſtmerlande.
[1] King Marius hauing thus ſubdued his eni|mies, and eſcaped the daunger of their dreadfull inuaſion, he gaue his minde to the good gouern|ment of his people, and the aduauncement of the common wealth of the realme, continuing the re|ſidue of his life in great tranquillitie, and finally departed this life, after he had raigned (after moſt writers) lij or .liij. yeares.Mat. VVeſt. Howbeit there be that wryte, that hee dyed in the yeare of our Lorde 78. and ſo raigned not paſt fiue or ſixe yeares at the moſt.
[1] He was buryed at Cairleil, leauing a ſonne behinde him called Coyll.
[1] Thus finde we in the Brytiſhe and Engliſh Hyſtories touching this Marius.
[1] Humfrey Llhuyd ſeemeth to take this mã and his father Aruiragus to be all one perſon, whether mooued therto by ſome Catologe of kings which he ſawe, or otherwiſe. I cannot affyrme: but ſpeaking of the time when the Pictes and Scots ſhould firſt come to ſettle themſelues in this land, he hath theſe words. Neither was there any wri|ters of name, that made mention either of Scots or Picts before Veſpaſianus time, about the yere of the incarnation .72. At what time Meurig or Maw, or Aruiragus raigned in Brytaine. In which time our annales do report, that a certaine kind of people liuing by piracie and rouing on the ſea, came forth of Sueden, or Norway, vnder the guiding of one Rhythercus, who landed in Alba|nia waſting all the Countrey with robbing and ſpoyling ſo farre as Cairleil, where he was van|quiſhed in battaile, and ſlaine by Murigus, with a great part of his people. The reſidue that eſca|ped by flight, fledde to their ſhippes, and ſo con|ueyed themſelues into the Iles of Orkney, and Scotlande, where they quietly abode a greate while after.
[1] Thus farre haue I thought good to ſhew forth of the foreſayde Llhuyds booke, for that it ſeemeth to carie a great likelihoode of truth with it, for the hyſtorie of the Picts, which vndoubtedly I think were not as yet inhabiting in Brytaine, but ra|ther firſt placing themſelues in the Iles of Ork|ney made inuaſion into the maine Ile of Britain afterwards, as occaſion ſeemed to be offred. In the Brytiſh tong they are called Phightiaid, that is Phightians, and ſo likewiſe were they called in the Scottiſh, and in their owne tongue.
[1] But nowe to ſhewe what chaunced in thys Ile, during the time of ye ſayd Marius his ſuppo|ſed raigne, as is found in the Romain Hyſtories.
[1] Iulius Agri|cola lieutenãt.AFter Iulius Frontinus, the Emperor Veſ|paſian ſent Iulius Agricola to ſucceed in the gouernment of Brytain, who comming ouer a|bout the middeſt of Sommer, Cor. [...] vit. The [...] of Ag [...] his g [...]|men. founde the men of warre through want of a lieutenant negligent y|nough, as thoſe yt looking for no trouble, thought themſelues out of all daunger, where the enimies neuertheleſſe watched vpon the next occaſion to worke ſome diſpleaſure, and were readie on eche hand to moue rebelliõ. For the people called Or|douices, that inhabited in the countrey of Cheſ|ſhire, Lancaſhire, & part of Shropſhire, had lately before ouerthrowne & in maner vtterly deſtroyed a wing of ſuch horſmen as ſoiourned in their par|ties, by reaſon wherof al ye prouince was brought almoſt into an aſſured hope to recouer libertie.
[1] Agricola vpon his comming ouer, though ſom|mer was nowe halfe paſt, and that the ſouldiers lodging here & there abrode in the countrey, were more diſpoſed to take reſt, than to ſet forward in|to the field againſt the enimies, determined yet to reſiſt the preſent danger: and therwith aſſembling the men of warre of the Romains, and ſuch other aydes as he might make, he inuadeth their cuntry that had done this foreſaid diſpleaſure, and ſlue downe the moſt part of all the inhabitants therof. And not thus contented, (for that he thought good to follow the ſteps of fauorable fortune, & know|ing that as the beginning proued, ſo woulde the whole ſequele of his affayres by likelyhoode come to paſſe) he purpoſed to make a ful conqueſt of the Ile of Angleſey,The Ile of Angleſey. from the conqueſt whereof the Romain Lieutenant Paulinus was called backe by the Rebellion of other of the Brytayns, as be|fore ye haue heard.
