5.22. Gurguſt the .14. Ruler.

Gurguſt the .14. Ruler.

[1] [figure appears here on page 27] GVrguſtius,Gurguſt [...] the ſon of the beforenamed Riuall, beganne to go|uerne the Britaynes in the yeere after the Cre|atiõ of the world .3249. and after the firſt foun|dation of Rome .33. E| [...]echias raigning in Iu|da. This Gurguſtius in ye Chronicle of Eng|land, is called Gordodian the ſonne of Reignald, he raigned .37. yeres: then departing this life, was buried at Caerbranke (now called Yorke) by hys father.