5.17. Baldud the .9. Ruler.

Baldud the .9. Ruler.

[1] [figure appears here on page 19] Bladud [...]r Bal| [...]ud.BAldud the ſonne of Lud Hudibras, begã to rule ouer the Bri|taynes in the yere of the world .3085. [...]al. Mon. [...]he King was [...]med. This man was well ſeene in ye ſci|ences of Aſtronomy, and Nigromancy, by which (as the common reporte ſaith) he made the whote bathes in the Citie of Caerbran now called Bath. [...]ote bathes. But William of Malmeſbery is of a contrary opinion, affirming that Iulius Ceſar made thoſe bathes, or rather repayred them when he was here in Englande: which is not like to be true: for Iulius Ceſar, as by good coniecture we haue to thinke, neuer came ſo farre within the land that way forthe. Both of theſe bathes more ſhall be ſayd in the deſcripti|on. But to proceede. [...]a. VVest. This Baldud tooke ſuche pleaſure in artificiall practiſes and magike, that he taught this arte throughout all his Realme. And to ſhew his cunning in other poynts, vppon a preſumptuous pleaſure which he had therein, he tooke vpon him to flie in the ayre, but he fell vpon the temple of Apollo,The prince did [...]ye. which ſtoode in the Citie of Troynouant, and there was torne in peeces af|ter he had ruled the Britaynes by the ſpace of .xx. yeeres.