[1] But whereas he wanted ſhips for the furni|ſhing of his enterpriſe, his wit and policie founde a ſhift to ſupplie that defect: for chooſing forth a pyked number of ſuch Brytaines as he had there with him in ayde, which knewe the fourds & ſhal|low places of the ſtreames there, and withall were very ſkilfull in ſwimming (as the maner of the Countrey then was) he appoynted them to paſſe ouer on the ſodaine into the Ile, onelye with theyr Horſes, armour, and weapon: whiche en|terpriſe they ſo ſpeedily, and with ſo good ſuc|ceſſe atchieued, that the Inhabitantes much a|maſed with that doing (which looked for a nauie of ſhippes to haue tranſported ouer theyr eni|mies by Sea, and therefore watched on the coaſt) beganne to thinke that nothing was able to bee defended agaynſt ſuche kynde of warriours that gotte ouer into the Ile after ſuche a ſorte and maner.
[1] And therefore making ſute for peace,Angleſey [...]|ded to Ag [...]|cola. they deliuered the Ile into the handes of Agricola, whoſe fame by theſe victoryes daylye muche encreaſed, as of one that tooke pleaſure in tra|uayle, and attempting to atchieue daungerous enterpryſes, in ſteade whereof hys predeceſſours had delighted to ſhewe the maieſties of theyr [page 69] office by vaine bragges, ſtately portes, and am|bitious pomps. For Agricola turned not the pro|ſperous ſucceſſe of his proceedings into vanitie, but rather with neglecting his fame, encreaſed it to the vttermoſte, amongeſt them that iudged what hope was to be looked for of things by him to be atchieued, which with ſilence kept ſecret theſe his ſo worthie doings.
[1] Moreouer, perceyuing the nature of the peo|ple in this Ile of Brytain, and ſufficiently taught by other mens example, that armour ſhould little auaile, where iniuries followed to the diſquieting of the people, [...]cola his [...] gouern| [...]t. hee thought beſt to take away and remoue all occaſions of warre. And firſt begin|ning with himſelfe and his ſouldiers, tooke order for a reformation to be had in his owne houſhold, yeelding nothing to fauour, but altogither in re|ſpect of vertue, accounting them moſt faythfull, which therein moſt excelled, he ſought to knowe all things, but not to doe otherwiſe than reaſon mooued, pardoning ſmall faultes, and ſharpely puniſhing great and heynous offences, neyther yet deliting always in puniſhment, but oftẽtimes rather in repentance of the offender. Exactions and tributes he leſſened, qualefying the ſame by reaſonable equitie. And thus in reforming the ſtate of things, he wanne him great praiſe in time of peace, the whiche eyther by negligence or ſuf|feraunce of the former Lieutenauntes, was e|uer feared, and accounted worſe than open warre.
[1] [2] This was his practiſe in the winter time of his firſt yeare, but when Sommer was come, he aſſembled his armie, [...] diligence. and leading forth the ſame, trayned his ſouldiers in all honeſt warlike diſci|pline, commending the good, and reforming the bad and vnruly.
[1] He himſelfe to giue enſample, tooke vpon him all daungers that came to hande, and ſuffred not the enimies to liue in reſt, but waſted their coun|treys with ſodaine inuaſions. And when he had ſufficiently chaſtiſed them, and put them in feare by ſuche maner of dealing, hee ſpareth them that they might againe conceyue ſome hope of peace. By which meanes many countreys which vnto thoſe dayes had kept themſelues out of bondage, layde rancour aſide, and deliuered pledges, and further were contented to ſuffer Caſtelles to be buylded within them, and to be kept with gari|ſons, ſo that no part of Brytayne was free from the Romain power, but ſtoode ſtyll in daunger to be brought vnder more and more.
