[1] Guin|tolius [figure appears here on page 21] GVyntoli|nus, or Guintellius ye ſonne of Gur|guintus, was admitted king of Brytayne, in the yeare of the world .3614 after the buyl|ding of the ci|tie of Rome .399. and ſeconde yeare of the .106. Olympiade.
[1] This Guintoline was a prudent Prince, graue in counſell, and ſober in behauiour. He had alſo a wife named Martia, a woman of paſſing beautie, and wiſedome imcomparable, as by hir prudent gouernment and equall adminiſtration of iuſtice after hir huſbandes deceaſe, during hir ſonnes minoritie, it moſt manifeſtly appeared.
[1] It is thought that in an happy time this Guin|toline came to the gouernance of this kingdome, being ſhaken and brought out of order with ciuill diſſentions, to the ende he might reduce it to the former eſtate, which he earneſtly accompliſhed: for hauing once got the place, hee ſtudyed with great diligence to refourme of newe, and to ad|orne with iuſtice, lawes, and good orders, the Brytiſh common wealth, by other Kings not ſo framed as ſtoode with the quietneſſe thereof. But afore all things hee vtterly remooued and appeaſed ſuche ciuyll diſcorde, as ſeemed yet [page 29] to remaine after the maner of a remnant of thoſe ſeditions factions and partakings, which had ſo long time raigned in this lande. But as he was buſie in hande herewith, death tooke him out of this life, after he had raigned .xxvij. yeares, and then was he buried at London.