[1] WHen Archigallo was thus reſtored to the kingdome, and hauing learned by due cor|rection that he muſt turne the leafe, and take out a new leſſon, by chãging his former trade of liuing into better, if he would raigne in ſurtie: he became a new man, vſing himſelfe vprightly in the admi|niſtration of iuſtice, & behauing himſelfe ſo wor|thily in all his doings, both towards the Nobles and commons of his realme, that he was both be|loued and dread of all his ſubiects. And ſo conti|nuing the whole terme of his life, finally departed this worlde now after he had raigned this ſecond time the ſpace of tenne yeares, and was buryed at Yorke.