[1] The ſeconde yeare of Agri|cola his go|uernment.In the winter following, Agricola tooke pay|nes to reduce the Brytains from their rude ma|ners and cuſtomes, vnto a more ciuill ſorte and trade of liuing, that chaunging their naturall fierceneſſe and apte diſpoſition to warre, they myght through taſting pleaſures, be ſo enured therewith, that they ſhoulde deſire to liue in reſt and quietneſſe:The worthie practiſes of Agricola to traine the Bri|taynes to ci|uilitie. and therefore hee exhorted them priuily, and holpe them publikely to buyld tem|ples, common halles where plees of law might be kept, and other houſes, commending them that were diligent in ſuch doings, and blaming them that were negligent, ſo that of neceſſitie they were dryuen to ſtriue who ſhoulde preuent eche other in ciuilitie. He alſo procured that Noble mens ſonnes ſhoulde learne the liberall ſciences, and prayſed the nature of the Brytaynes, more than the people of Gallia, bycauſe they ſtudyed to attayne to the knowledge of the Romaine elo|quence. By whiche meanes the Brytaynes in ſhort tyme were brought to the vſe of good and commendable maners, and ſorted themſelues to go in comely apparell after the Romain faſhion, and by little and little they fell to accuſtom them|ſelues to fine fare, and dilicate pleaſures, the ready prouokers of vices, as to walke in Galleries, to waſh themſelues in bathes, to vſe banketting and ſuch like, which amongſt the vnſkilfull was cal|led humanity or curteſie, but in very deed it might be accounted a part of thraldome and ſeruitude, namely being to exceſſiuely vſed.
[1] In the thirde yeare of Agricola his gouern|ment in Brytaine,The thirde yeare. he inuaded the north partes therof (vnknowne til thoſe days of the Romains) being the ſame where the Scots now inhabit: for he waſted the countrey vnto the water of Tay,The water of Tay. in ſuch wyſe putting the Inhabitauntes in feare, that they durſt not once ſette vpon his armie, thoughe it were ſo that the ſame was very ſore diſquyeted and vexed by tempeſt and rage of weather.
[1] Wherevpon finding no greate let or hynde|rance by the enimyes, he buylded certain Caſtels and Fortreſſes, which he placed in ſuche conue|nient ſteades that they greatly annoyed his ad|uerſaries, and were ſo able to be defended, that ther was none of thoſe Caſtels which he builded, either wonne by force out of the Romains hands, or giuen ouer by compoſition, for feare to be ta|ken: ſo that the ſame being furniſhed with compe|tent numbers of men of warre, were ſafely kept from the enimies, the whiche were dayly vexed by the often iſſues made forth by the Souldiers that lay thus in gariſon within them: ſo that where in tymes paſt the ſayde enimies woulde recouer theyr loſſes ſuſteyned in Sommer by the Winters aduauntage, nowe they were put to the worſe, and kept backe as well in the Winter as in the Sommer.
[1] In the fourth Sommer,The fourth yeare of Agri|cola his go|uernment. after that Agricola was appoynted to the rule of this lande, he went about to bring vnder ſubiection thoſe people, the which before tyme her had by incurſions and forreyes ſore vexed and diſquieted: and there|vpon [page 70] vpon comming to the waters of Clide & Lough|leuen,Clota. Bodotria. he buylt certaine fortreſſes to defende the paſſages and entryes there, dryuing the enimies beyond the ſame waters, as it had bin into a new Ilande.
[1] In the fifth Sommer,The fift yeare. Agricola cauſing hys ſhippes to be brought about, and appoynting thẽ to arriue on the north coaſts of Scotland, he paſ|ſed with his army ouer the riuer of Clide, and ſubdued ſuche people as inhabited thoſe further partes of Scotland, which till thoſe daies had not bene diſcouered by the Romains.
[1] And bycauſe he thought it ſhould ſerue wel to purpoſe, for ſome conqueſt to be made of Ireland, if that part of Scotlande which bordereth on the Iriſhe Seas might be kept in due obedience, hee placed gariſons of Souldiers in thoſe parties, in hope verily vpon occaſion to paſſe ouer into Ire|lande, and for the more eaſie aduauncement of his purpoſe therein,An Iriſh king expulſed out of his country. hee enterteyned wyth ho|nourable prouiſion one of the kings of Irelande, which by ciuill diſcorde was expulſed and driuen out of his countrey.
