5.19. Cordeilla Queene.

Cordeilla Queene.

[1] [figure appears here on page 20] COrdeil|la ye yõ|geſt daugh|ter of Leir,Cor [...]+la. was admit|ted for Q. & ſupreme go|uernoure of Britayne, in the yeere of ye World .355. before the building of Rome .54. Vzias then raigning in Iuda, & Ieroboã ouer Iſraell. This Cordeilla after hir fathers deſeaſe ruled the lãd of Britayne right worthily during the ſpace of fiue yeres, in which meane time hir huſband died, and then about ye end of thoſe fiue yeres, hir two Ne|phewes Margan and Cunedagius ſonnes to hir aforeſaide ſiſters, diſdeigning to be vnder the go|uernement of a woman, leuied warre againſt hir, and deſtroyed a great part of the land, and finally tooke hir priſoner, and leyd hir faſt in ward, wher|with ſhee tooke ſuche griefe, beeing a woman of a manly courage, and deſpayring to recouer liber|tie, there ſhe ſlew hirſelfe whẽ ſhe had raigned as [figure appears here on page 20] before is mencioned the tearme of fiue yeeres.