5.37. Archigallo.


[1] [figure appears here on page 30] ARchigallo,Arch [...]|gallo the ſeconde ſonne of Mo|rindus, & bro|ther vnto Gor|bonianus, was admitted King of Brytayn, in the yeare .3686. after the buyl|ding of the citie of Rome .470. after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites out of capti|uitie .255. and in the firſt yeare of Soſthenes king of Macedonia.

[1] This Archigallo (in the Engliſh Chronicle called Artogaill, [...] nouriſh [...] ) followed not the ſteppes of hys brother, but giuing himſelfe to diſſention & ſtrife, ymagined cauſes agaynſt his Nobles, that hee might diſplace them, & ſet ſuch in their rowmthes as were men of baſe byrth and of euill cõditions. [page 31] Alſo he ſought by vnlawfull meanes to bereaue his wealthie ſubiects of their goods and riches, ſo to enrich himſelfe and impoueriſh his people. For the which his inordinate doings, his Nobles cõ|ſpired agaynſt him, and finally depriued him of all his honor & kingly dignitie, after he had raig|ned about the ſpace of one yeare.