[1] In deede Agricola perceyued, that with one Legion of Souldiers, and a ſmall ayde of other men of warre, it ſhoulde bee an eaſie matter to conquere Irelande, and to bring it vnder the Dominion of the Romaines: which enterpriſe he iudged verye neceſſarie to be exployted, for bet|ter keeping of the Brytaynes in obedience, if they ſhoulde ſee the iuriſdiction of the Ro|maines euery where extended, and the libertie of theyr neighbours ſuppreſſed and turned to ſub|iection.
[1] The ſixt yeare of Agricola his gouern|ment.In the ſixth Sommer of Agricola hys go|uernment, he proceeded in ſubduing the further|moſte partes of Scotlande Northwardes, cau|ſing his Nauie to keepe courſe aneynſt hym by the coaſt as hee marched forth by lande, ſo that the Brytaynes perceyuing howe the ſecrete Ha|uens and Creekes of theyr Countreyes were nowe diſcouered, and that all hope of refuge was in maner cutte off from them, were in a maruey|lous feare.
[1] On the other part the Romaines were ſore troubled with the rough Mountaynes, and crag|gie Rockes, by the whiche they were conſtray|ned to paſſe beſide the daungerous ryuers, lakes, wooddes, ſtraytes, and other comberſome wayes and paſſages.
[1] The danger alſo of them that were in the ſhips by ſea, was not ſmall by reaſon of winds & tem|peſts, and high ſpring tides, which toſſed & tur|moyled their veſſels right cruelly: but by the pain|full diligence of them that had bene brought vp & enured with continuall trauaile and hardneſſe, all thoſe diſcõmodities were ouercome to their great reioyſing, when they met and fell in talke of theyr paſſed perils, for oftentimes the armie by land en|camped ſo by the ſhore, that thoſe which kept the ſea came a lande to make merie in the campe, and then eche one woulde recounte to others the ad|uentures that had happened, as the maner is in ſemblable caſes.
[1] The Brytains that inhabited in thoſe dayes about the partes of Calender wood,Calend [...] wood. perceyuing in what danger they were to be vtterly ſubdued, aſ|ſembled themſelues togither in purpoſe, to trie the fortune of battell: whereof Agricola being aduer|tiſed, marched forth with his armie deuyded in three battailes, ſo that the enimyes doubting to trie the matter in open fielde, eſpye theyr time in the night, and with all theyr whole puiſſaunce ſet vpon one of the Romaine Legions, whiche they knewe to be moſt feeble and weake, truſting by a camiſado to diſtreſſe the ſame: and firſt ſlea|ing the watche, they enter the campe, where the ſayd legion lay, and finding the ſouldiers in great diſorder, betwixt ſleepe and feare, begin the fight euen within the campe.
[1] Agricola had knowledge of their purpoſed in|tent, and therfore with all ſpeede haſted forth to come to the ſuccours of his people, ſending firſt his light Horſemen, and certaine light armed footemen to aſſayle the enimies on theyr backes, and ſhortly after approcheth with his whole puiſ|ſance, ſo that the Romaine ſtandards beginning to appeare in ſight by the light of the daye, that then beganne to ſpring, the Brytaynes were ſore diſcouraged, and the Romaines renuing theyr force, fiercely preaſſed vpon them, ſo that euen in the entrye of the campe, there was a ſore conflicte, tyll at length the Brytaynes were putte to flight, and chaſed, ſo that if [figure appears here on page 70] [page 71] the mariſhes and warddes had not ſaued them frõ the purſute of the Romains there had bin an end made of the whole warres euen by that one dayes worke. But the Brytaynes eſcaping as well as they might, & reputing the victorie to haue chan|ced not by the valiancie of the Romain ſouldiers, but by occaſion, & the prudent policie of their cap|taine, were nothing abaſhed with yt their preſent loſſe, but prepared to put their youth againe into armour: and therevpon they remoued their wiues and children into ſafe places, and then aſſembling the chiefeſt gouernors togither, cõcluded a league amongſt themſelues, eche to ayde other, confyr|ming theyr articles with doing of ſacrifice (as the maner in thoſe dayes was.)
