[1] THe ſonne of Theomantius was of the Bri|taynes made King after the deceſſe of his fa|ther,Kym|belyne. in the yere af the world .3944. after the buil|ding of Rome .728. and before the birthe of oure Sauioure .23. This man as ſome write, was [page 46] brought vp at Rome,Fabian out of Guido de Columna. and there made Knight by Auguſtus Ceſar, vnder whome hee ſerued in the warres, and was in ſuche fauour with him, that he was at libertie to pay his tribute or not.
[1] Little other mention is made of his doyngs, except that during his raigne, the Sauiour of the world, our Lord Ieſus Chriſt, the only ſonne of God,Chriſt our Sa|uiour is borne was borne of a Virgin about the .23. yeare of the reygne of this Kymbalyne, and in the .42. of the Emperour Octauius Auguſtus, that is to witte,3966 in the yeare of the Worlde .3966. in the ſe|conde yeare of the .194. Olympiade, after ye buil|ding of the Citie of. Rome .750. nigh at an end, after the vniuerſal floud .2311. from the birth of A|braham .2019. after the departure of the Iſraelites out of Egipt .1513. after the captiuitie of Babylon 535. from the building of the Temple by Salo|mon .1034. and from the arriuall of Brute .1116. complete. Touching the continuance of ye yeares of Kymbelines raigne, is ſome diſcordaunce a|mongſt writers, but the beſt approued affirme, that he raigned .xxxv. yeeres, and then dyed, and was buried at London, leauing behind hym two ſonnes, Guiderius and Aruiragus.
[1] But heere is to be noted, that although our hi|ſtories do affirme, that as well this Kymbeline, as alſo his father Theomantius, liued in quiet with the Romans, and continually to them pay|ed the tributes which the Britons had couenan|ted with Iulius Ceſar to pay. Yet wee finde in the Romane writers, that after Iulius Ceſars death, when Auguſtus had taken vppon him the rule of the Empire, the Britaynes refuſed to pay that tribute:Cor. Tacitus in vitae [...]. Agr. whereat as Cornelius Tacitus re|porteth, Auguſtus (being otherwiſe ocupied) was contented to winke, howbeit, through earneſt calling vpon to recouer his right by ſuch as were deſirous to ſee the vttermoſt of the Britiſh king|dome, at length, to witte, in the tenth yeere after the death of Iulius Ceſar, whiche was about the thirtenth yeere of the ſayd Theomantius, Augu|ſtus made prouiſion to paſſe with an army ouer into Britayne, [...] and was come forward vpon his iourney into Gallia Celtica: or as wee may ſay, [figure appears here on page 46] into theſe hit her partes of Fraunce.
[1] [2] But here receiuing aduertiſements that ye Pa|nonians which inhabited the countrey now cal|led Hungarie, and the Dalmatians whome now we call Slauons had rebelled, he thoughte it beſt firſt to ſubdue thoſe Rebelles neere home, rather than to ſeeke newe countreys, and leaue ſuche in hazard whereof he had preſente poſſeſſion, and ſo turning his power againſt the Pannonians and Dalmatians, he left off for a time the warres of Britaine, whereby the lande remayned withoute feare of any inuaſion to be made by ye Romains, till the yere after the building of the citie of Rome 725. and about the .19. yere of king Theomantius raigne, yt Auguſtus with an army departed once gayne from Rome to paſſe ouer into Britayne, there to make warre, but after his commyng into Gallia, when the Britaynes ſent to him certaine Ambaſſadors to treate with him of peace, he ſtai|ed there to ſettle the ſtate of things among the Gaulles, for that they were not in very good or|der, & hauing finiſhed there, he wẽt into Spayne, and ſo his iourney into Britayne was put off til the next yeere, that is, the .726. after the buildyng of Rome, which fell before the birth of our Saui|our .25. about whiche time Auguſtus eftſoones meante the third time to haue made a voyage in|to Britayne, bycauſe they could not agree vppon couenaunts: But as the Pannonians and Dal|matians hadde afore time ſtayed him,He kept [...] promiſe [...] the Roma [...] when as before is ſayde, hee meante to haue gone againſte the Britaynes: ſo euen nowe the Sa|laſſia [...]s, (a people inhabiting betwixt Italy,Thoſe of [...]a|lice & [...] and Swetzerland,) the Cantabrians and Aſturians by ſuche rebellious ſturres as they reyſed, with|drewe him from his purpoſed iourney. But whe|ther this cõtrouerſie which appeareth to fal foorth betwixt the Britaynes and Auguſtus, was oc|caſioned by Kymbeline or ſome other Prince of the Britaynes, I haue not to auouch: for that by [page 47] our writers it is reported, that Kymbelyne being brought vp in Rome, and made Knighte in the Court of Auguſtus, euer ſhewed himſelfe a friẽd to the Romanes, and chiefly was loth to breake with them, bycauſe the youth of the Britayne nation ſhoulde not bee depriued of the benefite to bee trayned and broughte vp among the Ro|maynes, whereby they mighte learne both to be|haue themſelues lyke ciuill men, and to atteyne to the knowledge of feates of warre. But whe|ther for this reſpect, or for that it pleaſed the Al|mightie God ſo to diſpoſe the myndes of men at that preſent, not only the Britaynes, but in mã|ner all other nations were contented to be obe|dient to the Romayne Empire. That thys was true in the Britaynes, it is euidente ynough by Straboes wordes, [...]r. Geog. whiche are in effect as follo|weth. At this preſent (ſayth he) certayne princes of Britayne, procuring by Ambaſſadors and dutifull demeanors the amitie of the Emperoure Auguſtus, haue offered in the Capitoll vnto the Goddes preſentes or giftes, and haue ordeyned the whole Ile in a maner to be appertenant, pro|per and familiar to the Romaynes. They are burdened with ſore cuſtomes whiche they pay for wares, eyther to be ſent foorth into Gallia, or brought from thence, whiche are commonly iuo|rie veſſels, ſheares, ouches, or earering, and other conceytes made of ambre, and glaſſes, and ſuche like manner of merchandiſe: ſo that nowe there is no neede of any army or garriſon of menne of warre to keepe the Iſle, for there needeth not paſt one legion of footemen, or ſome wing of horſe|men, to gather vp and receyue the tribute: for the charges are rated according to the quantitie of the tributes: for otherwiſe it ſhoulde be needefull to abate the cuſtomes, if the tributes were alſo reyſed: and if any violence ſhoulde be vſed, it were daungerous leaſt they mighte be prouoked to re|bellion. Thus farre Strabo.