5.45. Theomantius.


[1] [figure appears here on page 45] AFter ye [...]eth of Caſſibe|lan.Theo|mãtius. Theomã|tius or Tenã|tius the yõgeſt [...] of [...]ud, was made K. of Britayne in the yeere of the World .3921. after the [...]uil|ding of Rome 706. and before the comming of Chriſt .45.Fabian. He is named alſo in one of the Engliſhe Chronicles Tormace: but in the ſame Chronicle it is con|teyned, that not hee, but his brother Androgius was King, where Geffrey of Mo [...]mouth & other teſtifie, that Androgius abãdoned the land clere|ly, and continued ſtill at Rome,Gal. M. bycauſe he knew the Britaynes hated him for the treaſon he hadde committed, in aiding Iulius Ceſar againſt Caſ|ſibellane. Theomantius ruled the land in good quiet, and paied the tribute to the Romanes whi|che Caſſibellane had graunted, and finally depar|ted this life after he had raigned . [...]. yeares, & was buried at London.