[1] [...] ſeuenth [...]re.The ſame ſommer, a bande of ſuch Dutch or Germaine ſouldiers as had bene leuyed in Ger|manie and ſent ouer into Brytayn to the ayde of the Romains, attempted a great and wonderfull act in ſleaing their captaine and ſuch other of the Romain ſouldiers which were appointed to haue the trayning and leading of them, as officers and inſtructors to them in the feates of warre: & when they had committed that murther, they got into three Pineſſes, and became rouers on the coaſtes of Britaine, and encountring with diuerſe of the Brytains, that were readie to defend theyr coun|trey from ſpoyle, oftentymes they got the vpper hand of them, and now and then they were chaſed away, inſomuch yt in the ende they were brought to ſuch extremitie for want of vitailes, that they did eate ſuch amongſt them as were the weakeſt, and after, ſuch as the lot touched, beeing indiffe|rently caſt amongſt them: and ſo being caried a|bout the coaſtes of Brytain, and loſing theyr veſ|ſels through want of ſkill to gouerne them, they were reputed for robbers, and therevpon were ap|prehended firſt by the Suabeners, and ſhortly af|ter by the Friſers, the which ſolde diuerſe of them to the Romains and other, whereby the true vn|derſtanding of their aduentures came certainely to light.
[1] In the ſommer next following,The eight yeare of Agri|cola his go|uernment. Agricola with his armie came to the Mountaine of Granze [...]en, where he vnderſtoode that his enimies were en|camped, to the number of .xxx. thouſand & aboue, and dayly there came to them more companie of the Brytiſh youth, and ſuch aged perſons alſo as were luſtie and in ſtrength, able to welde weapon and beare armour.
[1] Amongſt the captains ye chiefeſt was one Gal|gacus, who the Scottiſh chronicles name Gald.Calgagus whõ the Scots name Gald and will needes haue him a Scottiſh man.
[1] This man as chieftaine and head captaine of all the Brytaynes there aſſembled, made to them a pithie oration to encourage them to fight man|fully, and likewiſe did Agricola to his people: which being ended, the armies on both ſides were put in order of battaile.
[1] Agricola placed .viij. thouſande footemen of ſtrangers which he had there in ayde with him in the midſt, appoynting three. M. horſmen to ſtand on the ſides of thẽ as wings. The Romain legi|ons ſtood at their backs in ſtead of a Bulwarke.
[1] The Brytains were embattayled in ſuch or|der that theirfore ward ſtood in the plaine groũd, and the other on the ſide of an hill, as though they had riſen on heigth one ranke aboue another.
[1] The middeſt of the fielde was couered wyth their charets and horſemen.
[1] Agricola doubting by ye huge multitude of eni|mies leaſt his people ſhoulde be aſſailed not one|ly afront,Cor. Tacitius but alſo vpon euery ſide the battails, be+cauſed the rankes ſo to place themſelues, as theyr battails might ſtretch farre further in bredth than otherwiſe the order of warre requyred: but he t [...]k [...] this to be a good remedie againſt ſuch inconueni|ence as might haue followed, if the enimie by the narrowneſſe of the fronts of his battailes ſhould haue hemmed them in on eche ſide.
[1] This done, and hauing conceyned good hope of victory, be alighted on foot, & putting his horſe frõ him, he ſtood before the ſtãdarts as one not caring for any danger yt might happen. At the firſt they beſtowed their ſhot, & dartes freely on both ſides.
[figure appears here on page 71]
[1] [page 72] The Britains aſwel with cõſtant manhood, as ſkilful practiſe, with brode ſwords & little rounde bucklers, auoided & beat frõ them the arrowes and darts that came from their enimies, & therwithall payd thẽ home againe with their ſhot & dartes, ſo that the Romains were nere hand oppreſſed ther|with,Betaui. bycauſe they came ſo thick in their faces, till at length Agricola cauſed three cohorts of Holã|ders, & two of Lukeners to preaſſe forwarde, and ioyne with them at hand ſtrokes,Congri. ſo as the matter might come to be tried with the edge of the ſword which thing as to them (being enured with yt kind of fight, ſtood greatly with their aduantage, ſo to the Brytaynes it was verie daungerous, that were to defende themſelues with their mightie huge ſwordes and ſmall bucklers.
[1] Alſo by reaſon their ſwordes were brode at the endes, and poyntleſſe, they auayled little to hurt the armed enimie. Whervpon when the Hollan|ders came to ioyne with them, they made foule worke in ſleaing and wounding them in right horrible wiſe.
