[1] [figure appears here on page 29] ELanius ye ſon of Kimarus,Elanius or as other haue,M [...]t [...]. VVeſt. his brother, [...]gan to [...] the Bry|taines in the yere after the creation [...] of ye world . [...]061. after the building of Rome .445. after the deliue|rance of the [...] in [...]he [...]th y [...]re of the [...], after which account the bookes of Machabe [...]s doe recken, which beganne [...] the [...] after the [...].
This [...] the Engliſhe Chronicle is named alſo [...], by [...] Da [...]ius, and by an [...] with [...] muche followed, Elanius [...] ſhoulde ſeeme to be our perſon: but other [...], and ſay that he raigned [...] .vill. [...].