5.40. Elidure againe.

Elidure againe.

[1] ELidurus brother to this Archigallo,Mat. VVeſt. was then again admitted king by conſent of al the Bri|taynes .3700. of the worlde. But his two yonger brethren, Vigenius and Peredurus,Brother a|gaynſt bro|ther. enuying the happie ſtate of this worthie Prince, ſo highly for his vertue and good gouernaunce eſteemed of the Brytaynes, of a grounded malice conſpired a|gaynſt him, and aſſembling an armie, leuied war agaynſt him, and in a pight field tooke him priſo|ner, and put him in the Tower of London,Elidure com|mitted to pri|ſon. there to be kept ſafely as a priſoner, after he had raigned now this laſt time the ſpace of one yeare.