[1] The horſmen alſo that made reſiſtaunce, they pulled from their horſes, and began to climbe the hill vpon the Britains.Holanders. The other bands deſirous to match their fellowes in helping to atchieue the victorie, folowed the Hollanders, and beat downe the Britains where they might approch to them: many were ouerrun & left half dead, and ſome not once touched with any weapon, were likewiſe o|uerpreſſed, ſuch haſt the Romains made to folow vpon the Brytains. Whileſt the Britiſh horſmẽ fled, their Charets ioyned themſelues with theyr footmẽ and reſtoring the battel put the Romains in ſuch feare, that they were at a ſodain ſtay: but the charets being troubled with preaſe of enimies, and vneuenneſſe of the grounde, they coulde not work their feat to any purpoſe. Neither had that fight any reſemblance of a battel of horſmen, whẽ eche one ſo encõbred other, yt they had no rowmth to ſtu [...] themſelues: The charets oftentimes wan|ting their guiders, were caried awaye with the horſes, that being put in feare with the noiſe and ſtur, can hither & thither, bearing downe one an othe [...] and whomſoeuer elſe they mẽt with.
[1] [2] The Brytains now that kept the toppe of the hilles and had not yet fought at all, deſpiſing the ſma [...] number of the Romaines began to come downwardes & to caſt about, that they might ſet vpõ the backs of their enimies, in hope ſo to make an end of the battell, and to win the victorie: but Agricola doubting no leſſe, but that ſome ſuche thing would come to paſſe, had afore hande fore|ſeene the daunger, & hauing reſerued foure wings of horſemen for ſuch ſodaine chaunces, ſent them forth agaynſt thoſe Brytaines, the which horſe|men with full randon, charging vpon thẽ as they raſhly came forwards, quickly diſordred them & put thẽ all to [...]ight, and ſo that purpoſed deuiſe & policie of the Brytains turned to their owne hin|derance. For their horſmen by their captains ap|poyntment trauerſing ouerthwart by the fronts of them that fought, ſet vpon that battaile of the Brytaynes which they found before them. Then in thoſe open and plain places a grieuous & hea [...] ſight it was to behold, how they purſued, woũded and toke their enimies: & as they were aduiſed of other to ſlea thoſe that they had before takẽ, to the ende they might ouertake the other, there was no|thing but fleeing, taking & chaſing, ſlaughter, ſpil|ling of blood, ſcattring of weapõs, grũting, & gro|ning of mẽ & horſes yt lay on the ground, gaſping for breath, and readie to die. The Brytains now and then as they ſawe their aduantage, namely when they approched neare to the woods, gath [...]|red thẽſelues togither, and ſet vpon the Romains as they followed vnaduiſedly, & further (through ignorance of the places) than ſtood with their ſure|tie, inſomuch that if Agricola has not prouided remedie, & ſent forth mightie bands of light armed men both on foote & horſebacke to cloſe in the eni|mies, & alſo to beat the woods, ſome greater loſſe would haue followed through too much boldneſ [...] of them, that too raſhly purſued vpon the Bry|tains: who when they beheld the Romains thus to follow them in whole troupes and good order of battail, they ſlipt away & tooke them to flight, ech one ſeeking to ſaue himſelfe, and kept not to|gither in plumpes as before they had done:
[1] The night made an end of the chaſe which the Romains had followed till they were throughly awearied.
[1] There were ſlain of the Britains that day ten M. & of the Romains .140.Ten the [...] Brytains [...]. among whom Aulus Atticus, a captain of one of the cohorts or bande [...] of footmen was one,Aulus Atticus ſlaine. who being mounted on horſ|back, (through his own too much youthfull cou|rage, & fierce vnrulineſſe of his horſe) was caryed into ye middle throng of his enimies, & there ſlain.
[1] The night enſuing, the Romains paſſed with great ioy and gladneſſe for the victorie atchieued. But among the Brytaines there was nothing heard but mourning and lamentation,Brytaynes [...] Scots neither yet Pictes. both of men & women that were mingled togither, ſome duſ [...]e to beare away the wounded, to binde, and dre [...]e their hurtes, other calling for their ſonnes, kin [...]folks and friends that were wanting. Many of them forſooke theyr houſes, and in their deſ [...]| [...]ate m [...]de ſet them on fire, and [...] forth [...] their [...] refuge and ſafegarde, forth|with [...] of the ſame left them and ſought others: [...] with diuerſe of them [...]ooke counſell to|gither what they were beſt to doe, one [...] they were in hope, an other [...] they [...], as people caſt into vtter diſpayre: the beholding of theyr wyues and children, oftentymes moued [page 73] them to attempte ſome newe enterpriſe for the preſeruation of theyr countrey and liberties. And certayne it is that ſome of them ſlew their wiues and children, as moued thereto with a certayne fonde regard of pitie to ridde them out of further miſerie and daunger of thraldome.
[figure appears here on page 73]
[1] The nexte daye the certayntie of the victory more playnely was diſcloſed, for all was quiet about, and no noyſe heard any where: the houſes appeared brenning on each ſide, and ſuch as were ſente foorthe to diſcouer the countrey into euery part thereof, ſawe not a creature ſturring, for all the people were auoyded and withdrawen a farre off.
[1] But nowe of this battell, and other the do|ings of Agricola, in the Scottiſhe Chronicle ye may fynde more at large ſet foorthe: for that which I haue written heere, is but to ſhew what in effect Cornelius Tacitus writeth of yt whiche Agricola dyd heere in Britayne, withoute ma|king mention eyther of Scottes or Pictes, onely naming them Britaynes, Hor [...]ſtians, and Cali|donians, whiche inhabited, in thoſe dayes parte of this Ile which now we call Scotland.
[1] After that Agricola hadde thus ouerthrowen hys enimies in [...]pight fielde at the mountayne of Granzeben, and that the coun [...]ey was quite ridde of all appearaunce of enimies: bycauſe the ſommer of this eyght yeere of his gouernemente was nowe almoſt ſpente, [...]ctor. Bo. he broughte hys army into the confynes of the Horreſtians, whyche in|habited the countreyes nowe cle [...]ed Angus and Merne, [...]. Tacitus. and there intended to Winter, and tooke hoſtages of the people for aſſurance of theyr loy|altie and ſubiection.
[1] This done, he appoynted the Admirall of the nauie to ſayle about the Iſle, whiche according|ly to his commiſſion in that poynte receyued, luckily accompliſhed his enterpriſe, [...]hauen cal| [...] Trutulen| [...] peraduen| [...] Rutu| [...]ſis. and brought the nauie about agayne into an hauen, called Trutulenſis.
[1] In this meane time, whileſt Iulius Agrico|la was thus occupyed in Britayne, both the Emperoure Veſpaſian, and alſo his brother [...] thus ſucceeded hym, departed this life, [...] Domiſian was elected Emperoure, the [...] hearing of ſuche proſperous [...] ſucc [...]ſſe as Agric [...]la had againſt the Britaynes, [...] ſo [...] for the thing well done, as he [...] to cõ|ſider what glory and renowne ſhoulde redounde to Agricola thereby, whiche hee perceyued ſhould muche darken the gloſſe of hys [...], hauyng a priuate perſon vnder him, who in worthyneſſe of noble exploytes atchieued, farre excelled hys doyngs.
[1] To fynde remedie herefor therefore, he thought not good to vtter hys malice as yet whylſt A|gricola remayned in Britayne, with on [...], whych ſo muche fauoured him, and that [...] good cauſe, ſith by his policie and noble conduit, the ſame hadde obteyned ſo many victories, ſo much honor, and ſuch plentie [...] and [...]|ties. Wherevppon to diſſemb [...] [...], ap|poynted to reuoke him foorth [...], of Britaine, [...]s it were to honor hym, not only with reſerued try|umphes, but alſo with the Lieutenantſhippe of Syria, which as then was voyde by the death of Atilius Rufus.
[1] Thus Agricola being conte [...]a [...]nded [...] to Rome deſyu [...]ed his prouin [...] vnto his [...]|ceſſor Cneus, Trebellius,Cneus Tre|bellius alias Salustius Lucullus as ſome thinke. appointed thereto by the Emperour Domitianus, in good quiet and ſauegarde.
[1] Thus may you ſee in what ſtate Britayne ſtoode in the dayes of King Marius, of whome yet Tacitus maketh no mention at all. Some haue written, that the City of Cheſter was buil|ded by this Matius, though other as before I haue ſayde,Fabian. thinke rather that it was the worke of Oſtorius Scapula their Legate.